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CHILDREN ( ry Tor Fiklicr's Castorla. They llke It bccftnse it 11 i weel ; Kathen like CwtorU („,niisi; it glvos henllli to the cliild ; and Physleians, beciuise It contalns M morliliine or mineral. Castoria Is Jtatiirc's Remedy for tu I J ut ïiitr tho Food. It curen Wind Colic, the ralxluif orSoiirCurd and I)iarrtiau, alluys fvnr IslmesK and kills Worms. Thus UieClilId has health and the Mother obtnln rest. Pleasant, Chrap, and Keliahie. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The moit S0WHT Fain-roliev-in; feoti ur MAN and BBAST the world has over knownOTor 1,000,000 KotCU-x aold Iaat y car! Tho roasons f' hh unprccdrutfri poj-u'H' nv .ir.' evident ; Oe&taur Xjinixnentia M niniic to dosrvo confldonco, thiy re absorbed int the ¦trnétota ; they altrayn euro "! nover disappoint. No porBon nevtl loncer nuffcr wlth TA1K in tho BAOS, Rhoumatium or Stift lolnt?, for tho CENTAUR Mniinont.s will surely cxtciiiiniiitc the Pain. There is no Straiu, Spraln, ('ut, Suald, Rum, Itrulso, Sting, Gall or Lamoiicss, to nlilcli Mankind or Onmli Rrutos are subject, tlial does iiot ro.spond to tliis Soothing itnlui. The Centaur LINIMENTS not oulj relïtvf p'tïii , hut thcy incite hïHlthy ftctlon, tuhduf iitjlawmation, and curet whether th yin;)toms procued from vjmtnttj of thf ƒ', (ir NfurulKla of the Ntroes ; from contructed Oortla or a ncalded hand; from a rprained anklc or h giuheil foot ; wbi-ther from dipKuntiniPIMPLES on a LADY'S FACE or a strained joint on a Korte' teg. The agony prodneed by a Bnrn or Hcald ; nwrtifloation from Kronttite ; SwMinct from ti train ; the tortures 0 JCheumritism ; OrippU'd for tfe by Homo neplecfed accident ; a valuable horse or a Doctor' Bi'l luay al! bfi snved from One Rottlc of Centaur Lluiuicnt. No louickouper. Farmer, Planter, Teametcr, or Liveryman, can afford to be without thoee wondtrtiil Linirri'iiU. They can be proenred In any pari 0 the globt for SO CeiUt auil $1.00 a bottle. Trtiü bottioe 5 Ventt. Swallowing POZSOX7 Spirts n disaustlrvj mucous from the noatrlla or npon the tonsilê, Wntery Eye, Snuften, Buzzlng In the Kare, Deafnest, crackllng penaatlona In tlm hind, Iiilurmittcnt Fnins ovor the Kye, FtZtM Ureath, Nasal Twansr, Scabs in the Nostrlln, and TIcklliiK in the 1 hront, are SIGNS OF (r VKKII. No othtr tuch loattttotne, treacherous and nndormiuing mulady corees mankind. Onc-flfth of our Chüdrtn die ot dlsoasee encrated by lts Inftctioua Voison, and onc-fourth of living mon and womcu drafr ont miserable existencia trom the same cause. WhUc atltep, the impurUlrs fn the nostrlls are mccwnrily twallowcd into the stomnch and ii.htded (uto the lungi to poison cvery part of the aystfm. Dr. Wel De Meyer's Catarrh Cure absorbs the pnriilcnt virus, aud kllls the seeds of poison in the farthest parts of tho systein. It wlll not only relieve, bul certftinlj cure Catnrrh at any stage. It is the otily remedy wliich. In oor juIgnieiit, has ever yet really enred a ense ofChronic Catarrb. Cured! Cnred! Cured! Cured! G. U. Presbary, Prop. Woet Bnd Hotel. Long Branch. Cored of 20 yuar Chronic Catarrh. 