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.Peruuueutly Cured of Piles. Hon. O. H. Kice, late B. K. Cuimnisdioucr uf Vorinont, writes: MlLTON, Vr.,.SL'l)t. IC I have been a great sufferer f'roiu Piles, having had t in Us blind phase tor years. About two years ago, wlicn the disuat-e bcgaii to assuuie the blecding fonii, I triod "Kidney-VVort," and used about a half dozen paekages, wbioh I believe effected a pormanent cure. From my own experiencv and ili:ii of others I atu aoqu;iintid wiüi, I becume .saüNÜed that the Kid noy Wort pos.sused reuiarkable virtuos, and probably should havo purchased au interest in it.s sale had I boon posticssod of sufficient means. Truly youra, CÍ. II. UicE. A Itemurkable Ani-Perlodlc and Tonic. "Cincbo Quinine," prooounced superior to Sulnhate Quinine by pbysicians, because it produces no di.-aprfcable effect upon the head or stomaoh. T)ose is the samo as the bulphate, and price is only $1.50 per ounoe. Sold by all Drufigists. Sent, postape paid, on receipt of price, by Hillings, Clapp & Co., Cheinists, Boston, Mass. CHILDREN Cry for Pitehcr's ("astorln. Thcy like lt bccause it is sweet ; Mothers likc Castoria because it gives Ik uit li to the child ; Auri Pliysiciaus, it coutaius uo mm - phliic or mineral. Castoria Is .Vitiire's Kcincly for ikssiniilat ini; tluFood. It cures Wind Colic, tlie raislnt' of Sour Curd and Diarrhwa, allays Fevcri.-iiiH-ss and kills Worius. Tlm.s the Child has hcalth aud the Mother obtaius rust. Pleasant, Cheap, and Keliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most cffectlvc Pain-rolioving agents for MAN ami BEABT the vrorld has over known. Over 1,000,000 Bottlo oíd lam year ! The reasons fr thls uoprecodentud populstlly are ovlflent ; the Contaur Ziinimonts ure mn1to deserve confldonco, thcy are absorbed lnto the ütructure ; ttiey alvrays euro nd never disappoint. No pereon nurd longor eullVr rrth PAIN in the BACK, Rhoutnatism or Stil! Juiuts, tor tbc CENTAUR Linimento will snrely exteriiiinatn the Pain. Therc In no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Sald, Buru, Ilruise, Sting, (Jall or Lameiiess, to hicli Mankind or Dunili Rrutcs nrc snliject, tliat tov.n not rrspoud to tliis Soothiug Balm. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relltve pain, bnt they incite hcalthy actlon, W i'ijtauimation. and cun, whcthcr tho ByrapUimu procced frum woundt of the flesh, or Neuralgia of the Nerveê ; trom contractud Oord or a scalded hand; from a ipraincd anklc or a yathcd foot ; whether from dbjgustlng PIMl'LES on a LADY'S FACE or üsCrained joint on a Ilorsc'a Ig. The tlgony produced by a Burn or BMM : mortlflcation from Froetbltcê ; 9wellirg from Straina ; Ihe tortures of Rheumatim ; Orippled or life by eome neglected accident ; a valuable Itorse or a Doctor' Bill may all bc saved from One Bottle of Centaur Liniinent. No Houtekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Tuamstor, or Llveryman, can affurd to be without thoee woiuieríu LinimetiU. Thcy can be proenred In any jntrl of the globe for 50 tVüj and tlM a bottle. 'J'rial bottleü 30 Venlt. Swallowing F0IS0U SrurU of disgusting mucuus from the or npon the tmuiU, Watc-ry Kjes, Snvfflei, liuzzinf in the Bare, Deafnesx, crackling nonsations In the hend, Intermittent l'alns over tho Kyc, Foetul llreath. Nasal Twanj;, Scubs iu the Noetrlls, and Tlckling io the Throat, are SIGS OF T itltll. No other mcA loathtome, treacherons iind undormininR malady corees mankind. One-flfth of our Children die ot discases (renerated by lts Inftclious PoUon, and one-fourth of livlug men and women drag ont miserable exietenccu from the eame cauec. Whüe atltep, tht impuriiet in the notrll are iieccssarlly $wallowcd into the itornach and inluiled inlo th4 lungt to jwtson every part of thu syetem. Dr. Wei De Meyer's Catarrli Cure absorlis the purulent virus, and klllg the seeIs or toisón in the Tartliest parts or tho systeui. It will uot only relieve, but ccrtainlj euro Catarrh at any stage. It is the only rcniody whieh, iu oor judffmeiit, has CTCr j-ot i , ¦¦! 1_, currl a ufXMrOllll' Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! Q. (i. l'regbnrv, Prop. West Knii Hotel, Lonfr llranch. Cuted ol HU yoarn Cbronlc Catarrb. S. Benodlct, Jr., Jewelur, 6ir7 Brodway, New York (loember of limiily) Cured of Chronic ('atarrb. E. II. Brown. ;9 Canal t., N. Y., Curod ot' 11 yoaro Chronic Catarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Itrondway. N. Y. (Slstcr-lu-law) Cured of l yearn Chronic Catnrrh. Mrs. Johii DnafMr, rithkffl, N. Y., Cured of 8 yeare ( 'hniuic Caiarrli. Mr. Jh.-uIi Swartz. .Ir., ax Warren Strn't, Jerwy City, Cured ol 18 yiare t'hronlc Cutan li. A. It. Tborn, 188 Mpqtwne St., Drooklyn, (elf aud uní]) Cured of Catarrh. Uev. Wm. Andemon, Fordham, N. Y, Cured oí 20 years Chronic Catarrh. Mlle. Almcc, Opei Prima nonna, " I havo recelved very troat benefit Trom it." A. McKinney, B. li. Pre.. : l'.roiwl St., N. Y " My fainiiy exiwrleuced Imiutsdlatu rellel " c, 4c, &c , tc., &c. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Curo II the most important Medical OiNcsrery since aecination. It is sok] by all Druggiats, or delivered by D. B. DxWKY & Co., 40 Icy St., N. Y., at $1.50 a. piickaRe. To clubs, six psclngies tor $7.50. Dr. Wei De Meyer's Trcatise is sent frec to anyIxxlï. 951-1002- ow BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. 85 TO 910 PER ACRE! NlroncNoll! Maro 'ropa! Knllroad Hirougb ti'iilrr of Laad. llilili i lliiiuL. HrliooU and 'burche, lii1.11 ltt.ri t HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Thsi) land are a long dlatance Kul of tlio MlSHis-sippi Kiwr. l.iirtif iiniuiiiit Mivi-il In travel ana traniportfttlon oreropc DMcrlp. tlv6 iiMnplili't in KnrllMh and (lermnn W. . III .11 UT. Oommlarionsr, Orand Rapldi, Klcblfao. DKI-IIKU Cajcii)r asi iu" lUi. Cider per üjiy. ELEVAT0KS. PUMPS, PATENT &ACKS and Clothi, Jelly Pain, Cider Koepine Solution, wiih f.ill line c.f CIDEE MILL SUPPHE8.' I ( ul , .¦ free. Meaiion ilus i.iikt Acldrc:. c. 0. HAMPT0N, Detroit, iílioh. lias ïooti u o w Si'iiil lor ilincl iou for Helf-Mcneurainent. 75 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, IIKTHfllT, MM 'II. Wil 1U1H


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