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Greenback County Convention

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Last Saturday there assenibled in the court house, in this city, a body of' men represcnting the grceaback party of Walitenaw county. T. D. Lane, of Salem, was made chairman, and G. R. Williatus, of this cüy, secretary. J. M. Forsyth, of' Ypsilanti ; J. Sprague, of Ann Arbor ; and J. B. Waterman, of Salem, were acommittee upon credentials; and Geo. A. Peters, of Scio ; E. A. Nordman, of Lima ; N. C. Putnam, of York, upon permanent organization. The committee upon credentials ruportod the following as cntitled to seats in the convention, hut as tlie rusult of a ballot showed but twenty-five delcgates present, uiany of tlie names must have been placed on the roll lor the same purpose that a lady wears a new bonnet to church, fúr show : Arm Arbor city- lat ward- U. I'. Murkoy. :;.l ward -Robert Wlnalow, Fred. .sipfley, Hugh HcGnlre, Christopher Klrns. 4th wnnl- o. K. Willlams.T. Keatlnc, M. .1. ii'Kil.-y, J. I,. lJnnimn. 5tli wunl-J. M. swlft, D. II. Millcr,.Iouathan Spragae. Stbward M. II. lirennnn, l'atriek Breuuan, Louis llowlund. Manohester- W. Klmble, w. Bherwosd. Lima- E. A. Norton, J. T. Wheelock, O. K. llnininond, Morri-11 Uoodrich. Hylvan- T. J. Killen, Seymore TInilol, liyron Wlisht, Fnuik (icriii, James M Oongden. (. a. Peten, l). M. Lltcbfleld, Charles Morris, i'. F. Halo, S. W. Holmes, Freoman 'yKart. Salem- T. D. Lane, J. Ii. Waterman, Cal in Aiistin. York- John Flvrin, lohn ütirnliain, Jfimes Doyle, N.C. Patnam, Daniel Murray. Ypsilanti city- lat ward- Ueorge Amsden. 8. H. Oatrander, ,v. McNichols. 3d ward- Ai McPliorson, Wm. linrr, A. D. L. K n Iseley . ;id ward- II. D. Martin, Thomas Duffee, L. KlMith. II h wiml-A. F. liarr, J. Newell, M. H. .7. Lelgbton. ,r. '. liabbitt, Jamea M. Forayth, 11. J. Uavls. The temporary ofücer.t were made permanent and the usual report on order of business reoeived. G. A. Peters and E. A. Nordman wero appointcd as tellers, and a ballot for senator ordured, which resulted : Kllaklm T. Walker, of Saldiu 11 N. O. l'ulnani, of York 2 T. D. Lane, oi Salam s i Mr. Walker was declared the unanimous nominee of the convention. It might be justice t aay that Mr. Lanu's name was proposed, but that he doclined the honor, on the ground that he could work for 1 other man better than for himself', being troubled with modesty - and that, too, after holding tho office of supervisor for many I years. Mr. Walker was his choice for the I slaugliter. For the office of suerifi.J. M. Forsyth, the candidate of two yoard ago, was anain I placed upon tho ticket, against his protest. I He said lic oonsiderod it no more than I right that souic other person shouid bear I the burden this timo, but there wore no I volun teers and so he was quito unanimously I oliosen. J. W. liabbitt, of Ypsilanti, eaid, I after the voto was taken, that Mr. 1 syth ought to lo cxcused. Ile had borne the burden once, and somo one else ought to lic willinf to do it this time. Ho thought the nomination should go to aome portion of the county whcre the party was stronp ; thut ''ttiey wore vory feoble in ïpsilanti, very fecble, undgrowing beautifully moro so, all the time." Tho strong psrta of the county didn't reepond, and Forsytb was oune more placed upon the eourse. Kor judge of' probate, Ur. Amariah i Ooaklin, of Manchester, was enthusiastically selected with intense unaninjity. Kor the office of county treusurer, Wm. 15. Osborne, of Sharon, was liki'wiso eleeted, u wu N. ('. l'utnuin, of Vork, for registor of' deeds. When it eame to the office oí' prosecutiog attoroey, the convention was in great Uepidation. Watt thero a lawyer in the county a memboT of the party ? was asked by several delegates. It was finally