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Grand Rapids has úx stores Hghtcd hy eleotricity. The lumbcr tnarket is reportcd as boom ing, and sales lively. The Episcopal church at Greenvillo has been reeently all paid for. A Sunday-school association ha.s been orgunized in Antrim eounty. Kalamazoo reporta the whcat erop yield, BO f, -ir, 10 per ceut. below last year. Tho prohibition state convention iscalled for Sopt. Ift, to be held at Jacks n. llorse trots : at Charlotte, August 18 to 21 ; Jiaton Rapids, August 25 to 28. There was a balance on hand in the state troasury, July 31st, of $1,510,0.,5.14. The Michigan grand lodge of good tem plin is to meet at Allegan, Oct. 9ih. A grand soliiiers' and sailors' reunión is to be held at Miles, August 25th and 27th. The annual picnic of the state grange of husbandry, occurs at Lansing, Aug. 12th. Berrien eounty reports her wheat erop M averagiug frooi 25 to 35 bushels per acre. Wyandotte has a new summor resort at the sulphur springs, known as the' Ui ver Park hotel. Grass Lake is to have a new town hall' the same to cost $2,000, and to be 30x70 ieet in size. The democratie club of Niles have bought 100 chahs to set down on and rest alter election. ueiiK s nour dj y ld, at Sand Beach, burn¦ cd Wt week Lom, bout #17,OUU; insurI anee for 19,000. The Dundec Reporter is trying to wake up the UtJKOi oi that place on lire extinguishmg faciliticd. There will be a Wealeyan camp-meetÍDg near Hebberville, coaimencing August 3d and Iiisting one week. The state troops encarupuient occurs oo the 9th- up to and ucludiiig the 14 h of August- at Kalawazoo. The populatioD of Michigan will be a htilo over 1,1,00,000 as showu by the census. In 1870 it was 1,184, l'S2. Four boys, ranging from ten to twclve years of age, were drowned at Iienton Harbor, last week, while bathiog. The llth annua! reunión of the 5th Michigan intantry is to take place at Saifinaw, on the 25th of next month. ExGov. Blair was a delégate from Jackson county to the republicao state convention held in the city of Jackson last Thursday. ine canip-meeting at Bay View, nea. l'etoskey, which oommenced on the 27th LTedverSeeldhelarge8tinPOintOInulli: The green stockings, the Indiana base , ball chaiupions, played the Tecumseh boys recently and a score of 7 to 6 in their L vor resulted in ten inoings. Edward Smith, aged 86, of Clarendon, was found dead in bed at the Itichardson house, Homer, July 28. Cause, suicide by laudanum. Domestio trouble. Charles W. Garfield (secrelary of the state pomológica! Bociety) has been nsniiTü fr,e.Pre.sentt."je by the republicana of the 2d district of Kent county. O.'iver Bean, of Mugkegon, cooimitted suicide by jumping into the lake, at that place July 31. 45 years oíd. leaves a "wife and four children. Family difficulties. The people of Cheboygan have subsenbed 12 713.00, besideS giving the right "f way for the extensión of the Jackson Lansmg and Saginaw II. K., and is tü secure the same. . Congressman J. C. Bunows was renominated by the republican convention at Paw ¦ law on Thursday of last week, on i w , Ot' recelv'n 55 votes, and J. J. Woodman 2. L E. Woodin, Esq., of Monroe, who aeKr ahPP0'nted t0 the Oteo lnda agtooy, Neb ezpects toremove bis family directly to the ageno; , as soon as he qualïnes at Washington. A threshing eogine boiler exploded on the farm ot Robt. Bailey, near Ogden station , Lonawee county, July Slat, fatally scaldmg one man and 15 othen had a close cali for their lives. i he Hillsdale regetta on Baw Besíe lake passed off extremely plewant to all ooncerned. The Hillsdale tour, who have made themptïvea famous by their records ín races, defeating every competitor. A man supposed to be a cigar maker, and from Coldwater, threw himself under a passing (rain, near Schoolcraft, Kalaoiazoo county, last Friday, and was cut in two by (lie cars. Name and cause unknown. Burglars celebrated the last day of July a fraverse City by burglarizing the Heral d office safe, and that of J. A Perry & I Lo-, and entering the house of five or six citizens besides that of Rev. Mr. Eldred. nA87vailstOn Was foünd dead in bed a' xNo. 87 ahmt street, Detroit, last Saturday where he liyed alone. He was once weakhy, but dissipated hú fortune in drink, and it m supposed he committed suïcide by taking laudanum. The Blisafield Advanoo (Ind.) aays the Hanoock boom in that village seemed to have boümed itself iuto an early demise. Iwcnty dollars have been raised for an H and K banner and a rand ratificaron meetiní: was to llave been held. But the dbon"eïatdfyeSn ' ñ&t' the ratifie" housea of the 1 1 th district, rccommends in bw repons the appropriation of #12,000 tor light houses and improvements at bpeeUcle reef station, straits of Mackiüaw, Cheboygap, Mcfialpiu's Point, Wangoshance on Lake Michigan, Little Traverso and at, the mouth of Sc. Mary's river. The Eagle says persom can Ko throu?h from (xrand Kapids to New York in 2)J iT 'r ' w' TV" Leavtí GraDd KP on hc G. R. & I. at 4:45 p. in., arrVe in Kalamazuo in timo to Ukc supper, and hen take the fast line on the 'Michigan Central which left Chicago at 3:30 p. m , and whicU will arrive in Detroit at 11-50 p. m. Prof. 31 T. GasB.of the Fenton schools, has accepted the position of superintendent ot the bhat schools, wee Prof. T W KÜfSfc , If uTf .Om et aíong'with thatilmt school board, he will do better than any man yet has ever done, for it is quite diftoult to find any one member of it who can a8rce with hiiuself ny great length of time. The largo mili at Hungerford, six milos frotu Big Hapids, was burned reMOtly. The mili was owned by Mason & Hackley, of Muskcgon. Loss, $40,000; insured for $30,000. About 0,500,000 ieet of lamber was also burned, 1,000 000 belonging to üiteriuat, Fox & Co.', of Urand Rapids, and the reiuainder to C R Colburn, of Michigan City, Ind ï T ' i uP.(;n.PonlDK n empty freignt car at i the M. C. depot, Detroit, recently, a man 1 was tound lymg in the corner of the car io 1 unconscious condition. Ho was taken t to the central station and aroused sufficientt y to teil his name, Charles Frcnch, and f lus home, Hornellsville, N. Y. Ha had a Jeen shut in the oars six days, without fb)d t )r water, and livcd but a short time aftcr 1 eing tound. t


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