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Gastona Mil ton of Motherx pxpross tlicir ileliplit over ('üstitría. It Ís nuturc's remetly for íissiiniliiliiiíf tito fooil. inliUe Castor Oil, if i)lPAsant1oake,aiiil niilike Morpliliu; Syruis, it is Castorla roulates Ule Bowcls, lestroys Wornis, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, nuil ftllnys Fcvorishnoss. Wlmt trlvps liealth tu lile Cliild promoten rost for (he Mothcr. Cliiltlroii cry for I'lttlicr's Easturiii. 11 is the most rnllablc, cHfectlvpniul impular articlc disicnseil liy )ruiíirsts. WEVER iflncí! licallnj; remedios have heen W9 hy surrnniNQ man has tiiL'ro beun Icnown sncli alwnlntc Pain-relioring- agenta aa tho CENTAUR LINIMENTS. They soothoi hoal atul cure. Tksj IÏKAI, -Cat, Woonds, Galle, DIJ Sor.-n, liroken Rrourtíp Jinfí BOTfl Nlptklca i 'i:HK- Paln in tho Ilack, Rbonnintlni. Sclatlca, Uunbtfo, Nuarulgiu, Krc:ho, Tutter, l'lmplcw, [teta, Salt Khcum, and all iloch, bonf and nn}BC,la ailmontn of Anlinal ; SÜBUI'K- iDllammatlon und Swelllnp; Uoíle, Poluiu, Ulcere, DM Throni. llroncliitie. Croojj and (niiü-y ; EVrKACT -Taln from Önrna, Scaldí, Stlngt, Fropt-bltcp, Spra'.np and Brntse. The oxperlence of centurlc has mado iln CENTAUR LinimcntH the moet epody and cOectlvc curativo ncontn for MAN and DEAST the world hup over known. Tbe Oontaur LINIMENTS liave relio ved more bedrlddeii ('rlpplc ; lioalett more frllitf'iil wonDdHi and a ved more vnluable animal than ali ollicr lininient, olntmcnts.oll.-'.oxtraclii. piasters and so-called "paln killere" and "ekln curtm" comltined. Fhj'Mlclaua and Votcrluary Surijeoni" endorse 'i,. ( i'iitaur I.IiiImi. ; mlllloilK of raen, women and chlldreü lit all coantrlen nite thriit, and Hoiifekcepers, Farmor?, Planters, TravoUrs, Uverymcn, Teamstorp nnd Stock-irrowori, nre their patrón. Tbcy are olean, thoy aro IiuikI) , they are choap, and tboy nre rollablo. There le no aolie, paln, or wollln whicb thcv wil! not iilluvittto, enhdno. or enre. 8old thronffhout THE HABITABLK ..I.OII1. for 50 contM aud #1.00 a bottle. Trial bottlUj 25 if nt. y Catarrñal íPOISOU Wel Dn irinyer'a Treatlne on Catarrh csi'iaiiif the followíng important facts : 1. That Catarrhal VobU becomc h poltonon in fection, at flrst local, and flnally conxtüulitxuU. 11 'i. That, belng Constitatlonal, the InfecUon Ís 6f " yond the reacfi of more local remedie?, t 3. 7'A ii;MrUit ín the notrl!e re ner"tarl!y ' swallowed into tho stotnach and infiaUd luto thc y ftw, thus pninoiiing thc Dlgcstive, Kesplratory and y Üenito-Urlnary organs. 4. 'Jftat Catarrhal rints follows thti mdCOnl mem- brane and cause JMifntst, Dyspepsia, Chronic e Diarrhu'ft, SroruMHst Leucorrlm'a, and Consunip e tlon. (1 5. Viat Smoke, Douchet, IuhalationH, and Insola j ble SnnlTí, cannot. poasibty romove iufectious Inflanj matlon from the organs namcil. r 6. ITuit an antidote for Catarrh mnpt poffsene an an inoculative aulnity for, and tho quality of belnir absorbed by, tho purulcnt mucous wherever locatid. f J;iM i! upon these plain theorlcs, I)r. , Wci De Moyer's Catarrh Cnr lias proveil ; to be infnlllhlo. It not only relieves, It - cures Caf arrh at aiiy stnge. Iloinc testi' mony : [ Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! r : W. 1). ÍVoodfl , IS7 Broadwsy, N. Y., Cnred oí ( 'hronic Catnrrh. ( F. J. Haalett, S59 Broadway, N. Y., -1 féut l'atnrrh. . (i. L. Brunh, 448 Broadway, N. Y., 10 ycarn (ntarrh. ' S. Mencdict, Jr., Jeweler, 8í Broadway, N. Y., (!ady : IrlendJ, cured of Chronic Hay Fever. Mrn. Kmma (.'