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npO RENT. A very desirable residence, No. üt William street. Therc ie a barn upon tho lot, whlch ia found to be a prcat conventence for niany desirlng to rent. Inqulre at COUKIER OPFICB. TTOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEND. (asollnc and Monitor UU Stoven of all kim!. at J. SCHl'.M Al II i:Hi, 61 South Main strcet. 991-1002 "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, wlth a guod dweiling i house on it, one mile from city city limits. Enquire , 65tf At THB COÜRIER OFFICB. I have a rood, well-tmilt house and lot, situated 011 Ellzabeth etreet, No. 15. Thcre ie a (rood barn ' and wood-shed on thn place. The propertjr in ncw ' and in good repair. Tcrms very liberal. Apply to ', Ü92 1IHII MR9. E. K. WINSLOW. "POR SALE. I have a'good FLOUKINO MILL of four run of stone, Hm I wil! scll or cichant'o fur property In Wasntcnaw County. 964tf HICE A. DEAL. ÜOR EXCHANGE. I havo a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, viilued at }i,0O0, wbich I wil] exchangc for Aan Arbor City property. KICE A. BEAL. I can furnUh Flret-olass mm mmw plants Kortrannplantlng In the fnll.froni my grounds, warrant eU pure. at $3.00 PER 100; $25.00 PER 1,000 ÍW8-1010 BENJ. DAY. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Havin jast gradnated from the Conservatory of Mtteic al stutiKan, Uurmany, wnerc ho ruccived a throui;h eüucutinn, and instractions in the latest mrthoCM of teaching nmsic. is now preparcd to i;ive LcawoiiM In Hnrmou) . atid on tlie Piano and Orjan. Pianua tuued on rcasonablc terms. Kooin, northeast corner ol Maiu and Liberty strecta, up-stairs, Aun Arbor, Mich. 949-10U0 TTOUSES AND LOTO FOR SALE. Sevcral frood hrlok dwclllnL' bonsee, anti a nnmber of framod dwelliníín, deairably situated, with one or more lots for eacb, for sale, on fair terrac and rcasonable credit. Aluo. afty city lot, well locoted, with good title, and on lonp credit. Alto, fnrras and mortgiger for sale. Mntiev safcly invested for lenden, at ten per cent. Inqiure pf ftit9U B. W. MOROAN DETROIT FEMALE SEMINARY, Estahüshod In UK City beautirul and healthfnl. lnstrnction thorough, especiallv In commou branches. Best nat! w teachers in Frenen aud Oerman, Classici, Seifnces, Art, undcr MaPtero. ouservatory of Muiic. xix lnftructors. Trof J. H. llahn, Dirvctor. A linilted uumber of pnpils received Into the fnmily of Principal. Supervisión carefnl and Intelligent. Teachers able itnd experienced. No bettcr advantAu-es at the Kast. Ke-opons Septem ur ü:h. AddroBB MAKCUS U. MARTIN. PRINCIPAL, DETROIT MICM. 9ÍM999 G0T0 WINANS Sc BERRY FOR MBRCHANT TAILOKING For the follo nic renxouH: lst. Uur worl; in all Brst clans. M. Mr. Bcrry is the only ciuter in the late who can Kivc you a crfect flt withoul trying on. M. We have the largest assortmelit in the Sute, havlnt' over 600 dllTerent Btyles to ielect from in foreiyn anti tkinealic Woolens and Woritttti. Hh. We use none hut firwt clans triminliiL'K. 5!h. We are full 40 por cent, below Detroit priem WINANS &, BERRY, 95-liKr7 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor Coimnlssloners' otlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw.B. The underKlRiieil liuvinu been appointed by the Probate Ooort íor eaid Oonotgr, Oommustonen to rec.ivi', examina :iil Idjolt all claims and demands ot all pt'rsonn acalnnt the estaie of James O'Connor, late of waid cotintv, dnrnmrt. ln-uby trive noticc tli:it -ix monthfl [rom t;itc ira !lnwed,)y order of said ProhaU Cnnrt, for credlton to prasnl thelr claims iRiilust tba rsiHti' ofsnld deceascd, aad tliat they will it ttu; office of the Judj;e of Trobate in the city of Ann Arbor, in caid coiinty. "" 'l'hursilay, the tw"'iity-el(,'hth day of Octobcr, and on Frldaf, be twenty-eithth üny of Jamwry sazt, at tm o'clock a. m., ofeach "f aul d"í, ta receive, cxamiiK' nnd adlosi -iiiil claim. l)ated,July 2Sth, I-w). OT-1M0 niiu'p'i1? AC'l l, f "wHilMIM


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