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rui ni of Driuklng. "A young friend of mine was curcd of an risatiaUo thirst for liquor, which had so prostratcd liim that lie was unablo to do iny business. He was entiroly cured by the use of Hop Bittors. It allayod all that burning thirdt; tooit awayoappe:ite for liquor; made nis nervex steady, and he he has remained a sober and steady inan for more tban two years, and has no desire to return to his cups ; I know of a number of others that have boen cured of drinking by it."- From a leading R. R Official, Chicago, 111- Times. Multum in parvo !- American Ball-Bluo íh declared by oxpert housewives to bc a little blue giant of maDy accomplishments for laundry-use FOK TUK OIPIEINIIINIGOW MV OKANI) IERCHANT TIIUIIU DEPARTMENT I liavc engageil one oL the BEST CUTTEKS ill the country, umi will Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction IN GUT AND STïLK. I will leave for New York next Monilay to select niy stock of GLOTHS, GASSIMBRES, SUITINGS, TIUMMINOS, ETC, Direct from im portera for Cash. 1 will keep as ;mxI mul larfíe a stock as any fiistcIiisb establishment in Michigan. My READY-MADE CLOTHINS AND Gents' FnrnisMng; Department Will bo kept up largor than ever, and I liope by strlct attention to business and fair dealing to merit a grcat share of the patronage of the public. I have a few HATS Left which I will close out for LE8B T1IAN OOST, in mier to make room for my merchunt tailoring tlepartiuent. LITTLE MACK, THE KING CLOTH1KR, NO. 9 MAIN STRËET, ANN AKBOR. (KIK 1049 ('hanccry Sal. STATK OP MICHIGAN. The Circuit Court for the Ooontf of Waehtonaw. Ill 'liamx-ry . Albcrt M. Clark and LoriUK -'. Bdiuundn, Ooi plninauts, vs. llarvey M. Wheuler and .-.ophroni Derendants. In purxuauce and ty vlrtue of a decree of Baid court, made and ontered ou the i-eventeenth day of April, A. ü. 18M0, lu the above entitlüd cause : Notlce 1 liereby ylvcn, that I ahall ell at public aucllon, tothc blghñt bidder, on MoniUy, the thirteenth day ui September A. 1). l80, at ten o'clock in the fer-noon, at the eait front door of tbr court houae, in the city of Anu Arhor, Connty of Wanhtenaw, and Sute ol Michigan, tho following deHcribed real .-(-tute, belnj; Ihe Hamo nientioned and dcHcrlbed ín salil decree. to-wlt: The east hall of the northeast Qnarter ol thu iiorthweHt quarter of i-ctlon twenty, lowiiBhip four houiIi of raimo ev. i. uut, coutakilut; twenty MM of huid, mor-; ir urn. Dated July 24lh, A. D. )880. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commluslouer in and tor ihe County of Waohtenaw. State of Michigan. SAWYBK & KNOWLTON, Sollcitor for OomIilainapti-. OT-IUU Dralu CouiuiUsIoner'8 Notlce. I'ublic notico 1 hereby glven, that, wherea, heretoforo, to wit : 28th day of Jone, A. 1). 1880, aimll'' iiiui in writiiii; was made to me, the underalxned, townshlwdrain commtnuloiitr in and for the towuhlp of ('ittiield, In the county of Washteuaw, to clean ou' a certnln connty dntln se dltch, known ua Mlleit'ü creet, ditch No. 1, Pittsttcld, town S eouth, r. 6 o., commencine on the north line of dection ten, or eo far linivu Baid creck 1h ueceesary to obuUu diitb and fall uioufrh to drain the water from tho lower land situated in sald marsh drained by aaid creek or drain No. 1 ; followtng tbe course of nald creek through section ten. Dlne and slxteen, to tbe head of nald dlt h, or drain No. 1, In and on nrctiun 17 of üttld towu 3 south, range oasU with lt brunches tribulary to said drain No. 1 ; also to lootte and construct new dralns or water couraos of lza r-uitlcitmt to drain the adjoinlng landa if found nee nmnrj by ttie draln commiwioner or ownera of ad jolntng land. Ales, to clean out, deepen and widen Norgatr'M branch of eald drain. No. 1, to be 8 iiut on the hottom.commenclnK north 14V minuten weet, S5 feot from ¦. e. corner of the n. w. t of . w. - of ectlon IC; thence u. 300 foet. Norui 19" weet, Iti 10U cbalus ; alao, a dltch or water coureo to coninnii. c on the n. w. corner of n. w. V of the n. w --. of aectlon 10, runnlnfr uear the north lino of eaia Mtk Ui and Kiiuth nide of the highwny to the eaat line of the T. A A. A. R, R. Une, thence onthuart to the main Mallett's creek dltch, or bo mach thoreof iw thu partirn herein lntcretted may agrec upon ; -aid drain to be at leaat two feet on the bottom. And the said peraont having gven rood and eufliclent Becnrlty, i wrlttng, to pay all coBtB and expcnBeB of whatever kind, pertaining to the actum ol me, the sald township drain commlBsloner, abont Hucb applicatlon in case bucd appllcatlou ahould nol bc granted ; and 1, the aaid towntbip drain commiaBioner, bavlne thereafter, to wit: on the Sd day of July, A. D. 1880, proceeded to examine, pereoually, the line of th proiKwod dralna and tributarles, and nftur tiavink' tuade Bucb cxamlnation, and havim' declafed it to bc my opinión that It 1b proper and nee uBsary and for tho twud of the pulijic h:alth, that nald applicatlon sliould bc granted, and not havlng hen able to obtaln a conreyance and releane Irom every person through wbomiland such ditch or draln is to pass, and It bcinR made to aupear that some ierBOna intereBtel in such dltch oraralu are minors both resident and non-resident of Baid township. Public Dotlco ia burehy giren that I have appolnted the 2 Int day of August, A. D..1H8U, at the liourof one o'clock, in tho anemoon of said dav as the time, and thi' reHÍdenco ol J . V. Smlth aa a place for an cxann nation of the said nppllcation. Auii 1, the sald draln commUBionor, have dlrceted tbls nollcc to be pub llshed in the Ann Arbor Courler.a ncwupaporol en it.iI i irculatiou in suld couuty in which aid town snip lien. In wltnexB of, I have hcreunto set my hand this 27th day of July, A. D., IK, to wit : at tho said townëhlp of l'lttafleld, In the county of Wai-htonaw O. K. P1CKKTT, Townnhlp Draln Commisslonor in and for tho town fliip of ritteficld, in tho county oí Wanblenaw '.(7-1IIO0. To lnrtl.-r. TUI ANM AlIIIOH ClIlIUIKK llKh ilollhln til alruiilnliKii ur Kiiy othur paper puMtiticd li i in, eouuly.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News