. Howce, B8 . Washington Bqnare, N. Y., cured of '.iú yeare Chronic Catnrrh . ! Iïov. Oaf, A. Rete, ltj'.l Jay St., Brooklyn. " It rei etored me to my uiinUterlal laboro.'' '¦ Rev. Chas. J. Jones, New Brlftaton, S. I. " Worth ten timee the cost." Re. Alcx. Freos, Cairo, N. Y. "ItJiae workod wonrlere in six n my parlnh." ! L. F. Nowraan, SI15 Faltan Si., llrooklyn, cr.rcd or i yenrs C'hrouic Catarrh. Mrs. .T. Swartz.Jr., '2m Warren Ht.,.Ternoy City, carea of IX yi ars Chronic Catnrrh. &c. &c. &c. &c. Sc. A n-al core for this terrible nialady is the mout iniportjmt discovery fur the relief of hnman sufr.rlní; since vnrrlnatlon. Mcl Ic Mcyer'H Cntarrh C'nre íb sold by all DniKgists, or delivcred by 1). B. Dbwky & Co., 46 Dey St., N. Y., for l..tO a packapre. To Clubd, six packaRes for 7.50. lr. Wel lo JIi'jïtn TrentlMC, with ruil cxplanationn and overwhclmlng proofp, is pont-paid and Bont froc to niiylxxly. 'ivj 1002- eow iH PAD ACTS DtRECTLY ""ON THE KIDNEYft. BlaIder and l'rlnary OricniiN by AliMorliiiiKall hinior, oTory tracu of uisuase, and lorcm Into Uu' pyptein tliroutrh tho pont of the kin, nonrinning and ftrcncthciunfr vegotíble Uinics, K'lvluj; lt woiiderful pon r to cure at ones, PAIN IN THE BACK, Mide or l,oin, Inllaminatloii and Briüht'M DIw'iihi' ol' the HidiM-yx. liu. lioteM, OroiiMV, Uravrl. Catarrh of Ue IHaddcr, lifjcl' i'olowd.Mcanty orl"ninful I ri nnt Int. leiioNlfH, iiHiNor HIiimmIn in the Irliic, i:i(OI K A 1M1VHICAL iKItlLITV mu in fact uny dieanu of thosu ol Kreat organn whether contracten by over work.ntraln, excLWsive drink, the abuec of natnrt', or otherwlse. It supercedes entlrely the inconvenlencon and troutiie of üiking naupeous and poiëünoue iutt-rua! medjeine. It is worn exactly wherc needed, next to the body and immcdiately over the kidneys. lt is confortable to the patiënt, enfe, pleasant uirt rcliable in its efr.xti, bat piforfol in l'.j ictiol. It can be worn at all timen, in any climatc, and is equally good tor MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not bc prejadiced. QÍ73 lt l trial and he convinccd tlial it is honest, rcliable, efloctive and just what your leeble and ezhansted body requires. 'J'houiaiids are dally adding their tcstlmouy to thc wonderful enrative powers of thlf great romndy, wIki ure beinp restored to perfect healtli after all other treatinents and remodles have falled. Ask yonr dru),'i;it for it, and accept to lainitatloa or lubatitsto. If he has not got it, fend to ua and rüceivt: lt by retnrn mail. roscriptbo Pr!e ttl.- Itecnlar Pad, t2; Sprcial Pad, lor Chromc, deep-noattMl, or casen ol ionjí standing, $3; Chlldren's I'ad, Tor summcr complaint, wuak klrtneys and bi'd wcttlni:, 11.80. Our bo.ik, "Huw a Llfu was Savod," containiuK a history ol this Krent discovery, mallfd frt e. Wrile for it. WAV KIDXEY l"l O.. T-.l.-.l... O. 94)01007 $500 REWARD ! WB wlll pay the above rcwnrd fnr any caso of Livor Uanplaint, Dyapeiwi, Slck lieadtcliu, lucli(i'i'tion, UonKliimtioii or ConIvontsH we cunuot cure wlth Wost'i eeetable Livor Pillo, ff beo tlie directlona are Btriclly compliid wltli. 'l'hcy we purcly VOKOtablo, and neverfail tof;lvo80t8fucliuii. Wiifur ('oato.l. Larc hoxes, cont ininp 30 1'IIIf, ÍS cento. Por snlc liy all dnurgllt. Hewaro of counturfi'ito uud IniilHtioiio. The genulnc mnnnfacttirud only liy .K)!IN O. WKST (U, "The rill Makorw," 181 & 1K3 W. Mndison St., Chicago. Fr- trial pnrkate Himt by mail iireiiald on rccelpt of u :j cent BtamD. WB-KH V AVÜBI0A9 FLAGS OF AIX S1ZKS At rxtromely low pricos Ihis monttit Seud for our dgüTM NOBLE & COSS, Tent aml Flay Miikcrr, 18 Atwatur Si., Dotroit.MMi. jooo una III I tlTrn CENTS TO SELL TEA, IHll I II rUOHIT. HUM IH1K. ii.,n,l I,... 9W-1013


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