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Date Due Notice Glitch: Check your Due Dates!

by eli

We've just discovered that, due to a bug related to the time change this Sunday, Date Due Reminder Notices did not go out yesterday (3/30) or today (3/31), and will not go out tomorrow (4/1). This means that if you have items checked out that are due Sunday, 4/2, Monday, 4/3, or Tuesday, 4/4, you will not receive an email notice reminding you of the due date.

We will take steps to avoid fining items due on those dates, but if you do receive fines next week because you missed your reminders, please be sure to contact us and we'll take care of those fines for you. In the meantime, please take a moment to check your account and see if you've got any items due 4/2-4/4. Reminder Notices will resume via email on Sunday, 4/2, for items due Wednesday, 4/5. Thanks for your patience, and please feel free to comment on this post if you have any questions.

As an aside, we do know that this bug has been fixed in the next release of our circulation system, so this shouldn't happen when we fall back in October.


Another Glitch?

There is also a problem with the new Pittsfield branch/catalog.
When I tried to renew online,
the check box appeared for renewal but the message "renew not allowed" was displayed.
I phoned circulation & was told that nothing from Pittsfield can be renewed.

Could you post a sign and have Pittsfield staff inform patrons that items from Pittsfield can not be renewed?

Is this an intentional policy or just a computer glitch?

the circulation policy states:
"Renewal of Materials
Library materials checked out at the Downtown or Branch Libraries may be renewed at any circulation desk. Currently, renewal of material is not possible at the Bookmobile."

This makes it sound like you should be able to renew items from Pittsfield since it is a branch that has offically opened.

This also limits access for the disabled, people without transportation as you also can not request any title owned by the Pittsfield Branch. There are some titles located at Pittsfield only.

This was a measure aimed at keeping the shelves well-stocked during the opening rush. However, we have just lifted all the restrictions on the Pittsfield collection as of May 1. You can now request items from the Pittsfield collection, and you can renew Pittsfield items checked out on or after May 1. We're sorry that you weren't informed when you checked out your items that they were not renewable.

In regards to items that are only at Pittsfield, this is essentially due to an oversight, as we do not intend any item to be held only by a branch. We are buying extra copies of items that are only at Pittsfield as we go, please let us know if you come across something we may have missed.

Thanks for your comments, please let us know if you have any further questions.


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