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A democratie exchange asserts that "the rcpubücans who wanted a farmer for governor, wil!, if they are honest, vote for Mr. Ilolloway," the democratie nominee. That is just why the farmer heads tho democratie ticket in this state, and the soldier heada tho national ticket- to get votes. The farmers who desired to sec Mr. ïtich nomiuated for govqrnor, are honest, and in voting for the republican candidate, Mr. Jeromo, they will continuo to'bc honest If they desert their principies, and vote for men advocating ideas directiy adverse to their own, then they will be not only di.shonest but despicable. And they have too niuch coaimon sense to do such a thing. For the purpose of capturing republican and union loving peoples' votes, a general of the arajy was placed at the head of the democratie national ticket. The same weak, vascillating spirit has characterized tho party for years. It ha.s shifwd about from one side to another; first adopting this dogma and then that ; noininating candidates because of availabilily or locaüty ; and striking hands with the represen tatives of any isni or issue by whtoh it fconld possib!y gain a vote. As a party it has not como out squarely or fairly on its own independent foundation sinco the war. It has not nominated a man sinoc that time who represonted the principies of the democratie party unadulterated. Policy in men and policy in principies have solely actuated every move made. And to-day thore ia not a man in the democratie ranks who enn point to one grand, noble principie, or idea even, for wli oh has party is contending. This is a pretty party to talk to republicau farmers about "honesty." Tho farmers of our state are notticklud with such brittle strawe; nor can they be whcedled into eupporting "policy" men who are "good Lord," and "good devil" or good anything clse tbr the sake of' eetting votes.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News