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Ilogan, dn aeronuat of Jackson, made a baloon ascensión last Tuosday, at Greenville, for the of drawing a crowd to the grcenback convention, and got bis ribs cracked to pay for it. A warning. The sea bathers and the fisherinen near New York and along the coast have been visited by immense schools of man eating sharks, and they are very careful about exposing their precious bodies as buit to the water wolves. The Weekly Capital and the Evening Times, of Coluuibus, ühio, furmeily democratie papers, have taken down the nanies of Hancock and English and will hcreaf'ter support üarfield and Arthur. The democrats are now left without a paper in that city. "George Eliot"- Marian Evans,- the novelist, who livcd witli Mr. Lcwes for manyyears without being marriod to him, in termed "cceentric" or "queer" for puch a deed, but let a woman of less genius or wealth do the samo thing and sho woulc be ostracised from all society. There is a difference betwoen tweedie dum and twecdle lce. i Tho same oíd story is being circulateo nmong demócrata which h;is been told bofore every presidential election since the writer can remember, aud that is "it looks as if Michigan would go democratie this fall." Those who know anything about tin facts of' the case know that thcre is no more possibility of such a result than thcre is of a disp'ay of' loyalty by the southern wing of the democratie ):uly. We had always supposed that (ien. Mea le was the commander of the army ol the l'otomac during the great battle oi Getti'sburg, but bIbh, l'ur the misguided truths of history ! It was not Grea. Meade at all who won that memorable battle. It was Gen. Hancock. Will historian picase chango this statement, and school text books please announee the new deal? Meade was merely a spectator, an on-looker, as it were. Tho Detroit Frce Ptmb, d sheet which misrepresents tho doconcy of its party, in its issue of the Tth contuins a dirty fling at a rocent republican candidato for govornor and his frieods. It is a sample specimen frotn its columns whxb havo alway- ! n dcvoted to the defense and restorMion to power of i gang of thievos who have been plundering tlic pcoplc of the ta te f'or thirty years. Praise f "rom such a source would be nauseating, and comuiendatton an insult and an injury. Merely to how wliat kind of crow the New York World - now tho most contemptiblc of democratie sheets - is ealing, we give the following opinión of Oarfield, taken from its oolomm before be as thought of as a prosidontial Dominee: "In tlie midt of t ï j i ; ornnized oarnivd if corraptioo wliieli lias Ih'i'm (oing on now so uiaoy weary months and year.s at iiígton it U roally satisfaqtory to oateh glimpseí now and thcn of honesty for lionsake, and without oonsidt ration of pirty. (un. Garfiold of'Ouio is a republican of rcpublicans, but it ia his simple duc, whicü wí glmlly pay him, to admit that he has dono more than any other single inombur of his party, durinr the last session o: congress, to show tliat it ia not absolutoly HupoMÍble for a tumi to aot with a eongressionul uiajority and yet to keep his self-rcspect and the respect of honeat men." A Bay City eorrespondence of the De Iroit l'ost and Tribune says that a case ol hydrophobia was cured in that city the other day, and adds that t "ia the firsi case of hydrophobia known to be cured.' THí ia not so. A violent case ocourred in Lapeer wml years ago, and was cured by the late Dr. Axford, of Flint. Unlike the Hay City cure, which left the vietim de mented, the young man id nop alive, in excellent health, and of sound mind. The grecnbackera held a stato convention at Lansing, last Wednesday, and put in nouiination a complete state ticket : Knr Uovernor- David Woodiuau, 2d, of l'uw Ijléutenant Oovernor- Sulllvan R. Armst muí;, f Ni'waygo. Secratary ui SUile- Ilaudolph Stricklaud, of (.'llntun. Tivasurer- John M. Norton, of Oak' Auditor Geneml- 8, H.llowcrlow, of Gratlot ('oiiiinissionur Ol Mlalu Lund Oltlce- Joliu O. Eider, of Lanslng. Altorney Wm. Newton, of Fllnt. supon ntcmlentDf Public lustruclion- Uavld PAnons, ol Wuyne. Meraber or tlic State Board of Educatlou- Y. V. K. Mei wiu, of Jackuou. ELECTO RS. At Lugo Henry 8. Siuitli. of Uraud Kaplds, ftiul John K. Hall, of Three KlverH. DUtrlol Eleoton- ñnl District- Augustus Hay. Second- Henry T. Fnrnbara. 1 !,;r.l -Wm. K. Hlcks. KourtU- Osoar K. Bean. lillh Wm. A. llerke. Blxth- Qeo. W. Stepnenson. - 'ioiiiup j. rtapti. Klghtli -Asa A. Sheldon. Nlnlh -Heury W. Beach. The eelfimposed fasf of forty days and forty nighta by Dr. Tanner, closed at Clarendon hall, N. Y. city, at noon Saturday the 7th inst. He immediately took to drinking milk and eating watermelon anc for every hour for the next two or thrce days took food of sonie kind, gaining, it is saii!, ix pounds in thirty-six hours. It is pretty generally conceded that the fast has been conducted honestly, though it is ut torly incomprehensible to ordinary individual , who are ia the habit of devouring sqaare meáis a day, and are ravenwisly hungrj íf dinner isn't ready right on -time, how the thing oould be possible 2Scnd a suspicion will always exist among thc iiKTcdulous that nourishment in some fonn, oceasionally rcached the lean ant hungry doctor's stomach. Certain it is . tbat in the fooi imitators of the doctor who will spring up in all sections of the country many will lili the grave and the madb mso. hut not one accomnlish tho task So reedy are thc American people for notoriety that they will sacrifico health reason and aliuost every human function to accomplish it. Dr. Tannor has been uo exception. Notoriety has been hi.s sole aim, and he has succeeded. What Ímpetus seience will receive, or what benefit to the human fainily will accrue from this piece of foolhardiness is a question no one has deigned to answor. If less attention was paid to those who set at defiance the laws of nature in testing their powers of endurance, there would be prcciou.sfowatteuipt.s. But few sole loather stomauhs are in the world any way.


Ann Arbor Courier
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