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llastings languisheth for a democratie lawyer. St. Clair. hM 715 school cbildren, and more in prospect. B '-eoiuaion wauts a brass bnnd, according to the Pioneer. Tbe Kalainazoo water works are to have an additional stcaiu pump. Muutcalm county foots up 33,271 inhabitants against 13,620 in 187U. The little town of Elsie was quite xtensivolj- lnri;!-i'fi! nn ihp 7lh iust. Grand llapids bicyclists to the nuraber of 14, took a run over to Kalamazoo tbis week. John B. Tyler, of Charlotte, has jut been lcgacied $15,000 wortb by an unele in Norwich, Conu. llon. Levi Bishop, of Detroit, has been recently elected a member of the royal historical society. Burtflars got some $GOOby blowing open the safe otC 11. Fowera, in Bronson, near Coldwater, August Tih. Jobn 'F. Murphy was accidentally shot and killed at Big Rapids, Sunday of last week while out huniiog. Four prisoners escaped from the Lenawee county jail last week, but were recaptured the day following. V. E. O'Bryan has severed his ooonection with the lonja Sentinel, nd goes to the pine woodrt for his bealih. A man named Rodóey E Rogers was run over and killed, by the cara nuar Oshtcmo, on the night of August 7tb. There being no saloon in Middleville, the Hepublican says the red ribbon club hasadjourned until the uiiddle of September. The Methodist parsonage at Utica, MiRomh oountv. cosunc $1,300, has receutly been cleared ot deüt. 1 üe laüies dia u. A coinpany to cmploy fifty upen has re ceutly been organizod at Albion, for tue manufacture of sulky spring tooth harrows. The stu Michigan civalry and tho 2:id Michigan infantry will indulge in a_ grand reunión and picnic at Biriuinghain ou Tliur: - day, Augu.-st 26th. The republicana throughout the state are putting in nomination their best men for couüty officials. Tbis arguea ell for general resulta in November. Ma. M. E. Clarkson, foruierly lst assistant matron at the deaf, duuib and blind institution at Flint, haa been appointed matron of the Detroit house of correction. The M. E. church and parsonage at Berlin, Ottawa county, wbich were sold by execution tUree years ago, have juat been redeemed. There is great rcjoiciog over the result. The government desires to know how great Grand Rápida couimerce is yearly, in order to decide upon the advisability ot diggiog out the river and uiaking a seaport out of the town. C. L. Wendell, of Norway, and John L. Buell, of Quinneáóee, Menominee county, both formerly democrats, have joined the republican party, and several more in the same vicinity will follow suit. The nomination of Ilon. Jacob J. VanEiper, for the office of attorney general, gives great satisfaction to the people of the western portion of the State in particular, and to all republicans in general. Herman Johnson, a farmer near Greenville, had HU sheep, which crawled through a wire fence and " went to bed " on the railroad track recently. A night train killed 43 of thciu, and injured nearly all the rest. The democrats of Adrián, are not at all modest. They on!y ask that the candidate for governor be Col. N. B. Eldridge, and ofcongress Hon. Wm. II. Waldby, bothof that city. The county could give neither a majority. The corner stone of tbc old court house was exhumed recently. A copy of tho Macomb Statesinan and Mt. Clemens Patriot was found tberein witb a business directory oí' Mt. Clemens. Tuc papera were wet and rotten, and fel! to pieces upon being taken out. - Mt. Clemens Monitor. The board of commifsioners for the new school for the blind, located at Lansing, have recently chosen officers. Among them we natice several of the old teachers at Flint. Miss L. V. Abbott is matron, Miss KmtuaF. Kniglitand Miss Clara E. Young teachers, and Miss Jennie Van YVormer, musical instructor. The principal is from the Ohio insiitution. On the morning of the liquor dealers' convention in this city a gentleman coming from Mason got on the rear car and found it nearly filled with saloon men. A vote for presidential preferences was taken in the car, and stood as follows: Hancock 30, Weaver, 5, Garfield 4. Two of the votes for Gartield were cast by tempermnce, opposers of the whisky traffic. A vote was taken on the train which brought the saloon keepers from the north with the following result : Hancock 91, Garöeld 27, Weaver 5, Dow 1. - Lansing Republican. Jackson Patriot: The Michigan Centra-1 bas settled in full with the legal representatiyes of little Willie J. Rice for the latter's claims upon the company growing out of the disaster at the Junction ou the lOth of October last. He receives an aggregate of $14,000 ; of which $6,000 ia for the loss of bis father, $6,000 for the luss of his mother, and $2,000 for his personal injuries. His aunt aud guardián, Miss Mary C. Rogers, is also paid $1,000 for her services in caring fur the little sufferer during his sonaewhat long convalescence. The wheat erop throughout the country has been considerabjy injured by wet weather and the average yield will be nearly twothirds oí a erop. It i generally damp but it is tbought to te of from fair to good nnolifv lïnv han hppn from fair to i 1 'ilH ii v . Ha nao u ,u i 4 uu ntii vw i ¦ ¦ uling. Oats in soroe places have been a heavy erop. Corn wilh a lew exceptioos ie looking poor. There Las been, as usual, somc heavy yiclds of wheat. Rut tbere are very few piuces wbicu run over fourteen bushels to the aore.- Charlotte llepublican. The following list of paieutu were reeontly granted to Michigan people : Ba(h tub, T. M. Armstrong, Roxana ; 8traw cutter, A. J. Coburn. (ircenville ; clover and grass ced sower, J, 11. Davis, assignor to O. E. Thompson, Ypsilanti ; car coupling, W. L. Fisher. South Saginaw : door hanger, G. H. Kiddcr, Armada ; baby-iumper, C. II. Lind, Detroit ; fence, J. Morton, Thornville ; imttlng Ibot-valve3 in pumps (reissue), J. A. Newell and A. LucaMto, Kalaniazoo ; pump (rcissue), II. E. Strait, Galeaburg ; stock-car, II. Sullings, Kalamazoo. It happens thus about 12 times out of a dozen. A young gent, once a Morenci boy, and wbo now has a clerksbip in auother city, wh'i comes home at atarrala " to hatonish tbc nativcn " by the faultioë cut of bis broadcloth, dainty cane and pretty twist othis moustach, now writes a piteous wai! to his frieadi (bi money to save bis watcb and thintts froiu tlio reienÜMi pawnbroker. The moral of tbia story is, that it is wiso for the boys, aftcr bein away, to come home the --ame plain, old boys, rcinetnber that tbeir foruier acquaintancoH have about as iiunh gooi! üouituun sensc as any of ilinr present associates ; and that to put on airs H un rxpi'tisivc; l'U-1i that nevcr pays in tliu end.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News