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WAIT! WÁIT! Wilt! WAIT! WOU TUK OIPIEINIIINIGOF MY GRAND MERCHANT H DEPARTMENT 1 have engaged one oï the BEJST CUTTEKiS in tlie country, and will Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction IN CUT AND STTLE. I will leavo for Xew York ncxt Monday to select my stock of CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, SUITINGS, TRIMMINÜS, ETC., Direct from Importen for Cash. 1 will keep as #ood and Ifcrge a stock as any firstclass establishment in Michigan. Jly READY-MADE CLOTHI AND Gents' hñlám Department Will be kcpt iip lnrfrer than uver, nud I hope ly strict (tttentlOB to btelneas and fair dealing to merit a great share of the patronage of the public. I have a few HAÏS Left whirh I will close out Cor LESS TIIAN COST, in order to inakc room for my merchant tailoring departtnent. LITTLE MACK, TUK KINU OLOTHiBR, NO. 9 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOH. 898-104' Dra in Comiiiissloncr's Nol ico. I'ublic liotico is heretoy piven, thftt, wherean,', to wit: 2Hih da oi June, A. 1). 1880, apllation in writlni: wtu made to iih, the underatnetl, lowneblp drain conimieflioner in ind for the town nhip of i'ittMleld, in tba connty of WaBhtenuw, to clean ou'. a certain couuty drafn or ditch, known as Mallett' cm k, dttch No. 1, Pit'wfli lil, town :i aontn, r. tí a., commencintf on the north .f Motíon ten. or bo far down snid crek n is neceeaftry feo obtaiu dt-pth and full eniniih to draiu tbfl water front tho lower land aituated in unid mnrsh drind by suid 'reek cir draiu No. 1; lollowln); tnn conree of suid creek ÜirnuKh eciicm tun, nim: nnd ilxtaen, to the hoad ol mild dit h. or drain No. I, in and on sectiou 17 or naid town '¦ soiiili, nmoe U onst. wltli its tirnnche tribulary to Baid druiu No. ] ; alao 10 locutu mui construct new dnlni nr water courcf of si.o snlllcient to drain the adjoinlng land if fnnnd nccftsnary by tlie druiii conintiKsioncr or ownera of ad)iiiiinïi lumi. Als, to clean out, deopoD and viUn ;Soria!c'8 branch of Buld draln. ffo. 1, to lx on tnc bottom.coinraencinff north li mimiK-c ! , 85 loct from 8. e. cornor ol tba a. . k "f ¦ w, ta wtion lei ; thoncc n. 30) fcc!. Norin 19" west, 63 25 10(lchaln ; aleo, a diich or wnter cmirne to comiui'dco on tbc u w. conier ol n. w. of the n. w , of accüuii ltt, ruiming ncar tho nonh lino or am.l Bcction 16 and sunlh lido nf the hi,'hwiiy to the cvint line of the T. & A. A. 11, K. line, ihinco touthcaBt to Ihc main Mallett'v creek dltch, or bi much theruof atthe 'nru hereln Intermted may aerve npon; wjld drain to be at least two feet on the boltom. And ttie aaid pernon havin jfiven prort and ulnrifiit Berurlty, i writlng, to pay all coste and expensei of whatever kind, pprtainliiR to the action of iuu,4hc Bald towDsbip drain commisionr, about such applicutton in case inch appücatiou ahoald not bc grauicd ; and I, the said townahip draln commisioncr, hiivliiL' tlierenfler, to wit: on the M day l' July, A. D. 1880 proceeded to examine, iiernonally of tlic proported druiiiB and tributarles, and aftor haviii made nuch oxaniinati jn, and having dcdnred it to M niy opinión th.u it 1 proper nnd nee ¦(-;ly iind for the yood ol the public hrallh, that tald application honld be pmnted, and nol hnvlnu beun ablu to oltaln a eonvemuMM and reluan from every pcrHon throuRh whose ïand tnc dltch or dnün ík to pan, nd it belng made tn appvar tlmt om penona interosted in bucu ditch or drain nrc minors, ioth rfsident and nou-repident of Raid townahip. I'uiilic noticc i hereln Btrsn that 1 havo appolnted thi' ïlit day of AuuuBt, A.V., 1KS0, ut hoor ol m o'clock. In tho anemoon of Baid dav as the Umi', and th residonce of J. K. Smlth at a piare for in ex uulimtlon of the BHid applicntion. And I, the xnid drain Bommlwhmer, ban alreeted this notlee to be pnbliehed In the Ann Arbor Ooarieraa newciiaporof Resera] i ir ülatiou iu i-aid county in which Baid townsMp I i In witncBK whcriof, I have hiTcunto iet my hand, thiB STth diiy ol July, A. D., liS, to wit : at the said townshlp of 1'itit.üold, lu the countv ot Wart PICKÍTT, Townsbip lrain ( lommisi li ihT In and u the townBhlp.of l'itipfield, in the coimty of Washtenaw, ÜWKKX). To AdvcrdMT. Thk Ann Arhok OmnUa lum doublé the clrmilHlion dl miy otlicr pupiT pulillNliea lu tlie oounty.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News