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" Pwpwa your ballots, gentlemen," lor next Tucsday's convention. Dr. Georgc has moved into his new house corner of Main and Williaru streets. A large new ciBtern has just been completed, bituated in the rear of the main university building. Gradually. but surcly and solidly is the cause of right, with Garfield and Arthurtit the lioad, advancing. The " Crickets on the Hearth " are not half as glib as the office soekers on the button hole, now-a-days. Dog days are said to be very bad, but for oareelf we inuch prefer dogu- or cats either -in the day time to the night. Isaac Warner, a young lad living on the CornweWs mili road, feil off a stack of hay WstSaturday, dialocating his wrist. üo not forget the republican ward cauhm - to-morrow, Saturday evening, at 7J o'clock. They will be of great importance. Hr WHH i niïiïol orphau boy- He itld not own a centHut still whene'er he ton hisclollics, He' gatbei In tlie rent. Salem Sunbenm. A great many men didn't sce hall' as many mrs hisl Tuesday night as they will ne on thu first Tuo.sday night of November next. ____- A bowe klonging to P. Sicgfried, ran a,vny Monday night, and his little son was thrown out of the vehicle and slightly injored. ____ Deer aro reported very plenty ia the w.hiIs this ycar.- Cedar Springs Clipper. Dott't havo to go tbat far for the dear creaturos in this section. Col. L. E. Crandell of Dundee wilt adm the reform club meeting, Sundny August 15th, at 7:30 p. m. in the tent, wliih will be up in three sections. The democratie ward caifcuses to send deleeates to their county nominating convention to be held on the 2Gth inst., will be held atxt week Saturday at 7} p. m. The man who nvented these " putty blowers" which every urchin lévela at yon as soon as you step in the strect, ought to bc set up as a target for a rifle shoot. Any man who will persist in keeping a howlingdog for the benefit of his neighbors, ought to have tho canine tied in his own bedroom and receive the full benefit himBelf. ___ 9 o'clock p. m. doesn't get around au quick in the evcning as it used to. It is Ketting quite diffident and retiring, and is gradually dropping farther and farthcr into darkneas. " Win. C. Maybury the democratie nomineo for congress in the first district, is a gradúate of both the literary and law departments of the university. He is but 32 ycars old. On Monday, August 23d the greenbackcrs are to hold a mas8 meeting at the tent. Mr. Richard F. Trevellick, of Grand Rapidj, is to satúrate tho audiencc with oft money üeas. "Are the laborers on the T., & A. A. railróad on n strike?" asked one citizen of aiuither last Tuesday. " Why, no," was the reply, " a democratie county convention ia callad for to-day." Prof. J. Bengel and his daughter Paulina, have been engaged as instructora in the crnian-Amcrican seminary, of Detroit. They were at one time resident of tuis city, but more rccontly of Ypsilanti. Company A ruarched to the depot in solid phalanx last Monday morning, and took the 8:10 train for Kalamazoo, wliero the boys have been in camp ever since, and report says are having a splendid time. The Whitinore Lake correspondent of the Brighton Citizen says that a little daughter "f E Iwin U. Stiles, feil into an open cistern, Lt Wm. Ranc's residenoe, and camo near bcing drowncd, on Tuesday of last weck. On Tuesday last Joe T. Jaoobs lost a pocket album between this city and Whikmore Iake, whioh he ia very anxious to rc"rovor. Any ono finding the same will con'er a great favor by returning it to his store. A boy namcd Adolph Christian, while assting Mr. Kent, the lowcr town butcher, nad a wimllass which hc was holding suddenly started which pulled his wrist out of place. An accident eaid to be worse than a breuk. A young man named Mowerson wan run inU) wlúle driving on Huron street last Saturday cvening, and had his buggy sotne"liat domolislied. The fellows who did it "ero Detroit blonda and paid for their fun ¦ ouh. Grand repartí of the good time had by ''" 'xouraionists attending Company A's inñoo last weck Wednesday come to us !;'"" vory ido. KverythinK passed off "'ly and the boys added ncarly $200 to llleir treasury by the move. (wing to inquirios from political party 'nananers and others, in respect to renting thc tent of the Ann Arbor reform club, at the business meeting, Wednesday oven'nir Mit, the tent committee wore authorized to advertiso tlmt non arrangements ull be made wiih them at roa.sonablc Mtaa " My on," said an American fatbcr, "howcould you njarry an Irish girl?" " Why, fathbr," said the son, "I'm not able to keep two women, and if I'd marry a Yankee girl I'd liave to hiro an Irish gir! to take care of her."- Plagiariïed. And now Sheriff Case will pay $25 reward tor tho return of the prisoner who was sont to tako care of tho horses at the jail rcoently, and "litout." It's allright, thocounty ík rioh, and criminalscan be ehased around the country just lor the fun of the thing. A case of kleptotnania occurred at Chas. Fantle's store oné evening last week. Mr. Fantle caught the maniao of theklepto species, recovcred his goods, and drops tho thing, but will kecpaneyo out for such individuals a Hule sharper in the future. Ilarry Thomas, a little eight yearsold son of Frank Thomas, died roeently at liis home in Illinois, and the body wasbrought to the Northfield cemetery for interment. The mother of the deceased was a daugliter of Mr. Walsli, of Walsh's Corners, and died sotne tour years ago. Persons owningboat houses having sufferedcondiderably of late by having the locks picked and fishing tackle etc. stolen, desire to break up this species of thieving if possible, and offer $5 reward for the arrest or conviction of any person or persons caught in detestable business. It is announccd that Prof. W. II. Payne, of the umversity, has assuuied the chief editorial magement of the Educational Weckly, of Chicago. Upon this acoession the readers of that journal are to be congratulated, as Prof'. Payne stands exceeding well among modern educators. A large nuiuber of excursionista from llillsdnle wero in the city last Friday. They carne to Ypsüanti over the D., H. & Sw'n railroad and from thence to Ann Arbor via the Michigan Central. After picnicing at relief park, they visited the university and various places of interest about the city. J. F. Sohuh's famoua pacing horse, Bay Jim, died on Tuesday morning from the rupture of a blood vessel. It is said that arrangements were iu progrc33 to put hitn in training for the races at the different fairs thú fall, and that horseuien throughout the state will be pained to hear of bis deinise. The brick work upon the laboratory extensión wül be completed this week, if nothing liappens, and it is expocted that the sanie will be onclosed in about two weeks. The raising up of this builling will iuiprove the looks of the structure, doing away with that "sqnatty" appearaDce which it has ahvays liad. A state instituto for toachers will be held at the normal school buildings in Ypsilanti, Anguat 16-30. The in-tructors will be State Superintendent Gower, Dr. ülney of the university, Supt. Sill, of Detroit, and I'roi. Pease and McLouth, uf the normal school. Reducedrate8fórbnard. No feos. A large attendance is expected. The tetnperance mass meeting at Whitinore Lake last Saturday was woll attended and $50 was raised for the campaign fund. The meetings at Forbes' corners Saturday and Sunday, were also successful in every way, and about $100 was added to the eatnpaign fund by the people present. Good speakers were in attendacce at both gatheringa. Our readers will fiiid sonie very ntcresting letters in to-day's CoüRiER. Upon the first page will be found one fïom Europe, and one from Leadville ; and upon thesecond page an interesting description of the mines of New Mexico, all from tue pena of fortncr Ann Arbor people. Very few inland journals can boast of such an extensive correspondence. The tri-state fair, to be held at Toledo coamiencingTucsday, Sept. 14, 1880, offers a $500 cliampionship banuer to the best drillcd military organization conipeting for the same. The banner must be held two consecutive years before becoming the property of the winners. Isn't this encouraging the military, and a republican drive at froe inatitutions ? Kh ? The St. Thomas temporáneo and benevolcnt society of this city are out with their billw for an excursión via the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad and the elegant and commodious stcamer Chief Justice Waite to l'utin-Bay, for Tuesday, August 17, 1880. Faro for round trip $1.25, childron, halfprice. Those desirous of a cheap trip will tako advantagc of the offer. The annual catalogue of the state normal school for 1879-80, located at Ypsilanti, is upon our table. It shows the total number of rtudents in attendancc for the past year to have been 462. The fall term for the coming year will commcnce September 14th. Each member of the legislature is authorized to appoint two students from his district, who will be received frce of charge. The Michigan Central railroad senda us a program of the tricnnial conclave of knights templare, to be held at Chicago, August lOth to 19th, with a map ehowing the formation and route of the procession. It will bc one of the grand sights of the times to view 30,000 knights in procession, with thcir beautif'ul uniforms. Several of our people from the oity are eontcinplating attcnding. John Harbor agcd 20 and Mrs. Louisa Cook, agcd 75, wcro united in marriagc at the reaidenee of the bride, in the 34 ward, on Tuosday last, by Justicc W'inegar. The boya formed an impromptu band of about 100'pieces and screnaded the blushing bride and happy groom, the diroful strains of the soothing and plaintive horns lasting until midnight, or thereabouts. Un the 'JTth inst. the Dexter band are announced for a band concert in the tent, in tuis city, until 9J o'clock in tho evcning, after which a dancu will bo given. The Dexter boys are cvery one of them excellent young men, and havo olways promptly responded to all calis from Ann Arbor, and it is to bc hopod that our people will give them a rousing reception upou this occasion, for they deservo it. Whcn thcre is abundance of wind-fal!, or wormy apples, there will always bo plenty of eider in the markot, 80 our pcoplo may rest assured that this fall will see tho eider market glutted. Cider scientists go on tho principie that the worms only oat the apple as food, and consequently they make as good cider aa tho applo itself. And very many people accept that conclusión and swallow the cider, worm juico and all. ?