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T INSKY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY.GKOCEKY A Hl) FLOUR AND FEED 8TPRE. W koop coii-NnMy on hund, BHKAD, CHÁCKKRS, QAKKg, KiC, KOU WUOLKÖALJt AND KKTAIL TH US. Wr hll lo kóp n ""pply of SWIKT DKIIHKI.'S 11KMT VCJIITE IIICA1 FLOl'U. DK1.U1 PIOUK KYK F1.O11I, UUCKWIIUAT . OUH MKAL, FKKD, V, ¦ At wholeeale and rctnll. k general stook i OKM ICHIKS l.VI PKOVISIOVS coiiitntly on hand, whlrh wil! bv M!d on (i reavoiú liliieruiK u nluxiy othi-r hnuo In the ciiy. ('aD inilil lor Butter, Bras, ntid C" Pi Kunorftlfy. tyuoodi dellverod lo uiy (ur; of tliu lity wil: ont oitra choreo. yr KINHBY HKAKOl.T. DANDELION Dr. Whltc'B Dandeilon Altcrttive, th' Gre Purlfler hihI Renovstor. A êpecut fr ver ('omulatnt, BUtoune8, Uhilln and Vover, UyiiMwSa. UiliH'v Dfsoaie, Rhonrufttifltn and Cnnntfpntlon of th Bwttla, Itemoyofl pfmplai R1(t hhHowoum rrom f pk In, prodaí Inp a clear i omplexlnn. Il ie un'l vceetAbls. perfaotlt iiMnn!fH md plowMhM i T-kt:. Piut bottlofl only tl, and cvi-ry bottle wijtfanted. rULMOXAlUA, lur Couüliíi Cold, Aatlunit. Itmm liln, CfoJilt, Whonplnj; OoiiKh anrt Inct](lonl flnluintnptti n. Fht oeut pt ixittl'. Ltrge hWln ?1, und uvei warruutcfl. FDr salo in Anu Arbbi liy Kbcrnrh .L Sou, md ¦Irwtirict" uvorywbrni. I Hit AMERICAN BALL BLUE THIS 18 THE BEST BLÜEING IIST USB! it is not roisoNors: IIEM'S BLEACHINQ .ui.l gives a BEAUTIFiíL ii: r: KfFor Salo by all (tro:or.s. J0) American Ultramarine Works, '5 Ilnidru l.aur, SIew Vork. 1182-lyr HALLS BALSAM Cnres Colds, Tnenmonla, Broucliitis, Astlima, Croap, 'Wlionpini; Coucb, nnd 11 disensos of the Brcatiiin Organs. ltsoothos and heals the Membrane of the Lunifs, inflamod and poisonod br the discasc, and prerontw the lis-litiweats and tlghtuoss ncross the chct whlrh .iccomimny it. CONSUMPTION is notan inenrablo malady. It is only nccessarr to hare the right reinedr. and HALLS BALSAM lg that remody. ONT DESPAIR OP RELIEF, for this tirniifii speciflc will care yoa, eren thongh professional aid fails. HENRYS CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Fowcrftd llealing Agent ever JHscovered. nvnry't Carbolia Salve ewn t7 wort morct. llenry't Carbolte 8aln aUayt th pain nf burn. llotry't CarboUc Salve rvrci all eruptlant. llrtiry't Cnrbolie Balvt htalt ptmple.ê and bloiehet. Urury't C'arbolU Salín mW mr " anti hruiMre. Vk for Henry's, nnd Tako IVo Othcr. IW BKWAItK Of I.'OPKTBKFEITS. gg Fl K SALÜ ÜY AI.L 1iKL'i3j.tH)T8. JOIlii F. IIKNRY. fURHAX fc CO., 34 (.'alleca Placr, ütw Vork. 961-1012-fOW. The Only Remedy (1 Til AT ACTS AT THE SA ME TIME ON H JTHE LIVER, 1 THE BOWEL8, B ¦ andtheKIDNEYS.L i J This combined aetion gimes tí P U dcrful pover to cure all diêcascs. IWhy jftreWeick? Becaute ice aEoin these greai orjwN-sL, Jto become clogged or torpid, andH Wpoisonout humor are tJierefore foradtl linio ttit blood that ghould be ezpelUd f mnatumüp. m niMousxEss, piles, consti patios, L ,i KIDMKÏ COMl'LAIXTS, l'ltlNABÏ ¦ DISKASES, FEMA I,K WKAKKK8SES, AND NEKVOl'S ¦ DISOUDEUS, (¦ by caviint} fne aetion of these orQaniW J and rettoring flteir power to thróuo offV m Yihy SofTer UIHon plna in,l rlios ( F m Whjr turmontrd nlth PUcs, Conntipnl ion I M 1 Whjrfrlprhti'ueilorcIlNorleri'iI Klümts ft I V Uy endtirr norvoim or slrk 1.'hI.i. lui k' ¦ Wkjr liavo slefpli-Kn nihti t 11 II Í7) KIDNEY WOUT and r()oic {nI J AíoüA. Jt it a drj, wgdaiit compoundandt ¦ Ooo pucksae wUl mako lx tor Mii-i-, F ' J örf li ofyotir DrugqUI, he'tclll onhr um or yott. Pricc, $1.00. ' f T WSLIS, SICHA23M CO.(Trot-Uiri. ¦ 054-lU05cli e w Ay er 'sCathar tic Pilis Tor all the Parposis of a Familj Fhjsie, r Costlvone8. Jaumllce -r Dyspcpsla, IndlgeiUon WlHQfel Hy.M'iitcry, Knul stom1 KI nolt mul liicath. Hcuilli_as_SP ache, KrysfpcliV!, Piles, kfAj i? ¦'3. RheuniatlRm.Eruptliiii V_y and Skin Uisoiuips.mi"SpfejjL- _ lfljk loiiRiioss, J.ivii Com plftint, Dropsy, Toticr, Tumor and 8alt Rhenm, Worras, Ooat, Nenral{iii,a8adlnn'rplll,anl pnrliyiBg the Wood, re tho mout congenial puiyutiv.: jet patatod, Thelr effect abundantly pbow Uow much tlicy cicol all othcr 1'HIb. Thuy are nafe and platust to tiiku, lint iiowcrful to enro. They purgo out the fonl hu mor o( the blood; they llmulalu Uu riÓBglltl or iliflordered orcaiin lutoiiction, und thcy impurt healtli ud tone to the wholc liclng. Thej cure Dot miy the ivery day complalnta of eveiy body, bnt formidnble ind dani'oroui) itlttenxes. Mout Bkillfiil phyi iinu' i Miin.ul rliTKymcii, iuh] our beul clti..'nf,cnd 'erthlcrttea of curee perrormod, and of j:n"Ht benefita lerlved froni Qmm I'IIIh. Thuy ore Se ur.'t nd leu phytle for cbildren, bcosnue mIM iik wdl nn ¦ilV-ctiml. Betntr iMigarcold, thi'y ure enjy ti tnfcc ; irnl Ik-íiik paral) ngetable, thuy uro cnttnly hiirm OKU. l'HKPAKKl) I1V Dr. J. & Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., I'racllral nnd Analyllcnl ('In iiiIMh. Sold by 11 briiggliti and Dealer in Medidor. ' 74-101(-c6w '


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