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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Itaplist Chureh. ;:v. S. I1ASKKI.L, Pastor. BthtMth -TÏVW, l' a, . and 74 r. n. ifirr morolng ervlcu. i'r.yiT Wltnil Pl. irsday ovuntnK at 7S o'clock. Cathollc Chnroh. 1ÍKV. Katurh Kiklr, Paítor. i k. Hk'li Mua, 1U A. ¦. V ,!, h. Sjnduy School, iti : m. Cougrcgational Chnrr h. iibv. w. n. Siso, Ptrtor. i i ..'r-Tlct!, 10 4 a. . and 7H . i. hiH: iltur morninu tervieo. i'i'iyfr tn e'tni: Tnursday evontiit; it Tri "'dock.. E]Ieopnl Church. !{V. WTI.LYS llALL, Kcctor. P .si, ,ih - rvice, lü a. . nd 7% p. . Hand? School, r. m , )Hiiiiiiiiorvici,Thur8d uvenlug at TVt MHi Oenui Methodist Chnrch. Hïv. C. Hltwio, Ptéttt, Mrrleea, iH a. m. and 7H p. . , s, bool, at alna o'clock a. m. Prayer oaotlog on Wqóbmómj Lathorau Church. Hkv. fon Nki-man, Pastor. ttabbttfl H.-rvicoH, 10H a. m. and 7% r. m. s,i-iU. .- iiornlmi earvlce. Pmyer A' tln(f, niarsdny evenlugat 7t o'cluck. McthoiUst Church. UV. .i(IN !.ABTBH, PA8tOr. lUbbith ¦""vico. lOtf a. . and 1% r. u. H-iudiy Sc looi iiftet raorninK flurTice. l'raycrtnqBtlngkThunKUTaTfnlngítíH?1!0"Y.iiÍB',' ' ¦ ¦.¦V Mootlng, Saturduy 7 v. . L'resbjrterlan Church. Kitv. ?kki T. Browk, D. D., Pantor. gthMlta norvlc ss, l"'4 ' and 7X ¦; Sanday Schooland BIBloclamaftermornlnRorvlce Prayer muiin::,Thursdyevenlii(ct o'clock. Yi.onn Paople'e Mcotiui?,8undny eycninK V4. Cnltariau Chnreh. Hbv. ). T. .Si'NnsKLAND, Pastor. Siilihalli MTTiee, U)% A. M. and 74 p. . Sndny School tl !2 K. lants' Hlblc Clans at 9:15 a. . ion Liithoran Church. límr. n. F. Bkijiïr, PaBtor. ¦h BantaM at 1"K a. h. and 7 r. . s mday School ImmeáUtelj 'iftor tnornlnp ucrvlrn. olí oni h.tvíci'h Wodneaday r.vunliiK at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARD8. "T L W.TlARTIUlW, 7 Yeterinary Surpon. (radntc of the Ontario ƒ ry OoBRi Toronto, Canada.) ƒ All disnaiiMi of Florees, ('attle, and Othor Voincetlc Animáis treatud. I I Offlco, Eotlasot's Livsry Stitle. it ¦- ¦!¦ I, 17 S. División St., Ann Arbor. ƒ lyWiT I adíes! 1 -lidies! QO TW MISSES HAYLEYSA O, I B. MainHt., forOoroctn, ,. -, , Towelinir, TaWB I.inen, V on, I.inen and Sük Handkérehleb, Ncektiee, Garnet and Jet Set, and Udies' Kans in roat Tariety. No. -I 8. Main St. No. 3 S. Main St. ','Hiiyr O. (5. JENKINS, I OFIPICK : e. 32 East Washington 3Uet. Kormerly occnplcit by Ir. Frothiïilium ƒ ƒ flsfltf BENBI It. HILt, ATTORNEYATLAW Kcal Estáte Brotcr, A NU INSüIiANCE AOENT. orrut : No. 1 Opera Hiiumc BlurU Anic Arboh, Mich. 7i)Stf WILLIAM HEKZ, lIUUSE, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL & FRESCO PAINTER. pAucrine,GIazin?,OUdlni; and Calcl- minina, and work of evcry dccrlptlon done m the bcet stylc, and warrantcd f n irHe atinfacüon. Shop No. 4 West Washington Street, Ann Arbor,Mich. ƒ 688tf ƒ W. C. STEVENS, M.I)., Piiysiciaii andSnrpon V'JÍÍ Washington Street. (JHcf Hourt-t to 9 a. k;, MBO . . to 12 m., 'l to 4, and 7 to 8 r. H. 7Í. liliMe-No. 10 Grove Strcet.X MStt F. 80RG, I fioUftK, HIUH AMC OBXAMBNTAI. ƒ l'AiNTKu. rapcrlng, Olazin, I 'H'dlnK, and work of cvery ƒ I criptlon done In the boet atyle. ƒ l'alnt, OU, and Varnlstaen on ƒ ƒ &nd and for Raio. Shop, No. 1 f I Rn Washington Htroot, Ann ƒ I rtxr,Mlch. OOSif W. II. JACKSON, dentist OtUce over Ilarli ie Abel's. liutranco by Plrst National liank 7itf KALAMAZOO BUSINESS COLLEGE (liTers enperlor adyantagee to YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ho wihIi a jimlify for bostne. Over .M() I our Htudcntv now Hlüng rMpoDilble pcwlttona m all partn of the: country. Send lor CoIIürc Jonrn!,- particulara. W. f. PARSONS, Pbepident. -H)U Kalmna;-.oo, Mico. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Hlphlsan, TWISACTS GENERAL BANK1N6 805INESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. ¦taH ante the General lian"kin Lw of thln I 1 .ie tockhold.rK ar.' ii.dlvldually Hable for an '"in .mal amonnt eriu! tothe utock held hy them, ÖÏÏSttTSWSifesif run for thc $100,000.00. v!'!0IIr,p"r interent 1b allowcii on all """' DepoiiUi ol oua dollar and upwarda, accord'; io Uw rul..s "f Min Hink, and Intereel rompoandcd 'i iiinially. tlou.-y to luan on uniucamliortd r'l onlate and other (rood secnrity. lw0rt-OWjrtJB Mark.W. W. Wincs, R. A. Bcal NVlllinm IKMibcl, Wllllam D. Harrlmno Dnolel Ulfcock, and Wlllard B. Hmlth OffloorH: ntUM Mach, Eter w. W. Winih. Vlce-1'rex. OBAi. K. Bnooos, Uaohler. _ '.H5-4 ¦"'SSgS 'l W North Oi11:c. 1 ontfl Main 'in,. Nltron oxide gut dminlBtorcd who __; Mst J'l' KINDS 01 BLÁÑKS nam ON BHOUT MOTIOZ ATTHK CÜDItlKK JOB ROOMS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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