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Hon. A. J. Sawyer and wife have been vtóiting fricnds here. J. P. Wood, wifo and son, and Mrs. Alva Freer lcf't last week for an eastern trip. Wood Bros. , of this place, claim to be the ohampion shippers of whortleberries in the state. They shipped this season 1200 bushels! Beat it who can. Thcre were shipped from here by all partios, 1800 bushels. - Herald. They ought to chango their name to Berry Bros. MANCHESTER. Rev. W. E. Dtroning and t'amily, of Augusta, visited friends here lately. The Sharon farmers' festival and harvest picnic, held at the grove of Mr. D. (i. Rose, was a prand atfair, and largely attendcd. The addrass by Rev. A. B. Allen, of Allegan, is highly spoken of. After the close of the democratie convention last Tuesday, a hickory pole was raisod and a few speeches indulged in, but the cnlhu.siaHiu was not alarming, nor the crowd great, although it had been quite extensively advertibcd. Scienoo lias accoinpliahed no more wonderful or gratifying result than the perfectioD of an antidoto to the ohilliog signa ot approaobing age, soniething to oblitérate tho tull-talo tracks of time and preserve the natural adornments oí' youtli to ripe oíd age. Hall' Hair lienewer doo all this, and its praido resounds in cottago and palaco. The dwellers amonfj tho snows of Norway and the pcasants ül sunny Franco and Sain, find uso for it, and find uieans to get it, and it doos not disappoint thcm. Tlic whitcning locks again resume thcir vouthful color, tlic tliiu, dry, and f'aded huir beoomcs bright and gloHsy. The wholc appeurancc is changed .ís ii' by magic, and tlio man or woman, who, before was callcd agcd, now appcars as ono in the prime of life. Such wondrouB changos cannot pasn unnotioed, and they have produced tho unprcocdented demand tbat now exista for the first and only article trer compouded that can produce thciii in a nleasinK and


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier