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- - - - - -i ¦- M I -TUK KeadeK of this notice is invited to cali on us when visiting DETROIT. Wc promisc a cordial wclcome and an attractivc display of rich and artistic warcs. M. S. SMITH & CO.. Jewclers, Silversmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gcms, Corner of Woodward asd Jefferson Avenues, (flParticular attention given to mail orders. '.ITT KL'1 DIN8KÏ & tiKABOLT'S BAKEUY,GROCEKY AND - - FLOUR ANO FEED STORE. We keup conHtAtitly on hnnd, BRKAD, ORACKKRS, CAKKS, ETC, FOK WUOLESALE AND 1U5TAIL ÏKADB. Wc shall aleo keep a ünpply of 8WIFT & DKDBKI8 BEST WHITE W11BAT FLOUB. DELHI FLOUR, RYE FLOIIR, BUCKVTHEVf FLOUR, OORN MEAL, FEED, c, Ac. At wholesale and retai). i genera! atock ol GKO ERIFS AND IROVISIOX conetantly on hond, whlch will hc old on ap rcauon ahle term as nt any other house In the city. Caan paid for Hul tor, Eiíks, and Country Producgeneralfy. lafQoodK dclivercd to any part of the rltj wit' oot extra charKC yr !:TVm f ("SAHOLT. DANDELION Dr. White' DindcUon Alterativa, the Great Dlood Puriüer imd Ilenovator. A specilic lor Liver ('omplatnt, BñionsneM, Chille and Cever, Dygpcpsla, tUdney Dibu.i"', itbeusntiim aad Conatlpaitoo of the Bowela, Removee plmplei and hjiIIowikïph from the skin, produciiiR ¦ olear coraplexiim. Il is pnMy veKetable, perfectly hnrmles and pleaonl t" taka. Pint boules only $1, und every bottlfl wiirrnnted. PULMONAKIA.íUí? Ua rmiiílits Coldn, AHihiim. Broncbltla, Ooop, Whoopine Conb and [nciplent Constimptlon. Fifí; cents per lottlc. iArjrc bottiot ?1 aml tmrj botllo warrrtutcd. For unie in Ann Arbur by Eln;rhach & Bont and (iriiKKiHtH evurywhere. tóit-10IÜ AMERICAN" BALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEING I3ST TJSE! 1T IS NOT l'OISONOUS! HELI'S 13LEACIIIN(i and GIVES A BEATTIFUL TINT! {For Salo by all Orooors.„iEJ American Ultramarine Works, SU Mnhlni liilne. Xfw Vork. W lïr IS STRONCLY ENDORSED. Kev. K. V. Ia. O--, .uIiiiu. IUh.. writcx -"For over ten years 1 lud been ¦ graal snfferer from paius in the small of the back and región ol Ihe Kidnuyw, which was most ezcruclatliiK and at tiine almoat innuü'erable. Uoctoring brouht no relief, and 1 was finally advioed to go abroüd nnd scek the clltnate of my yonth. In Germany nnd Switzcrluud, mlnent ihysUiane,oftercloíeexamination,dirlariU my eufl'orina to arme from dtMM ol ihr Kldneys, of lonii etandinir, and could do mu no cood. I wu.-, however, benefltod bj the climatc and consequuntly ratarocd. Ni nconer had I been back aud reenmed roy Ktor:il wurk, when the old tronble enw ncain su míense ny Lo nnkc life a burdrn & ïew monthfl a'o I came in po-soslon of one of Dnj'n Kidney Had, put It on, aud tbe eifucts wero tru'y wunderful. '1 b ptlna ut onca t'rew loss and ar' now, aftor wearng the gecotid Pad, entirely gi)ne, anl there c:ui h no doubt that I am entirely cured, ne ap I wrlte this sorae weeks aftor ita use, anl am mronj,' and look ainin the very picture of hi-altn. I writc tbia pr lectly voluntarlly, and il is dicUled only hv trnth and KraUtudf. [ndeed, I consider thu Day Kidm-y Pad co. Uod's aKcnts And great baefhcton if innnkind. Muy all the tuffsnug bc helped as I liave been is my earncgt wiwh." Mr.K.Niore, Miaron. Wis.- The doctors had Kivcn my mother up witli what they culled HriKhtV Disease. She ie now wi-arit Itny'a Pad, gllDinit trenfrUi. and impruvinp evcry way," Larlmort' A lnn. DrafwlstS, U-m, Mii-h. -(31) yearn in business)- '"Uay's Ktdney Pad is iiavinc a large sale and gtraa botter t,-eLcral satisfaclion than hiiv ramedj wr cvt sold." Caupcr Wltsel, Holic-i man. Lnnciiter, Fa.- "1 have buen a graat tnflfertr trom Kld ney complaint, anl liter weai inir yuur pad. -J days I tsel bvttar than I have in ir, rnr-. ' ir. A. .1. toner, Deotv, ihn. "Yonr Pnd ie duim,' i;rent jikkI hen. Il Selle cv.-ry dy and glvn universal sjitisliictíon." For iale hy druetisU, or eent by mail (freo of postale) on receipt of thrprlce-Itasnlar I'ad, -2.(HI; Special Pad (extra slze), Jci.OÜ; rhildrcn's Ï1.B0. Our book, "IIow a Ufe was Saved," pivinp a hilorv or thl new dlscovery, and a laryc record o( uioji remarkat)le cures sent tri'e Write f'ir it Address, DAY EIÍ1TEY PAD CO., Tolcio, 0. PAIiriflM "wliiff to the many wortulcss UnU I I J lliKidney Pads now peekinc t-nlr n our ru]ulation, we doen it dne the afilie tod to wam Hu-m. Ask for Day's Kidney Pad, umi tnke no other. , nxn Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING ORAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL V1TALITTAND COLOR reiu'ws the growth ; and aiwayn surely mtOTM itp color, wheu faded or t:ray. It Btimnlates ilic nuiritlve orpins to hcalthy activiiy, and praaerreg botta the halr and its beauty. Thus brasiy. wenk or sickly hair becoinea clossy, pllabje and ttrancthlMd ; lost tmir regrows wlth llvely eipreesion ; tallinx buir 11 checkod and eitabliahed; tuin Imir thicken; tnd fded or ;ray liairs iiaiu Huir ciríí-Mial color. lis operation is sure and kMltan, It cures dan.lrull1, hoalsallhumors.andliwps the scalp OOOi, .kan nnd soft- onder which conditlom diseaxee ol tbe calp are Impoaftblo, As a droniBg fnr Mtee1 lwir. the Viaoa It for its Krateful ud agHMblo peifuiue, iwl rahlad tor the solt lustre and richness of toue it Imparta, PltKl'AItliD HY Dr. J. a Ayer & ('o., Lowcll, Mass., Practical aud Amilyticul Cheml Bold by u!l DroggUhi and Doalan In Mud! WC min ,-hw WANTFI1 aasitff Kh 2L5 OT2-1UK!


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