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UI! WIT! IJS'! Wilt! FOK TUK OIPIEINIIINIGof my grand MERCHANÏ tiiiiiiu DEPARTMENT I have engaged one of the BEST CUTTEHS In the country, and will Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction IN CTJT AND 8TTLK. I will lesivo for New York next Moml.iy to select my stock of GliOTHS, CAgglMBRES, SUITINGS, TRIMMINGS, ETC, Direct {rom Importen for Caefa. 1 will keep ai good and large a stock is any futelass eatabltaament in Michigan. Jly mm-w mm AND Beats' FnmishiB Department Will te kept up largor than ever, and 1 hope by strict atteiition to business and (kir dealing to raerlt a great share of the patronage of the public. I have a lew HATS Lelt whioh I will close out for LESS THAN CO8T, in order to make room for my merohanl tailoring dtpartnwBt LITTLE MACK, THE KINO CL0TH1BR, NO. 9 MAIN STB EEt -AJSnsr RBOR. MB-lflW Dralu Cominissioner's N'otiee. Public notice le hereby given, that, whercaa, heretolon, to wit : 28th day ol June. A. I). 1830, appllcution ui wrillDí: wae made to me, the underaigned, townabip drain conimtaaioner in snd fnr tlu1 townahfpof fittöfluld, in the county of Waahtcnaw, to clean ou'. a certaln county dralu or ditch, kuown as Mallett'a creek, dllch No. 1, Plttsfiuld, town 8 suuth, r. ii e., comniuncip on the Lorth line of Hectlon ten, or iw nu down snid creek ap ia necet-Hary to obtaln dt'ptb umi tul! cnough to finiin the water from the lower Kind aituated In eald inarh dralend by aaid et ek or drain No. 1; followlng the conree of aald Mak through ectiun ten, nlne and alxtcen, to tbe head of aald dit h. or draiu No. 1, ia and on avctinn 17 of said town ;ï toutht ranire ti eaat. with ite tirancbei trlbuiary to aid diain No. 1 ; also lo locat nud construct new drairp or water coursea of eizo xufflcient t" drnln the adjolnli land if fonnd nei essary by the drain conimiadioner or ownt-ra al ldiolntBS lm d. AIbo, to clean out, deepen and'w iden Noriiate'B branch ot atiid drain, No. lt to be :i leot CM CM botlora.coinineucliiK nonh W minutes wet, H leet from h. :. con;r ot the n. w. of p w. i of avctloii Ui ; theuce u. 300 feet. Nortn 19" west, 62 2lU0chalnii aleo, a ditch or wntf - conreo to cominencu on the u w. corner ol n. w, 14 of tbe n. w V of cctlon 16, running near the norili line of eaid section 16 and nouth Ide of the hifchway to the oaat line of the T. A A. A. H, K. line, thence noutheact to the miiin MalU'tt'a creek ditch, or so much thereof a the iartit-f hercio intereeUl muy aree upon ; aaid drain to be at leaat two feet on the bottom. And the satd pcraone having gWcn food and eufncii iit Mccurlty, m wrltini;, to pay all coat and expense of whatever kind, portalning to the aclion of me, the sald towuahip drain commimioner, abont kuch applicatlon in caae mich applicatlon shonld not be iiraiiu-d ; and I, the said townhip drain commiaiioner, bavint? Ihcreafter, to wit: on the 3d day of July, A. D. 1880 proceeded to examine, pereonally the line of the propoacd drnlna and trilmUriea, and fter liavini; made anch exHiulnatku, nnd havine 4ecliircil il to bc rny opinión that it la propor ana nee ufHary and for the pood of the public hcalib, Ihat fuid application ahould be tranted, and not hnviiic tiitfn abh' to obtain a conveyance and n'leafn1 lrom uvcry peraoD tbrough whoae land such ditcb or drttln to pa, ml lt bcing made to appear tliat some persons intereated in iiuch ditch or draiu are minors, bolh resident and non-rcaideut of aaid township. Public notico is hrr.hy given tbat 1 buveappointed the 21t day of August, A. D., lxüii,at the hourol om o'clock, in the aftemoon of aftld dav au tbe time, and the reeidence ol J. V. Smith as a place fur au examluatlon of tin' said appllcation. And I, the sald drain commitiouer, have directd thia uotire to le pnhliehed in the Aun Arbor Couricr.a ncwpapur oí eencral circulatiou in eaid couuty in wUich eaid town riltpHM. In wltncaa whrrenf, I have bcreunto set my hond, thi27ihday ol July, A. D., 1KU, to wit: at tbc id towushlp 01 PiltsDeld, in the countv of Waphunaw C. . P1CKBTT, Townthip rrin Commiaalonur in and for the townaUii of I'ittefleld, in the county of WushteiiuNv. luoo. To Advertlaem. The Ann Akiiok OOOIB hatt doublé the olrciilHiioii Of any olher par puhlltiliea In ilie couiily.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News