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i ne .Laiogsburg saloon keepers are having trouble. John Murray, of Belding, hasgone insane over wesinerisru. 300 pounds of steel are daily used by a Jack-on corset factory. Win. Bucher lost a leg on a log way uear Ludington, nut long since. A new state liatchcry has been completed it Boyne Falls, near Petoskey. A democratie weekly paper it is said will bc staried in Caro, by Orton Williaina, Tbe record of üve upper península iron mines tuis scason will aggregate $8,000,000 worth of ore marketed. The St. Jo. county greenbaek convention belioved that eoalition was a " d - d barren idoality," and refused to coalebce. At Algonac, during a heavy thunder storm last week, Mrs. Robcrt Dentón was "killed and othera severely shocked. Gardncr Cable, of Attica, Lapecr county, is among thoso who have not been heard of in sotuo time. Foul play auspected. The Flint & Pere Marquette railroad was sold at auction lact week, a comniittee of bondsnien bidding it in for $1,000,000. It is estimatcd by competent judges that there will not be 5,000 votes cast in Michigan for the sreenback ticket next November. The Marcellus eouncil bids for recognition among the cides. They have adopted a fire ordinance and tbrbid velocípedo on tho sidewalk. Kalaniazoo girls are said to be now woaring picturesof military-looking youths sewed f'ast to the insido of their corsets. - Evening News. A ncw station has been established on the Big Ilapidu branch of the D., L. & N. railroad, eight miles south of' that placo, namüd ltodney. Miases Ida and Rosa Koene, two blind frirls, are teaching ihukío sueceshf'ully at Marlette. They were eduoatcd at the state school at Flint. The state prohibition convention is to be held at Jackson, Wednesday, September lst, A ful! state and electoral ticket will be placed in the field. The Big Rapids Current says that "Our soldier boys are not favorabty impressed with brigade encampnients. as compared witb regimental encampmonts." A partial exainination of the books of Inslee & Ratbfon, who failcd at Port Huron reoently, show liabilities to the extent of full $50,000, with practically no assets. One Isaac Ilaines comniitted suicide at Grand Rapids recently, and loft a letter upbraiding his wife for domestic infelicities which led him to do the desperate deed. The Branch county agricultural society will devoto the three last days of its fair to politica! speeches - one day each to the republicana, demócrata, and greenbackers. Osceola county wants a band tournament at her next county fair, and offers as prizes $40, 120, and $15, and will keep the bands free of charge after they arrive at Kvart A Battle Creek bookkecper opened an account with the mosquitoes at Gougac lake, but they presentod their bilis so rapidly and greedily that be closed the entry with disgust. Thomas McGraw, for years considered one of the most solid of Detroit'.s business men, made an assignment recently with liabilities amounting to $269,567.74, and assets $84,282.48. Senator H. E. Conant and family have arrived at Monroe, from Naples, Italy, where Mr. C. went as U. S. consul. Continued 11 health of his family made it neoessary for him to resign the position. The editor of the Montcalm Herald is fearful lest the appellation given Tim Tarnsey, the democratie nominan for Congress in the 8th district, as " the young lion of the Saginaw Valley," will scare somebody. Detroit journals claim that arrangements have been made by which J. Henry Gardnor, of the famous Flint city band, will hereafter live in Detroit, and will bring most of his musicians with him. Flint will lose her glory if this be so. Ex-state senator Hodge, of Jackson county, has been nominated by the greenbackers of his district for congress ; and ex-M. C, J. W. Begole, of Flipt, has been nominated by the same party for the same honors in the 6&h district. The peninsular sangerfest, for whiuh great preparations have been in progross for some time at Detroit, will open on Monday next, August 30ttí. A fund of $4,600 haa been pledged to secure success for the ovont. A largo gathering is anticipated. Grayling, the county scat of Crawford, county, only five yoars oíd, has two hotels, a fine court house, school-building, printing office, general store, etc, 140 buildings and 400 inhabitants. It is on the Mackinaw división of tho Michigan Central. Business must be booming at Roscommon according to the Pioneer: "The demand for carpenters in Roscommon is immense ; every mechanio here finds ampie opportupity to work at half a dozen places at once, if he only knew how to manage it." A tclephone running from the store of Charles Leonard to bis house, at Carr's Corners, Tuscola county, transmitted the sound of burglars at work in the store, and they were dnven off without securing auy plunder. Tally one for the telcphone. Prof. J. Willis Parker, who wasformerly principal of the state school for the deaf and dumb and the blind, at Flint, but who resigued to accept a similar position at Kansas, last ycar, has now resigncd the last mentioned position, and Prof. De Motte, of' Wisconsin, appoiuted to fill hin place. The Albion Recorder naya : " Battle ('nek people were enabled to viait Chicago on the excursión trains for $3.50 whilo Marshal! people, only 12 miles further east, had to pay $7.50. At Springport tickets to the ame place wero sold for $3.50, while at Albion the price was $7.50. Competition did it." The president of the Michigan deaf mute alumui association, which was organized at Detroit last July, has appointed an exeoutive committeo of' five as fbfioin : John N. Lowry, of South Saginaw ; DuLoa A. Simpson, of'St. Jjouis, Mo.; John J. Buchanan, of Flint , Kd. Van Dauime, of Detroit, and ('ollins C. Colby, of Flint. A inonetor grange picnic at Devil's Lake, near Hudson, on the lSth, was a docided success as far as numbers can make things HUccessful - which secáis to be tho desiderátum of all Hueh gatherings theso times - there beiug present 2,000 toams, and 10,000 people. Thoy were obliged to listen to tlu' rausic of five brass bands. But they uil lived through it, and profeas to have had a rare good time. From several sections of' tbe staie where the commanderiea attendcd the Chicago conclave, como mutterings of disgust. It is assertod that an incompetent man was at the henil, and to him is laid all the blame oi' mi.smanagement. It would scem as though some of the aamstants ought to have boen sharp cnough to have seen the mistakes in time to have remedied them. Several Michigan knights wcro prostratid liy the heat and fatigue, and it oost ono of' them hin lifo, Goorgo Firth, of Coldwatcr, wlio died on Tuesday.


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