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1 33R.. CHASES I riflIRTlilLUf) l!í U. fL i ¦ " ¦ FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglnator of l)r. CbWl Famil, Medícines ís thunnthnr nr lr. (hUKr'n Hrrlftr. or. InformntionforKvcryliody.iiM.lmi,,; Recipe BookB bearing hla iinme. nml w(.TO lirought ntxmt tliroiich the lOflíHToí ,nBny sf the p.irctiftKers of ala Hookx fo, i.ia..thi„„ lo IDMt t.Nelr llDKerliiK nnt nompltratm ,ilH. aMd c-.iiihtl.iiiK. wlili'li they ,11.1 r.ii.i ,u¦oribed ii hls üivoks. The proprletorthlp of the .Mlk-tn. an.i u,,. I.UKiuoKs rannaperaoat of the me, havlne d lato t!,c ii;imis of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQjLJARTERS AT DR. CHASE'S STEAM FBDR1 EDI V AKKOIt. MICII., UV wmild sav to the public, they can rrtt asnired that Ir. hase's Family M,.,ll. cIucn wili glve them a graator KalUfncUoo (han uuy othcrs, íor the lMmtwe tai wíileb tlu-'r uau3,e lnUicate thera U huve bvvh yrts parecí equal to that of hls Books over 11 otfctt ol a ilmUar nhimtr, M ihown bythelr tales, whloh havc eioe.-(l,,l tbt Mía or Hny ather, reaclilng over one mlllion -opl.-H Olvc thcm a trinl, tlierefore, nml kiiow íor" yniireelvfn. is all we nsk. DR. CHASE'S BoughandWoundBaleam Ba been (band the finlckost and mi certaln oiirii of CoughH of any preimratlon In nsc; also quickly rellerlng lln:iistin-HH, Sorc-uemof tlie or I-uiiKs, Pnin OCZlcbtoaai mío drilt, Bronchitis, Clorgyman's 8ore Tliniat, and Consumptlon In all Hu int Her ¦ Wliooplng Cnti);!!, croup, eto. Price il per Bottle, or Hottlos Tor #5 T3R. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL BLOOD REGENERATOR l'rrvrnjK and euros the Pain and DIstr.Ks oí Ihe Dyipeptlo fter mealH, and for Tiirifyliig md Banawlng tbe Itlood, riulckly tonini; up t h8toraaoh,and iBTlgonMag thwkat8ytam. T'rlcp il per Rottle, or 6 Bottlos for $5. DR. CHASES LiverlAnti-Bilious Pilis Kor cnrinu thc DInaaM of the I.lver, and corivotlnB I'.liious condlUoiM of the HyHtcm, ast wi'll as for all Cathartlc purpoxe. Suar'.¦iici ; sclllng for !4S rentH p-r llox, or 5 Boxon, poxtptiiil. fr Él. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERAOICATOR Is a doubla-atrengtl) Llulmect, i'radlratlng Intcrual or external i'uin quickcr aml ruorc permuiiciitly trian any othpr In ukc. Two sites,- 5O oontM and 1, -or O larpc Hotlics for M. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLASTER Is put up In Koll or Stick Komi, which wlll apraad adosen Plaiters,gívlngaitreagUieiilng and henllng l'laslor for two cents not eqn:tll by those for whlch you pny two shllllngs ; solling for Ü5 cent )er roll ; rlve rolU, poitpaUl, SI. Dr. CHASE'S CATARRH SNÜFF . Is for thc qalck cure of " Colds In the Head," and .lolnu all for old Chronic Catarrh tUat medlolne saai do. Selling forSOrtn. per bottle. IX OKIIIItlNC, Any ol mem M.'diolnes, (If your Dras(M has not (tot thomjor for any furthor Information In rclation to ihum. address the Dr. A. TV. CHASE MEDICINE COMPAJÍT, Ann Arlior, Nirh. mi wTtremain GENERAL luie in officj: yrr A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Norlh Brltlüli IiiMiruiu iiiii'j (of London and Kilinhurli,) ('si)llal fl.VKKi.UUU, Uld. Detroit Firc nnd Slurlne In. Cm, Caah Aueti VMPiflOk NprliiKllcId I iis. Comí')', urntn,, l'HHh AñKOlli 1,8IH',I IIowar! In. Va., f New Vork, Cash Assete $1,000,000. %grlcultanü Inwrwiff e p') WATBKTOWN, - NKW YOKK, Caah Asscts $l,2no,000. [tocan libcrmlly udjustod and jirouiptly paid. yj UliilTrnACENT8 TOSELLTEA, WfUIII II rwiMi ikki uur. imu lm "' ¦!¦ i 'I. ,CU li, .1 ¦.il'i.SI I. .„„.M...


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