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Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Gure. fr ( Fbrmerly Dr. Craio' h'idnsy puro A vegetable preparation and tbe onlv auro remrdy iu the World fnr Hriirtit lu i.. Diabetes, and A 1.1. Kidury, Uirr, and trlamrr Dtarun. "Testimoniáis of the hlgbest order In oroof of these statemenu. J"For the cure of ninbtttc, caJI fur nar. ner's Safe Dlabc-te ure. Wïor the cure or liriel.l'. and the other dlseases, cali (or 1 ;;rmi fmc Jii.ln.r and Livcr Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Itisthobest Iïlood Purlfler. andstlmulates overy fuuction to more bealthful actiou, uud ts thus a benefit ín all dlaeases. It cures Srrnfuloiis unil other kin Ernptfoiu and Disenses, iuuwra, Lieer, nnrl otlier Sore. 1 lMpsi, H'pakncM of f lip .Stomnrh, Constipación. IliizIneH, ciifial Uebll'l.'i ' ¦''¦¦¦¦. recared by the Safe Rlttcr. lt is uneqtialed as aci appetlzerand recular tmiie. Eottles of two aizus ; pnces, SOc. and gl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickjy civesKest nnd Sleep to the suffer i ng, curet Headnrhe nnd Nenralflia, prevenís lOpilopllr Fits. and relieves NerluuiPro tratton brought on by ezcessive drink, overworlc, ropnial shocks, and other causes. Powerful as lt is to stop pain and soothp disturbed ííerves, lt nevor mjures the aysiein, whether taken In sraall or largp doses. liuttles of two sjzea ; prices, SOc. and gl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an irumediate nnrl active stimulun tor a Torpld LItw. anrt cure Coitlvmau, Dyipepiia. BllWf9VH0IM! Ê iouiDtii, BlUoni Dirllulnri iHM ThaÈ" MImï. FTir Fmïï4&MRy4 I Hftft and Ague. and shuulil [jypmgU Ik ust'íi whr-iitíver the I 1PtPtÍm5 [¦aV'B bowela du nut opéralo I ' IL -X jJW wjl friH'ly nnd regularly. KHQQn ¦ II J„ „lii.-r l'illi ufh H TVTYi7?nS aFV U1" Iom for thorouith ¦ LiiaPwalKH 14 "urk. Price HS ft. bui. H fyT7if7WnTl W" Vunrr'Sff lt-mt)l(-ir H mIUmUh Wm ' h? DnifïiU Dealer IL-U-LT -Rl H.H. Warner &Co.. 1 11 J-JB ROCHESTEB. N. Y. HLAiAJmIHCJBt C 'HrnA Tor PftHphlct J_aMCpaaalJy nt Tt-I imimjlÜ. i65-101tï TUTTfS symtSsofT" torpsd liver. Loggpf Appetito, Nausea, bowols costive, b'ian i"T!i5Sdyït??5uïTscnBHnonTn He back ptut.páinyadertho houldcrblade ullne8B5te'reátSJ'g, witn a disiiiclinationtoexortionofbocly rminkT tability of temper, ljO"ri' spirits, lio&a ol DiemoryTwïtEntTmgTnHvTnc nilockd ggnvflutyyëariness, )lzr. inesaTFTug? yjg ?t tlv Hgirt Dotsbefore t(ï?êyësj Yellow Skin. Headache, Bëaüesanésaat night, bigMyculored Urine. XF THESE "WAKNINGS ARE UNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BEDE'ELOPED. TUTT3 PILLS nro rHperially nluptl i mi. -li cuses 4iio1uno ríftrlNRiich nrhniivr of li-HiiiK u I.) n-4tonÍHli wiiHirer. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTT -IVHir Rir : For ton yeara I hu boen ft mitrtyr to p.p-ni.c.insliiMitKin iujd PiUi. lju+t SpnDKyoiir Pilla wwrerHXnnnuded: I used tï 1 ara nowawelliuan, bav Kvod appetït.din I jrfoct.r,au]jir .t, p hnvogamed forty poanqsñesh Thoy are w.irth th.'ir wmilit in itoU R vjRJSIMPSON. _.sille. Kj. Tlwy IiiiTcnNoTh!AlirnïiiKl cntiw thoody to Titko n FIc-mIi, tlius the iy. ia ia iKiuri-lin!, and by th( i Tonir Actlon un tl Díkcmí- e (kruiuin, Stttols are prodini-.]. I'riro2r, c.'iils. 85 Murray Ht., N. Y. TUTT'S HAiOYEi Gray on UaisKr i:n ch inged to n ..i i HLACK by il siny!' ufiplk-atiun ot ttn- I ï r li ini parta NatiirarOolur. Mti IntUiUnKMuilj S t TO l'iiKKit--. nr f;-nt v ¦!¦ mnti r ¦¦¦. tp' Office, 35 Murray St., New York, 'AVI-IWS 'o Inventors and Mechanics. aud II. m lo Ubtuln l' I'nmphlfftB of (I ptgM free. npon reectpt of sUnips '¦. AildrcK (H.MO1ÍK, SM1T1I A 00, BoUdtonol Pitante, Box SI, !BU Washington, D. C.


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