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MILK. HavlDg purchHHcd the mllk Interest of J. A. I jTola, I wuuM roapectfully the patronaL uf lis forwer patrona and uh imtiiy new ouoe c doelre i flrat-class article of niilk. I prow my i.wn milk uid will guarantco satisfactlou ia cvery respect, ;ood mcaeure thrown In. W. F. UIKD. 1000-HKU TTOUSEKEEPER'S FltlEND. (.anoiinf and monitor UU Mtovon af all Unds at J. HCH1MI ACIIKK'M, ¦ South JUinetreet. (t91-100i "POR SALE. A Farra of twenty-onc aero, wtth a good dwelllDR bouac on it, onc inile from city city llmltn. Kiiquire MStf At TUE COÜIUKR OFF1CB. UOR SALE. I have a good, woll-hullt house and lot, itnatod on Kllrabeth utreet, No. 15. Thcre ia a good barn and wood-ehed on the place. The property iö nftw and in good ropalr. Termi very liberal. Apply to HMtM MKS. K. K. WINSLOW. POR SALE. I have a nood FLOUKINU MILL of four run of tone, thit I will ell or eichanRe for property In Waahtonaw C'ounty. !k.iti RICE A. BBAL. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Havin' Juut trraduatüd from the Conscrvatory of Music at StuttRart, üermaiiy, wbere hu receivcd a thoroueh education, aud insiractlona in the latuat mcthod of teachini; mupic, is now prepared to give LnwiiH In llarmoiiy, and on tbe Piano and Organ. l'iauoe tuuod un roanonable terma. Kuomn, tniriheast corner of Main and Liberty stroetp, up Htaixe, Ann Arbor. Mich. 1M9-1000 TT 0U8EH AND L.UTS Füll ÖALÜi. Severa! good brlck dwelUnt! housen, and a numtu r af framed dwellinge, deeirably sHuttted, with one or more low for each, for sale, on fir termn and reaeonble credit. Also, flfly city lote, well locatcd, with {ood tltle, and on loog credit. Aleo, farms and mortjragea for sale. Moncy eafoly lnveeted for lenders, at ten per cent. Inqolre of faet B.W.MOKGAN pERSONS dcairous of renting The Mammoth Tent ! of the Ann Arbor Reform Club, for afternoon or eveninc meetings, can make arraugemeuts with the committce, Mesers. B. F. Watts, C. M. Jonc and John Schumachcr. BWtf T F. BOYLAN, Keal Kettate .Ucnfj. Farms and Honece bought, sold, rented, repalrcd and ingured. Office at WOLVKUINK STOUB, 'J30tf Corner of Hu run and FlUh Ntreeta. pOFFINS AND CASES l FULL STOCK A T MARTIN' t. All orrtert promytly tunld 'o. INGHAM UNIVEESITY for LADIES L,e Uoy, 4.nfHM' o., X. Y. The fortyalxtli year opens Sept. 9tli. MBO. Full Collega Clrrlculmn. ClaBSloal and Literary Coursts. Bohool of Muslo, adoptlng Germán and Oonservatory ImprovBinents. College of Kino Arts pnrsnlng the best methods of the Kuropeau schools of Art. Best educatlonal advantKB. Iyowost term. For Catalogues, ndiirt ss 9"JH-1UO3 11. J. SCHMITZ, Treaaurer. UfAMTCn Agente for the Life of OiSriILr W MIN I LU by the famous war corrttpondenl "Culttes" (C. C. Coffln). mnst popular man in thé country (o write il." Brilllant, luw-priced, fasciniitInf. Bichly üluilrated. Ji8. II. Uahis, Iioiiton, Mus. Him-IUUL A O Paee Floral Autograph Album Il'td with Korui, 'fö Birda, Lllliee. Scrolls, c. Covers and od;iM elctiautly gildcd, also 47 select quotatluiis all for lö centii, post-paid. Stmi8 taken, Agonts wanted. G. W. Bocemsdes, West Öavoo, Ui. KiOO-lUO. WINANS & BERRY FOR MWHANT TAILORINIi For the fuIlotvliiK rcOHonH: lt. Oor work ia all ftretcla. üd. Mr. Berry la the only entter in the State who on glve you a perfect at without tryiny on. 3d. We have the Urgent aesurtmeat iu the State, hnvlrtp over 600 dllTcri'nt slyk'8 to elert from In foreitjn ntul dvmentie Wooletxs mul Worilcds. 4th. We use none bnt ttrstlaB trimmlnEe. 5th. We are full M per cent, twlow Detroit prlres. WINANS & BEKltY, M-1007 No. 11 Sonth Main Streot, Ann Arbor ANN ARBOR fouidby uyucniiE shop AILES í GRETTON wuuld rcípcctfully cali the attent ion, of the public to the fact tliat thcy have rebuilt aml rclurniubtul theold Tripp. Alles A rrice foundry aud inachlne ehope, and are now roady t do all kindts of HILL AND JOB WORK and repalrin?. Threehers, Power, Farm BngÜM etc, repalred at reaaonable i)rice. Scrcws lor ckier milis or any other pnrpose made to ordor on short notlce. Wc havo a very largo stock of patterun. aml raakc all kinds of casünga to order. GraU' liarx, Slelh Sboe, te, lway on hand. R. K. AILKS, 1011 A. U. QRKTTUN. Estáte of Uausom S. Smit li. QTATK Of MIC11IÖAN, County of Waihtcnaw, u. At a boííIoi) ol the Probate Court for the County of Wai-htcnuw, hulden at thu Trobatii OBice iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Frldy, the thirtoenth day of August in the year one thoueand eight huudrod and eighty. Present, William V. llarriuian, Judte In the matter of the cUto of Rauiiora H. Sruith, dcJereascd. Willurd U. Smilh, John (J. Wilion and II. S. Street, cxecutors of the last will and testament of said deceased come Into court and represent that thcy ar now prepared to reuder Ihcir annual account ad sitch exucutore. Thcreupou It Is orderert, thatSaturday, the foiirth day of Scptomber next, at ten o'clock In the lor. noon, bc aKiied for examlnisR and aHownig such account, and that the devlsees, leñatees and hlrt a! law of said deceaiwd and all othi-r nonsoni) luureetod in sld eitate, are reninn-d lo appear at a bt ald court theu to bc noldon at tno Probate ufllce, iu the city of Ann said county.and show cause, lf any therebc, why tbc said accuuut nhould not te Audi It is further ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons interttnd In nold uauto, of the pendencr of aid account, ud tbe hearing thereof, by cnuiiing a copy of tbis order to be publinhed In tlm Ann Arb.)r itmrUr, newspapr prlDUd tndctrrnlatlui! '" "(l ounty, two nuOMnT wwu „revious tU 'A "wlLÜAM1";: .Ia.'.'.'.'m A Jmli'o ot ProhaliWM. U. DOTÏ, Proba! Hetlstor. 10U0 lirj


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