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Republican County Convention

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A conventiou of republican elector! of Washtenaw cuoty ansenibled in the court house at 12 o'olook noou, Tuesday, the 3d day of August, for the purpottu of' eleoling 10 delegates to tho congressional convention, to be hold ut Adrián, Tueday, Aug. lOtti. At tho appointdd lime tho oonvention wan called to order ly Hon. A. J. Sawyor, chairman uf the county coimuittee, wlio in a few reuiarks cxplained hin owri puailion in respect to the congre-sional nouiuiation, and the atories afloat in respect to tho samo, and after thanking his friends who had supported his name, withdrew the sauic f rom thu canvu.-s, und proniised a cordial and hcarty support to whoever the couveu tion sought to bring forward. He also referred to the grand prospecta which the republicana had of carrying the county, state an i national tickets. In closing his remarkfl, he called to the ohair Audrew Campbell, of l'ittsfield, astemporary chairman. E. P. Goodrich, of Ypsilanti, waschosen as temporary secretary. Ou motion of J. W. Winjj, of Scio, the ohair appointed the following as a committeo ou permanent organizatiou : J. W. Wing, of Scio ; II. S. Dean, of Ann Arbor; J. E. Smith, of Pilt-ifield ; Dr. F. K. Owen, of Ypsilauti ; David Wilsey, of l'ittsfield. Tho following were appointed as a coiuíuitiee on credentials : Chas. E. HLscock, Ann Arbor; 11. D. Platt, of Pittsfiold ; J. M. Chidester, üf Ypsilanti. An adjournmout wa.s then cffocted until 2 o'clock p. m. Upon reassembling, the commiuoe on credcniials reported the following named gentlemen as entitled to seats in tbis convontion as delégate : Ann Arbor towu- John Q Mea.l. W. A. Mlllurd. J. I). Willlams, 8. w. Bhartleff. Aun Albor city - lst ward - Franklin Cato, E. I). Kinue, Utx. Huiler, H. s. l).in. 21 waril- Frunk Kmerick, Emanuel Mnnn, i'. HhcIi. E. k. Prentiurr. :id ward - Charles E. Hiscock, Nelson Booth, L. Uruner. Jan. B. Hnunders. 4th wni'il- A. H. Pattengill, Tlum. J. Koech, E. Treadwell, Chas. A. 'liaiin. BU) ward-Eli B. M;iuly, N. H. Plerce, EII W. ' {"i 'ward- J. W. Hniulltou, 11. K. II i II, A. F. Martín. Augusta- H. P. Thompson, N. A. Keduor, Win. Dausingburg, Thos. C. Howard. Brldgewater- W. W. Hess, Ueo. 8. ltnwson, Jjiiii.-s Burns. Dexter- Thos. Blrkct, Willis Beuton, Juhn IC. Hall. . Freedom- l-'rcdi'rick Pitsmayw. Lyudon- Clias. Cnnfleld. Clias. Sawyer, J. 1. Clark. Lodl- h. Bassett, Isaac Alien, Krcd. Wood, Kll Brniuard. Lima- Wnrren K. Jrtllen, Frank H. Wurd, David Rockwell, F. F. Tucker. Manchester- Johu H. Klnsaley, A. V. Frooniau Samuel H. Porklus, T. J. Thomo, J. H. HolmeH, Jas. McMuhon. Northfleld K. K Leiand, F. W. üarker, O. L. Laraway, Judsou Salycr. Plttsfleld-H. D. Platt, A. Campbell, M. F. Taso, D. Wilsey. Seto-Chas. Howell A. D. Crftue, E. E Applcton. J. W. Wing, John Henley, Amos PhatM. Salem- W. B. Thompson, Ira Stauton, S. C. Sober, J. N. Thompson. Sallu-F. Kobiusou.H. lionnett. Kiohanl II. Marsh. Jas. Hough, A. ü. Nickcrsou, W. 11. Gledart. Superior- ,T. A. Wilber, M. Clements, E. Townsend, Wm. Manly, A. M. Kimmel. shmon- George Osboru, M. 10. Keeler, E. Cushman, A. S. Osborn. 8ylvan-Wm. .ludson, J. L. Hilbort, E. Zlnke, 11. M W.kxIs, T. K. Wood, W. F. MatPli. Webster- ('vrus M. StarkB, A. J. Sawyer, Jas. KoOoJl. L. IX 'Hall. Vpsüantl lst ward- J. N. Chidester, J. E. Post. A. A. Alnesworth. '.'