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Washington Ruin

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One naiuo among the list of territorial dclegates I will not mention. He was in the house for four ycars, and froni the time he entered it until the expiration of his second term he was greatly respected. Ile was an exccptionally able man, a nrofound thinker, a ohaste logician and a milliant speaker. Ile was college-brod, had spent years in foreign travel, was a lawyer and had been in mauy responsiblc official positione. Ho had been in the legislatura of one of the wostern states, had been receiver of public luonoys and surveyor general. Whilc in eongress he loctured before church and scieutifio societies hure, and no mau in congress was more generally reespected. Would the reader like to know where this great man is now? He is still in Washington and about as low in the human scale as it is possible í'or a man to be. He first became the victim of a gambler who was hiuiself at one time a distinguishcd member of congress from a great western state. Together they carried on what thoy callod private club-rooms, and there they fleecod thcir victims as they could uatoh them. They were frciiucntly raidod by the pólice, but they managed to got off. But they sunk lower and lower each year, uutil finally thoy got to the lowest game of " policy." The ex-congressman froin a western state died a few months ago. The ex-delegate is now keeping one of the lowest dives in the city. 11 is place is ostensibly a cigar store, but a thin parlition separatas it froin a bagnio of the lowest character. The man flaunts his shame in the broad glare of day, and may be seen at almost any time, sitting in front of his disgraceful abode, in his shirt sleevcs, brazenly lacing peoplo who knew him in his botter days. llere is another case. In 1844 there graduated i'rom Harvard university a young man of wonderful promise. Ho was 22 years old, and the wqrld oponed bright and promising before him. Be wan, I believe, for a time a teaoher in Harvard, and subscquontly he Ibunded a very sucecssful school in Massachusette. Somo time afterwards he went south as princi]al of a state normal sohool. The war coming on he was driven froin the state and came north. At the close of the war he went baok to the southern states as collector of internal revenue. When the state was reconstructed he was elected to the United States senato and served with distinction for six yeare. He waa chairman of the oommittee on cduoation and labor, and a member of the appropriations, and other important committoes. Ho was a very strong and pleasing spuaker, and stood very high ainong his colleagues. After his term expired hc was appointed assistant scerctary of the treasury, and was at times acting seoretary. It was bere that he feil. Ile was oourted and flattered and used. Wine, cards and women did their part to accomplish his f all . There were ooie very orooked transactions while he was in office, and some way or other the assistant socretarv lost his 9ffice, and landed in jai!, lie was speedily got out, however, but ho became wrotchedly pooi and got to borrowing fifty cont pieoes of his old friends. It was a pitiful sight to see him about and know what he had been. Finally somebody had him appointed to a twelve hundred dollar clerkship (he wrote a beautiful hand) and it was thought bo might piek up and recover ; but he didn't. He had got a passion for gambling, and whenever he could obtain any money hc sought the tiger and of course lost it, and soon he lost his clerkship. 1 undcr he now borrows a dollar or two whenever ho can and goes into the lowcst places and plays until it i gone. If he Ins po moncy, whioh is noarly alwaye the case, be will fit where the game ia going on and keop tho score for the low wretches that infost tho divos he visits. Ho onco had a oharmios family of boys and girls, but the Lord only knows where they are now.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News