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Some New Thoughts On Marriage

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Marriage is, (o a man, at once the happiest and saddest eventof hislife. Hequits all the companions and asaociations ot' his youtb, and beoomes the ehief attraction of a ncw home. Every former tie is loosened, the spring of every hope and action is to be chaDged, and yet he flees with joy to the untrodden paths before hiiu. ïhen woe to the woman who cao blight suoh joyful anticipations, and wreek the brigtit hopes of the trustiug, faithful, fragrant masculine blossom, and bang his head against the sink, and tbrow hitu under the cooking range, and kick him into a three cornered man.s, and then sit down on hitn. Little do wounen realize that all a man needs under the broad cerulean douie of heaven is love- and board and clothes. Love is life. If some woman or other don't love him, and love hita like a hired man, ne nines away and eventually climbs the golden stair. Man is born with Btrong yearnings for the unycarnable, and he does not eare so much Cor wealtli as he does for some one who will love him under all circumstances and in all couditions. Ifwomep would speud their evenins at home with their husbands, they would see a marked change in the briuhtness of their homes. Too many sad-eyed men are wearing away their lives at home sewinx buttons on. But enough of this. We would that we had a pen of fire to write in letters of living light the ignominy, and oontumcly and- some more thingsliku that, the nanies-of which have o.scaped our memory, that are to-day being visited upon our sex. . ileinember tliat your husband bas the most de hcate sensibilities, and keonly feds your coldness and neglect. The fórmer may be rctnedied by toasting the feet over a brisk fiie befure going to bed, but the latter can only be remedied by a total reform on your part. Think what you piotuised his parents when you sued (br his haud. Ihink how his friends, and several girli to whom he had at different times been eneaired, carne to you with tears in their eyes and besought you to be kind to him. Do thuse things ever oceur to you as you tlirow him over the eard tab!e and mop the floor with his remains? Do you never feel the twinges of remorpe after you have put an ootagon head on him fur not wiping the dishes dner? Th(nk what a luxurious home you took him from and how his mother u.sed to poliKh his boots and take care of him, and think what drudgery you subject him to now. Ihmk on what pain it must cause him when you grow] and swcar at him i ernaps when you went away to your work you did not leavc him wood, and coal, and water ; does he ever repino at your .u, ii wives kDew the wealth of warm and true affection locked up in the bosoms pt their husbands, and would draw it out, instead of allowing the pert and unprincipled lured girl to get all the benefit, what a change there would be in thls world of ours ! But they never do until the companioa of their joys and sorrows has winged hiswayto the evergreen shore and takes charge of the heavenly orchestra, and then tor about two weeks you will see a violently red proboscis glimmeringand sparklingunder a costly black veil, after which the good quahtieaofthe deceased will be preserved in alcohol, to be thrown up to No. 2 in tho bright days to come. Then, in conclusión, wives in Israel and otner railroacftowns, love your husbanda whiie yet it u time. Give him your confidence. If your active corn manilests a wish to leave the reservation, go to your husband with it Lean on him. He will get a wood rasp and make that corn look sick. He is only waiting for you confidence and your trust lel him your business affairs, aad he will help you out. He will, no doubt, otter to go without help in the house in or der to economize, and he will think of numberless otber little ways in which to nave money. Do as we have told you and your uveswill be one great combination of rare and beautifully dissolving views. You will journey down the pathway of your earthly Aisieno wiih ibe easy poetical glideofthe fat man who steps on the orange peel. Your last days will be surrounded wlth a halo of love, and as your eyes get dim with age, and one by one your teeth drop out, you can say with pride that you have never


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