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Important To Greenbackers And Republicans

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lt wili bc roiiiemboreil by our readers tliat in tho last clection in Alnbama the republicans, nationals and iudependents comiiined on a slate ticket. Gen. Woaver truthfully said, in his Montgoniery speech, that with a free ballot and a fair count tho independent ticket would be overwhelmingly tnumphant. Tiie republican state central coniiuittee of that state have made an addreas to tho people, showing the frauds and the gross enorinities committed by the deinocrats, to wrest the state from the hands of that party which has the majority of'votera, and henee the right to control. The address filis four columns of the N. Y. Tribune, and is a fair and manly statement of the marnier in which a democratie majority of 80,000 wasmade in a republican state. In the same manner a democratie majority of' 800,000 could bo obtaincd, and would be were it necessary. Uur spaee will permit us to give but a few extracts, and we ask :i candid perusal by the thinking men of all partios ; and when you have read the cnormities comruitted bjr the soutbern winir - the controlling part - of the democratie party, ask yourself if you had not better cast your vote for the republican nomíneos, and put a firm and everlasting check upon the acts of the white leasuers, red shirt bands, and niidnight assassins who want to make liberty a by-word and a hiss, and the landed aristocracy of tho south the dominant power of the uatiou. Note the following: AT m'GHEE'S SWITCU. At McGhee's Switch, in Montgomery county, the republicans polled 672 votes by actual count recoiving thoir tickets from ono man, giving him their namea and going straight from him to the polling-place, holding their tickets in view to enable him to sec that they d.positod the same ticket they had roeceived. These precautions were adopted in order that tho number of republican votes pollod there on that day might be fixed and ascortained beyond all doubt, beoause at the clection in that pre cinct for member of congres two years bofore their votes had been returned as cast for the democratie candidate. It is instructive to interject here, paronthctically, that B. E. McOhee, one of the democratie inspectors at the fornier eleotion, and who is at present under indictment in the United States circuit oourt for " .stuifing " the ballot-box on that occasion, was onc of the persons choeen as a guardián of the poople's ballot box at this election. After the election had progressed, without one threatening incident, to its close, at five o'clock, the republican inspector, a colored man, demanded that the votes should be immediately counted, as the law diroctcd, but could not persuade the other inspectora to join him in the count, first ono excuso and then another being offerod for the delay. About eix o'clock a military company from Montgomery, tho "graya," under command of Col. Jones, commanding the second Alabama militia, appearcd upon the grounds, supported by an armed posse of about thirty eitizens from MontKomery. The causo of tho delay then bo carne apparent. The wretches who were housed inside, contemplating the villainy they were about to perpétrate, beeume afraid of the indigiiatiou and wrath of tho large number of colored men who were quietly waiting on the ground to hear the result of tho election announced, and had sent a report to the city that they were threatened by the colored men and that thero was danger oí' a collision. Tho governor of the state had tboreupon issued hin mandato and muatered his bayonets anl dispatched them with all speed to the assistance of his threatened compatriota. The soldiers took up their station and the count proceeded. The details of the farce onactcd here have been before publishod. Af'or counting 116 republican and 50 democratie votes the candie was accidentaüy extinguished, the ballot-box disappeared from the the table, roappeared, the candle wasrelighted, the box discovered to bo full of tickets, where it had before been only partialiy full by reason of the diminution causcd by those alrcady counted, and large nunsber.