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Gastona Mil iíiiii-, of Mothers express their delight ovrr Casterla. It is nature's rcmedy for assimilaling tbc food. Unlikc Castor Oil, it is pleasant lo take, and unlikc Morphine Syrups, it Ís liarmlcss. Castoria regnlate.-i tlie Bowcls, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and iilüjs Fevcrishness. What gives healtli to thc Child promotes rest for the Mothcr. Chlldren ery for Pltcher's Castoria. Il is the most rcliablc, offert i ve and popular article dispenscd foy Drugglsts. NEVER Sincc bcalinc remedies have boen nsed by surrsRZNo ihan has Hiero been knoun ench absolute Pain-relioving agenta as the CENTAUR LINIMENTS. They sootho, heal and cure. Tboy HBAL Cute, Wounds, üall Oíd Sores, Braken Breaste and Sorc ; CUKE- Pain in the Back, Rhounmtism, Sclatlca, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Barache, Tetter, Pimples, Itch, Salt Kheum, and all llesh, bonu aud mímele ailmenu of Animáis ; SDBDUK- Inflammntloo and Swelllng; Bolls, Felona, Ulcere, Sore Throat, lironcliitis, Croup and Qoiney; I'air. from BuriiK, St&lda. Stln's, FroHt-bltes, Spralns and Bruiseg. The experlcnce of centurlee has made the CENTAUR Liniments the most speedy and eíTective curativo ageotH for MAN and BEA3T the world has ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have relleved more bed-rldden Crlppl ; licaled more i r i - 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 u oiiikIn, and Mved more val uall aiilinalN than all other Unlmenta, ointracnte, oile, extract, piasters and so-callod "pain killere'1 and "skin cures" combined. I'liydlolan and Veterinary Snrgeons endorse the Centaur Mniiii. mts ; mllllona nf men, women and children In all countries use tbem, and llousekeepers, Farmers, Planters, TraveUrs, Llverymen, Teamsters and Stock-Lrower?, are thcir potrons. They are clean, they are lianriy, they are clieap, and thoy are rellable. There Is no m lic, pain, or twclllug which they will not allevlate, subdne, or care. Sold thronghout 11IK HABITABLE GLOBK for 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottlcs, 25 cents. Catarrhal FOXSOÏT Wei De Moyor' Treatlse on Catarrli explains the following iniportunt facts : 1. Thai Catarrhal üotds become a 2oisonous inftclioti, at firet local, and ñnally oonatitutiorml. i. Tiat, bc-lui: Couetitutlonal, the Infectiun is be yond the reach of mere local remedies. 3. Thai impurilies in the nostrils are necepsarily swallowed into the stomach and inhaled into the lungs, thus poimning the Digestivo, ltespiratory and Gentto-Uriuary organ. 4. TTiat C'atarrjial virus follows the mucous membrane aiid canses Deafness, Dyspepgia. Ohionic Dlarrbteo, Bronchitis, LeucorrhiEa, and Cünsump tion. 5. That Smolet, DoncheB,Inha!ations, and Innolublc Snnffu, cannot posêibly remove infcetione Inflammatton from the organs nftmed. 6. That an antidote tor CaUrrh mnst possess an an inoculative afflnity for, and the qaality of heln? absorbed by, the purulent mucous wherever localed. Bascd upon these plain theorles, Dr. Wei De Meyer's Cfttnrrli Cure lias proved to be infalliblc. It not ouly relieves, It cures Catarrli at any stage. Home tcstimony : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! W. D. Wood8,47 Broadway, N. Y., Cured of Chroiiic Catarrh. F. J.IIislutt, 859 Broadway, N. Y., 4 ycars Ctarrh. G. L. Broeh, 413 Broadway, N. Y., 10 years Catarrh. 8. Benedict, Jr., Jewelcr, 97 Broadway, N. Y., ()ady friend), cured of Chronic Hay Fever. Mrs. Emma C. Howes, 39 W. Washington Square, N. Y., cured of 30 years Ohronic Catarrh. Rev. Geo. A. Keis, 169 Jay St., Brooklyn, " It restored me to my ministerial labore.'' Rev. Cha. .1. Jones, New Brighton, S. I. " Worth ten times the cost." Rev. Alex. Frees, Cairo, N. Y. " It has workod wonders in nlx case In my parlah." L. F. Newmtn, 305 Fultou SI., Brooklyn, cured of 1 yeure (,'linmic Catarrh. Mrs. J. Swartz, Jr. , 200 Warr.-n St., Jersey City, cured of 18 yeare Chrouic Catarrh. C. &c &.C c. &c. A real rare for this terrible nialady is the most important discovury for tbe reliaf of human suffering slnce varrination. Wel Ie Mejer'H Catarrh Cure is sold by all DnifgistB. or detivered by D. B. Diwey & Co., 46 Doy St., N. Y., for 1.50 a package. To Clubs, hIx packnger" for #7.50. lr. Wrl ! Meyor'M TronllHc, with fnll explnnations and overwhelmlng proois, is poNt-pald and seut freei lo anyhody. ',ri2-l(02- cow früLSJL "A 1U. Cider i' 1 lav TORS. PUMPS. PATENT EACKS ud Cloths. Jelly Pans, Cider Keeping Solution, rilt fi.ll i CIDER MII.L SUPLIES. IHutlratcil i .¦:.-.: n frcc Mcntioi ihi papct Addreu C. ü. HAMPTON, Detroit. iioh. 988-100i: e o w BBd lor directlüos for Self-Me.inurment. 75 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, ¦ IKTItOIT, .tiltil. U93 1U1K


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