reraiimbered that M. II. Brennan had been admitted to the bar, but rue dcclined, on the ground of the probability of his going west about November. It was finally asoertained that another raeniber had been admitted to the bar, Mr. G. R. Williams, of Ann Arbor. A delégate reconimended him as " a man capahlc to fill any oapaoity," and ,. lic was placed in nomination vocif'eroufly, so to spoak. For the office of county clerk, the genial gruñir, (oo. A. Peters, of Scio, wae protoaed. He protested. Like Bro. Lane, he wu modest, too. While he didn't propose to :-lirk his duty, bc would rather have some othcr man oo the ticket, for then he would fee] line. He dido't want his hands tiod so that he couldn't work with all his might for the glorious success whicli thcy should someday attain ; if they didn't obtain it this fall, they should somo day. He was one of the old war horses of the party, and didn't want it thrown up in his face that hc was after the loaves and üdhos, for he wasn't. " Succesa would be best obtained by leaving ua old war-horses freo to fight, and put up young men to run on tin; eourse." Hut hiseloqucnce rcacted apon him, carried the convention by storm, and they cnthusiastically and unanimously voteil to bind his hands, and placed him on the ticket for clerk. For ciroujt court eommissiouors lawyors were again oalled for. Warren E. Walker, oi Arm Arbor, was first placed in nomination, and M. 11. Brennan, second. Brennan protested vigorously, and finally came uut umi uwuuil up ihai Uiuru m a very particular and Ultímate friend on ono of the othor tickets whom hé wisnrd to aid, and would nut under any ooDbiderationa whatcvor, du a tiiing that would tend to injuro him, and utterly refused to tako it. (The audience, of eourse, took this friend to bo McKornan, the democratie nominee.) Ar tliis juncture. Mr. Wiliiams, the prosecutin attorney, arose and snilod inio Brennan. He said as greenbaoken they bad no business to have friends on other tickets, and if they did have it ought not to make any differenee with theru. He had particular friends on both the other tickets ; Mr. Emcrick and Mr. Whitman I were both warm, personal, particular and intimato friends of lus, but he was going into the contest and defeat thern both. And he moved that Brennan be placed upon the ticket, and tho convention so agreed. A. B. Covert, of Ann Arbor, and E. A. Nordman, of Lima. were nominatod for eoroners, and ('. F. Bates, of Scio, for surreyor. A county cominittee was selecled, I sisting of 0. F. Baies, of Scio, chairman ; I ). M. Porsyth, of Ypsilanti ; G. II. Wiliauis, of Ann Arbor ; and Byron I eer, of Sylvan. Mr. Bates, upon being I re-etected as chairraan, said that they all I ought to " chip in" and help pay the I penses; that he had got about tired ofl running a politica! campain and not a cent I of money to run it with. Mr. Trevellick, the greenback orator, I aróse and reiuested a few moments' time. I The statement had been published that I the greenback organization was undor pay I of the republiean party. It was his desire I to stigmatize that assertion as false, andfl the editor who made it as " an infamousB jar, pcltriion and a coward." No 1 liean monoy had ever disgraced his hauds. I His remarks were reoeived with applause. I The nest business before the convention ¦ being the selection of delegates to a 1 gressional convention for this, the 2d I trict, held at Adrián, Bept. 2d, the 1 ing were chosen : lst N. O. Pulnum, Win. Pntlis.m I Julin Hiirulinin, Juliu Doyle, Chas. Hmltb j I W. Babbitt. 3d district- Jonathan Spratcoe. Frud. Sinfley, I G. B. WUllaiim, M. H. Breiman, V. li. Ooverl ¦ A. ( 'ivert. Itrlcl -Win. KircliKCSHner, Oeo. A. I (era. O. F. Itiites, Cauw. Morris, W. Kimball, J. I


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