-i of republican ballots were seattered all over the room, whcre before there hád been none. The colored inspector, inexperienced though he wa.s could not rnistake the mcaning of all this, and timiil as he was inexperienced, he yet raised his voice in protest. Thia was the point to which it had boen desired to bring him. The other inspectors and the clerks pretended to be indignant atan " imputation upon their integnty," and resonted the same with language of such forco, accompanied liy domonstrations of such a charactor, that the guilty individual made haste to join his friends outside. After bcing soniewhat reassurcd by them, he attempted to again enter tho polling-place and resume his duties as inspector, but was met by the statement that as hc had voluijtarily abandoned his post hc could not roaume it. The inspectors then proceeded to the count nd made a return givin the republicans 132 votes and the demoerats 550 votes. There are two singular circumstances in connection with the election at this point, which should he inarked down. Tho ürst is that, of the first 175 votes taken from the box while the rcpuplinan inspector was therfl, Uil were re publica n votos, while of tho 500 votea taken from tho box after the republican inspcotor had abandoned his duly,') were rcpubliean votos. The Hecond i.s, how 1 .'2 oolored men were enabled to terrorize 540 demócrata, whito and black, at that place and put them in such doadly fright that they rcquired a military company, uniformed and arined with bayonets, to assÍ3t thom iu countiug tho votos of the frccnicn who vnted thorc on that day. BAHPU FBAUDS IN LOWNDES COUNTY. Lonndes county, whioh has a legitímate republican majority of 3,000, and whicli has alwayo cast its vote for the republicans, was tb is time stolen from them by a democratie majority of 2,000. At all the polls, lista oí' republioan voters were kept by intelligent men, eaeh voter giviDg his name as he passc 1 tp to vote, and an exaraination of those lista shows that the ropublicans never voted more solidly. We givc herewith some offioial tiguEi's as inatances of the shamoless frauda committed in that county ; Coffoy, demoorat, 3,506 : McDufnV, republican, 1,800; Owen, independent, 503 : Bonton beat returned 125 votes for Coffey, 70 for MoDuffie. McDuffie bas obtaincd the names of 166 incn who voted for him tbere. Net fraud in Henion beat 86 vote.. Church Ilill beat returned Coffey 190 votes, MoDufEo 13. MoDuffie has tho namos of 177 men who voted for him. Net fraud in this beat 161 votes. Collerine beat returnod Coffey 25á votes, MoDuffie 12 1. McDuffie got here 230 votes, and the republicnns of the beat stand ready to swear to it. Net fraud in this beat 205 rotes, Uridironville - McDuffiu's votersregisterod thoir liamos publicly, giving him 442 votes. The returns gave him 102 votes ; the remuinder to Coffey. Net fiaud, 340 votes in this preuinet. At this beat tliore worr. white men who votod for McDuffie and not for the balance of the ticket, and yet the republican tieket got thu sume vote for all tbc candidatos on it neeording to the returns. Hopcwell beat- McDuffie has the names of 136 porsons who votod for him, and yet the returns givo only 80 votCB for McDuffie, but 98 for Coffey. Net fraud in this beat, 56 votes. Brook's beat -the returns pi veCofiV votes while tfaere woro not 25 democratie votes in the whole beat, and Coffey did not get, colorftd votes and all, over 50 votes. Net fraud in this beat 1S6 votes. Prairie Hill beat - There aru but four white men living hore, and one of them voted for McDuffie ; the returns give Coffey 89, and McDuffie only 77 votes. McDuffie has the names of 186 men who voted there for him. Net fraud in this beat, 86 votes. Letohatchir beat - 187 men voted for McDuffie ; the returns give Coffey 212 votes, MoDuffie 80. Net fraud in this beat, 107 votes. Steei) Creek beat- Moüuffie's voters registered 1 90 names, all of whom cast thuir ballots for him; but the returns show 146 votes for Coffey, and only 96 for McDuffie. Net fi-aud in this beat, 94 votos. Lowndssboro beat - JIcDuffie got 119 votes, tho raturns gave him 224 votes, and Coffey 270. Net fraud in this beat, 106 votes. At previous elections tho demócrata did not get over 75 votes at this box, and a loss number of colored votes wero polled for them there at this eloetion than ever before. St. Clair beat- McDuffie rficeived 176 votes, but the returns gave him only 46 votes, and Coffey 166. Net fraud in this beat, 130 votes. Whitehaü beat- McDuffie bas the nnmes of 276 persons who voted for him ; still the returns give him only 71 votos, but 220 for Coffey. Net fraud in this boat, 22.' votes.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News