8. Benedict, Jr., Jewelcr, 697 ürodway, New York, (member of fainily) Cured of Ckronic L'Htarrh. E. H. Brown. 339 Canul SU, N. Y., Ooed of 11 years Chronic C'atarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Broadway. N. Y. (Slater-lD-law) Cured of in yoiirs Chronic Catarrh. Mrs . John Doughty, Flshkill, N. Y., Cured of 8 yoar Chronic Caiarrh. Mr?. Jacob Nwartz, Jr., 200 Warren Street Jersey City, Cared of 18 yeans Chronic CnUrrh. A. B. Thorn, IS1? Montapie St., Brooklyn, (self and Bon) Cured of Catarrh. Iicv. Wm. Andoroon, Fordham, N. Y., Cured or 20 yeare Chronic Catarrh. Mllc Almee, Opera Prima Donna, " I have recciveil vory great benefit from it." A. Mclilnney, I{. U. Pre?., 33 Broad St., N. Y.: " My fimily czpcrlcnccd Immediatc relief." Sm e., &c ., &c., &c. Wei De Meyer'g Catarrh Cure is the most important Medical Disc#very slnee Vaccination. It is sold by ill Oru'-ist-, or dclivered by I). B. Dkweï ft Co., 40 Iey St., H. Y., at $1.50 a pdcage. To clubs, gis packagea for $7.50. Dr. Wel De Meyer's Treatise is sent free to anyody. 051-1003- ow ' PERMANENTLY CURE8 Wkidney diseases, P li ver complaints,! HConsti pation and Piles. F I IK. IC. II. ('I.AKK. 4hHcM.Vt., mjN I " I n raar r KIUNEY TUOfllI.iJ U lu L H -cvi llko A cisarm. It kucvrttd bahj nry K ¦ badcuaeaol'I'ILJM, and h oever fklli-4 U 3 J ct i-Oeli-ntly. I KELSON F AI U( :; 1 l.l, or HU AJbAi, Vu, ¦ M ayft, "U kt rpiiu)loM vulue-. Aftrr mXsteea ¦ Ê yoan ot i: r i; nuíTorlnx from lUe4 tn.ï r I tlrcaoAM It"tly ourcd mv." I O. N. IIOUAUUN, ol I!, knlilrc, IM, "w L Jt('kiir'liMtlni wondtrt) tor mr In f! H plt-tr! f iirlmt it Mcvcru I.u r itnd lïJUncy m it has vjrnjn ¦ WONDERFUL ff tl j POWER. mmiUm l BECAÜSB IT ACTS ON TIIkW ¦ ra r.if.'i'iii: dowi:ijs and kid.I ¦ NEVM AT TnE SA.lIi; TI .HU. F J Booauofl It oloanaos the eyotorn of ¦ H the polaonoue humors that develope ¦ ¦ In Kldney nnd Urlnary dlsoases, Bll-I louonocs, Jnurxlloe, Oonntlpntlon, ¦ Plloa, or In Rhoumatlem, Neuralgia I U and Female diaorder. 9 KI1 E Y-WOUT U dry vr-(M 1 ¦ pound und w fce seat kj amall pnpaid. J Ou.' i:u kiwc n 11 1 mt n nl v qt of mrdirlBV. L TUT IT 2XTO"7Cr I T noy It t ka IkraccM. lrloe, tM.oo. f WILL3, EICEA2BXÍ! k CC., Froprlotei, J 3 BarllBcton, Vu L 95+-l(IO5-ch o w BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO $10 PER ACRE! Slroiiff Hollat Nnr C'rop! Kitllroad throajrh OuLi-r of I,miiU. HciUIIij líniftU". SolimtU and lnihli.a In (-llflCt'tH l'opulntlnn HICHEST KEWARD TO FARMERS. ThflU Innilfi iire n long dlstanro Kaat of tho MissiH.sIput RtVOl. Iiiirgo anionnt ftveï In travel mul tr.utaportAi.oo ofevopa. Descrlp(h. jminphh't in KiicMhIi anrt iprmRn. Addn-Hi) H'. O. Ill 4.11 KT. C'immlBHloner, ïrunl Haiitds, Mictitffiin. QOAL! CO AL! O. W. SHIPMAN, MIiht mul wholt'Huls dealer of tho cclibratid BRIAE RIDÖE C0AL. Deiier In Hard Uoal and I1(; Iron. Orden promptly flllcd. offlre, WGriawoldvtrwt, IMroU room I All kimU of Kook KI n.l lui: MM h The Coartar on hort notlee.


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