- A grand schemc is about to bc entcred into by enterprising capitalists. It is to produce sufficient inducements for tho demócrata to hold a county oonvention every week during tho sumnier wonths. The frigidness of the same it is thought will bo 8ufficicut to keep the atmosphercof the city oool for tho sovcn ntervening day, and thfll do away with the nccessity of ice. Last TnetcUy tho iofluenoe wu almost productivo of a ]olar wave. Thursday aftcrnoon last, a trauip reachcd ihrough a window at the house of I. L. irinnell, on Fifth street, corner of Wiliaui, and stole a valuable gold watoh, the proporty of Mrs. Grinncll. Although Mren] pooplo were r.oon on the track and ïhaJowed his uiovenieut.s for hourmcecedod in elttding thom, anl madegood his ot-Cüpe. It is understood that quite ostensivo imlrovenients are in coutemplation by the Episcopalian society. Aruong which is the erection of a new chapul in the rear of tbc present church edifico, at a oost of $3,500; also the tearinj; down of the old church building now used as a chapel, and the erection upon its site of i pmOMgt to cost aouie $5,000. Theac iraproveiiienta will place St. Andrew's church property in most excellent condition. Thcfollowing knights tenijilar of this city, and vicinity, contémplate attending the grand Chicago jubilee the comiiiü week : II. T. Morton, W. B. Smith, J. N. Gott, M. Fleming, J. Kapp, Byron Green, Col. Mansfield, L C. Kisdnn, Chas. Millen, W. D. Harriman, F. Sorg, W. A. Tolchard, EL J. Johnson, J. P. Little, Geo Sutton, B. D. Kinne, Ann Arbor; Marcus Cook, V. I. Keel, Dexter; S. Hutcbinson, F. P. Bogardus, Ypsilanti; Dwiglit Peeblos and Wm. Doty, South Lyons. Ypsilanti has woke up politically, and organized a Garfield and Arthur club of 100 meinbers,with Capt. E. P. Allen at its hcad. Frank Hinckly and F. A. Hunt are vioe presidenta ; John II. Fox, secretary ; 1'. W. Carpenter, corresponding seoretary ; J. K. Post, treasurer ; J. M. Chidester, Wm. Kobbins, Dr. W. H. Hall, M. C. Parsons, Warren Pattison, Thoa. Campaigne, Jacob Eraerick, Chas. Sigmund, and Edgar Dickinson, executivo conimittee. The regular meeting of the club will be on Wednesday evenings. A. F. Hangsterfer has purchased a neat little steamer from Detroit parties to run bctween the dam and capeado glen on Hurón river. The boat is nauied " Minnío," is28 fect long kíx and one half fcot widn, drawp 30 nehes of water, and will accommodate 24 passengera. It is complete in all itsmachinery, being a perfect reproduction of a large screw propeller. lts trial trip will be engineerod by Mr. C. B. Davison of this office. We understand that Mr. Hangsterfcr intund-i to clear out the channel and deepen it where necossary, and that trips will be made as often as necessity may require. Picnicers will rpjoice at this innovation. We Baw another sight out of our office window last Tuesday uiornins. A craft in human form carne sailing down tho street threcquarters seas over. Stopping oppositc he rolled fearfully, finally pavo a few lurches and came down solidly on his spanker boom, givinghis main-top a fearf'ul crack as it came in contact with tlie earth. Laying qnistl; fbr a lew minutos as if stunned by tho sudden eapsizing, after awhile hc righted up and tacked down street, fre((Uontly trying the fonce to nee if the posts . were decayed. And the argus eyos of our chief peelor didn't rest upon him. Neither did the ones who sold him that which made him drunk offer assistanco in his sore ueed. The officers of the extensión of the T. , & A. A. 11. R. are putting thcir matters in such shapo that an oarly complotion of the line to a connection with the Fünt & Pcre Marquette railroad is a certain fact. All the men who can work to advantage are being pot on the grading, and the work on the bridge is only waiting for the return of Chief Kngineer Groene. Any parties who wish to get out bilis of timber for culverts, cattle passes, etc., should make application at once, aa their timber must be prepared and on the line before the iron is laid. They advertise that they are paying cash for ties as sooq as delivered on the line, cither of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad or the extensión. Any information will be givcu by II. W. Ashley of this city. The barn of Michael Weinmann, situated in the rear of his meat markct, or midway between Huron and Washington streets, on Fifth strcet, was found to be on fire at about ten o'clock Saturday night. The firo companies were promptly on hand and the Hamos extinguished, but not until the roof and frame were so badly burned that it will be doubtful about rcpairing it. This makes the third time this barn has been fired, and it had just been thoroughly repuired. What the object of' the incendiary or incendiarios can be is a mystery. It is truo that theae tinder boxes in the rear of our business blycks are dangerous things, and the common council should be cxtremely careful in regard to permits toerect or even repair them, but it cannot bc this feeling that has caused the firing of the building. Mr. Weinmann hadan insuranceof $300 which covered loas.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News