(1 ward- E. V. Goodrich. E. P. Alien, Di. V. H. Hall. 3d ward- H. Batclielder, Dr. F. K. üwen, C. R. Pattlson. 4th ward- F. A. llunt, II. K. DleklnRon. 5th ward- s. W. Parsons, Gio. V. Havens. York-KansDiu Saulsbury, L. O. Alien, James OtMiatlett, .Ir., John W. Blakeslee, J. B. Forsyth. Ypsilanti town Wm. Campbell, BenJ. Einerick, J. E. Smith, Chas. Fletcher. The committee on permanent organization reported the ñames of the temporary officers for permanent ones. Upon the announcement of which Mr. Campbell made a atirring appeal for J. Webster Childs as a carulidate for congressional honors in this district. He said therc was but ono candidate from tbis county, and that in unity thero was etrength ; that to Washtenaw county belonged the nomination, and if they would act in unisón it would go where it belonged. He was not sorry that the parties were so evenly divided in tbis country, as it necossitated puttiug forward the beat men by tinth sides. He considered the republk-an party the party of this country in morality and virtue, and contaiocd the conservativo power of the nation. As it has been for twenty years in power, and presented such an admirable record, he had no fears but the people would still retain it there. If we could have the conjjrcssionul nouiinee from this county, it w uld ivo tbc county ticket a -;ratid Ímpetus and carry the party forward to victory. Afier Mr. Campbell fini.shod, Dr. W. II. Hall, of Ypsilanti, moved that the o mvention assemble into representative district to chose tha necessary delogates, eaofa district to recMumond a 'proper person for dülOgBtB ;il largo. E. P. Allen, in seconding the motfon, spoke in favor of scndini; a solid 3etcgatkn to Adrián in iho interest of Hon. J. Vc!i ster Childs, and ho thought in case they did so, thorc would be no doubt uf that gentleman V nomination and elcotion. He closcd his reuiarks by saggesting tlic atine of Andrew Campbell, the ohuirraan nf tho conventiun, as suitable fnr delegatu at largo. The different districts then went into caucus and ohoxe the ful'owini; delegfttM : lst District- E. 1' Allen an.l F K. OwflD, Ypsilanti; L.C. Allen. York; 11. IJ. Plalt, nttsfleld ; Harvey Kennctt, 811 ne, U District- OhaH. K. Ulaoocb, Ann Arbor; Trueman K, Qooclapod, Baperlor; A. H. PutteuKill. Ann Arbor; John ('. tlead, Ann Arbor luwn ; H.B. Daan, .nn Arbor, Sd ListrU't - Wm. Judson, superior ; Thomus Hurken. Dexter; Jobn Usuley, Solo; .1. il. Klngwtei', Manohuetor ; (eoro Chibóme, 8 harón The first and sucond districts recommended the name of Andrew Campbell as delégate at largo, and the third district presented the name of Wm. J. Knapp, ol Sylvan. A ballot being taken, Mr. Knapp was elected by a vote of 01 to 52. The following resolution was adoptcd by the first district, and also in the seeond on a tie vote, the chairmau giving the casting vote : Resolved, That the dclegates of this district lx' lnstructetl to use all honorable mcans to secure the nomination of our dlsllnguishod fellow-cltizeti, .1. Webster Childs, for OoogreM and in no event to abandon earnest efTortij for hls success unless the time símil arrive when a majorlty of the delegates from the county stuill decide that further ellbrt is useless. Multum iti parvo !- American Ball-Bluo is declared by expert housewive to be a little blue giant of' many accomplishments for laundry-use.


Ann Arbor Courier
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