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Congressional Convention

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The ropublioan congresaional convention 'er tho second district of tliia state, conlisting of tho counties of Washtenaw, Lenawee, Monroe and llillsdale, convened n the city of Adrián, on Tuesday, the lOth nst. There were several candidates in the ïeld, but the utmost harmony and good feeling existed. The convention was called to order by T. S. Applegate, and Ilenry 3. Dean, of this city, was chosen chairman, and Andrew Winchester, of Hillsdale, jecretary. After the appointtuent of the usual . committees a recess was taken. Upon reassenibling and going through witli the usual preliminaries, the presentation of eandidates was reached. The nanio of Dr. Rynd was most ably presented by Hon. W. S. Wiloox, of Adrián, aad seoonded by Mr. Riley Nash. Mr. E. L. Coon, of' Hillsdale, presented the name of the present incumbent, Hon. Edwin Willits, of Monroe, whioh was seoonded by Judge 11. E. Phinney, of Monroo. Col. I. 11. Grosvenor, of Monroo, presented the name of Gen. Geo. Spau'dinp, of Monroe. A ballot was then taken, resultinj as folows : Edwin Wlllits )i. übaa. Kyuü !,, Uen. Oeo. Hpauldiog lu The solid delegations of Washtenaw and Hillsdale wero cast for Mr. Willits, while jeuawee gave him five and Monroe two. )r. llynd received 10 froni Isnawcc, and Gen. Spaulding ten from Monroe. The nouiination of Mr. Willits was then made unanimous. A congrcHsionul committce consisting of E. h. Coon, of IlilUdale; C. lt. Miller, Lenawee ; W. H. l'ottle, of Washtenaw ; and S. C. Kandal!, of Monroe ; was ppointed. Mr. Willits was then introduoed to the convention and made an eloquent and sound speech, accepting the nouiination. Speeches werc also made by Dr. llynd, Gon. Spaulding, and J. Webster Childa, all jiromising hearty aid to tho ticket.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News