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I THE - ReadeH of this notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. Wc promise a cordial wclcome and an attractivc display of rich and artistic wares. M. S. SMITH & CO., Jewelers, Silversmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gems, Comer of Wooáward and JefTerson Tenues. {JpParticular attention givcn to mail orders. 102 OINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY.GROCKRY ani FLOUR ANO FELD STORE. Wc keep couetantly on tiund, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLBSALB AND RBTAIL TRADK. We ehall alfo keep a npply of 8WIFT L DKÜBEL'8 BKST WHITK WHBA1 FLOÜB, DBLHI FLOUR. KYB FLOUR, BUCKWHBAT FLOOR, CORN MBAL, FEKD, c, c. At wbolcealc and retal), a general stock oí GROCERIES 4XI I'KOY Ifcf O.s constantly on hatid, whlch will bo o!d ou a reaaon ablo terme as ateny other honsc in tho clty. Casn paid forButter, Rggn, and Country Prodac general!;. "Qoode dellvercd to any prt of the rity wit' on t extra charge, yr . RIN8BY A HBABOLT. DANDELION Dr. Whltc'8 Dandelinu Alteratlve, tho (rcat Ulood Purlfler and Rvnovator. A tpectnc for Liver l'omIilaint, BllloucuesB. Chilla and Fcver, Dyspepsla, Kldney DIbumhu, lihinmntlBm and Cont!patlon of the Rowclrt. HemovcK pimplefl and eallowiieuH from the nkinf produciní: a cleir complexión. It Ib purely venctahle. perfi'ctly harrales and pleagant to take. Pint bottles only 1, and every hottle worrauted. PULMONARIA, peSS? el, for ConghB, Colds, Asthma, UroDchltie, Uronp, Whoopinc CoiiKh and Inciplcnt Oonsuinptiim. Filty cent per bottle. Large brittlu ti, and cvcrr liottle warrauted. For sale ín Ann Arbor by Kbcrhach & Son, and drueeiBts everywherc. 969-101U I KIOITERKD IN ü. 8. Tjryy g 7vl ¦ FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlginator of Dr. Chnse's Family Medicines Ís thc author of Ir. ChaRc'x Reript-M or. Information for Evopybody. mid other Recipe Iiooks bearing hls name, aml-were bronght about throuEh thc in[Uliies of many of the purchasers of hls liooks for Komething to meet thelr lingerlng and complicated dlseased conditlons, which they did not flnd doKcribed lu hls Books. The proprletorahip of the Medicines, and the business management of the same, havlng paxsed lnto the hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQJJARTERS AT DR. CHASE'S STEM FEIITI HOUSE ANtf ARBOR, M M II , We would say to the public, that they can rent assnred that Ir. ham-n Family MedlIiu-h wlll glve them a greater satlsfnction than any others, for the Uiwawa for whlojb their names tndicute them to Imve been prepared- equal to thatof hls Books over all other books of a similar character, as showu by their sales, wlüch have exeeeded the sales of any other, reaching over one mlllion eopfefl. Oive the.ra a trial, therefore, and know for yourselves. is uil we aak. DR. CHASE'S GoughandWoundBalsam Has been found the quickest and most certain cure of Coughs of any preparation in uso; also quickly rellevlng Hoarseness. SorenesB of the ThroatorLungs, Pain orTightness acros.s the Chest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's 8ore Throat, and Consumption In all lts earlier st.f.s, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc. Prlcc $1 per Bottle, or Bottles Tor ü DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent and cures the Pain and DUtreaa of the Dyspeptlo after meals, and for Pnrlfying and Kenewlng the Blood, quickly tonlng np the 8Umach, and invigoratlng the whole System. Prlce f 1 per Dottle, or 6 Bottlc.s Tor $5. , DR. CHASE'S Liver i Anti-Bilious Pilis For euring the Dlseasos of the I,iver, and correetlng Hllious conditious of the Mystem, as well as for all Cathartic purposos. Sni;urcoated; selling for 5 oentH por Box, or IS Uoxck, pOHtpaid, for Si. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN UNIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-slrength Liniment, eradicatiug Internal or external Pain quicker and moro permamiitly than any other In nse. Two slzrs,- SO centn and si,- or e large Bottles for ¦. DR. CHASE'S MEDIGATED PLASTER Is put up In Roll or Stick Forra, whlch wlll sproiwl a dozen Piasters, gi ving a strengtbening ] and heallng Piaster for two cents Dot aqtwlad by those for whlcli you pay two Büilllngs ; " iug for 5 cents per roll ; flve rolls, postpaid, 1 . Dr. CHASE'S CÁTARRH SNÜFF ] Is for the qnlck cure of ' Tolds In tlio Hi-.-id.' , nnd (loini! all for old Chronlc Catarrh that medicine can do. Selling for 5O ot. por boftts. IX ORDER1NG i (Vnyol tneo Medicines, (lf your Drúrit luis riot got themjor for any furthor infonnaUon In relallon U iliem, adilress the Br. A. W. CHASE MIHK IM COMl'ANY, ' liii lll.cir li !;i)t I


Ann Arbor Courier
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