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Wet. and damp hot most of the time. County pouiological society to niorrow litermxm. ____ o le a special regente' meeting onthe Utb inst. ,_ "Colliery phantom" is the wny PennaylnniaM. D.'b writc it. School oponed last Mooday with evory (NDÜlled "cliuck up" full. Hangiterfer is togivethe " boas" ï l'riday night in tho tont. The booltstores diJ a right lively trade school booka laat Afonda; aud Tuosday. A (wo-iine Uymn for business mon : Jl yon trust Yoa'il suruly lju-t Nightly riuarrcls now : " Katy did- [atydidn'u" "Yoa'ro another- ao are Uouitocs ought tu bo good collectors, thcy nn: alwaya preaeatbg tboir little Nu dimt get mad talking politics, h Mo't benefit yon or oonviooe tho otlicr fellow. .__ Harder - spell it btokwaidi and jou hjtc what is tho OKBM in ninc out of teo ca-es. ?? ' b Ütete anythii tive about tho nkcs hanging from tho Hancock and EngM banncr ? 3. Karl and Z. Sweot wil! fa to I)o.t the time of' the state fnirwith their ten cent bases. Tho walli of the new Baptist eliurch on Enron street liavo risen so they can be from üur windowS. The eounty fair occurs in this city. on ie last throe day.s of this nion'h and the rst day of October. nt and its equipage will horaaftet lia charge of' Jas. 15. Saandera, by order of the rod ribbon club. thfife ot'A. M. Noble afonner ¦éent oí' this city, died ;it licr home in TpMlanti, last Sunday night. A democratie representativo convention 'or the third district of this county, is !ieet at Chelaca, September 25th. . - % % - - Tha Methodist ministers aro all inaking rrtparatinns to attend the conference to be Mdat Hay City, commeneing Wednesday Wt of Ilon. David 11. Jeromr, t ho flblicar. nominee for governor, entera r.-ity this year, in the frcshnian 3Te ladios' homeopathie hospital aid aswill hold its montbly meeting at kt hospital building Sopt. (.Hh, at thrce The Walker Bros., we are informed, have fc contract for the mason work upon the '"buildings to be erected by the EpittOKtbureh Bociety. l E. N, llowell, a gradúate of the elas Michigan university, is now actH oommiasionor of the United States ral land office. Uw. Dr. Steile bai naaptad the cali of 'w Preabyterian society of this city, and TH probably commence his labors here on bcfure Uie Ist of Octobcr. e upparatuf which lights the cily 4li wau out of order for a few nights reT1ly. It dida't make much difference )ut telling the time, though. 'Jntht 2"th of Soptemljor Jawrenee IJar8 is to open the season here at the opera the play of Julius Ca;ser. He f"?! at no other place in the county. il premiums are to be ofierad for ¦iones at the county fair this full, and 'toiamittee is solieiting subsoriptions for ""' purpose, with apparont gool suceca. N. II. l'iurcc is busy Iryiug to inU the people of the city to purchase the "' Wlsqotre !ur a public park, ou the mil tliat balf a park is botter than no Irk. A'ract known as Jatlirois addition to 'ity ot'Jackson, was sold under mort'!!¦. liucy Morgan, of this city, ?26. !""1 it is stid to be worth $35,!'r"1;'y oight of at week, the Dexter 1' had a good audiencc, the entertaiü clearing 30. Everybody who atWed were pleased with themsi-lves for so :i'y Wwhtenaw ponoo on board Heaoier Marine City, of whieh any acean b fbund, was Richard M. Johnbt, of YpMlanti, Who VU A &Ma leather pocket book was pioked ,'"'" ' street, a few days ago, with ma marked thereon. The !' bohad at thisoiüccby proving W , SWU ' DOt Wil'fiU-'ranncr, "ƒ gauot, fwting fiend, pi "i, ' at hTe thc l)ti01'lt; of tbs 4n iha they moat be thtu im"itUld '!lumly llouso" St:ite rtwot, ll'W :m eyw U) rendente of btTt fur years' is ll0'"K takon 'lown"'Nrct rC '" '" "'"l '" th "ow Kpis" Lin Luen Fai, ono of' tho young China-ont to this country for a five years' educational courso by tlie Chinese government, i in Detroit preparing for tho university in this city. The elevcnth annual state luir will bc held in Detroit, on the 13, 14, 15, 1(1, and 17th oí' this mouth. The procent indications point to an excellent display in oearly every dupartmeot. Q o. Le Van, while painting in Ypsilanti last Saturday, feil froru a swing scuff jld a distance of souie thirty feet, and was scrionly injured. He is a brother of' James IC Ynn gf this city. l'iither tho chain on the drinking fount;iin should be lengthoned out, or a holo rank tor ta'.l people to stand in whilo driuking. It a niighty inconveniont at present, for hix footers. Tho Argus refere to Capt. Allen as t " heavy-base orator." lt the Argus does'nt spell "base" in a different manner, tlierc will probably be a slander snit, or something of the kind. S i eral persons wcre baptized, and l'ortythree ïvceived into full memborship at the Methodist Bpiaoopal Church last Sunday, U I i'urt of the resulta of the revival held in Üiat church last winter. l'lie T. & . A. K. H. have purehased two lots, one from P. Iliseook, and one frou) John M. Gould, near Chubb street, - i that the traek may be laid in a moro satisfactory manner at that point. The Miei i;il telegraph offices all support biiy wiwlows now. A new arrangement for signaling paseing iraii. he engineer intbrmation as to how f'ar ahead of bim the preeediog train ia. ¦I . M. Cutler, for a great many years proprietor of the Foliett house, Ypsilanti, died on the 26th uit., aed (7 years. He was widely known and highly respected in this county, and by the traveling public. - """ - ; - At the traek upun the fair grounds therc will be tlnee races to-morrow, for pursesof $J0, $30, and $40. The entriea so far made, it is said, will insurc an excellent trot, and horse fanoiera will be out in full force. Bat oysters in the months that have an "i" in their naines, and drink whisky only in the months that have a "k" in their names, is very good advice. Yuu can oommenee on the oysters now, if you i inclined. liobert Tiddwell wan broaght betore Justioe WinegarlastTnesday, ohargedby Mrs. Minnie [lusfell with the lareeny of $24.50, on Angust -'M, last ; and wns srntenced to pay a fino of $"2 or go to fonia house of correction for 90 days. Engineer Frank liilling?, of Marshall, drove the " i ron horse " attachod to the special train whieh couvoyed the knights templar oí' Detroit to Chicago, and at this city the plumed knights presentad hiui a purse of twenty dollars. J. II. Evarts, of Dcxter, has rented the Scio milis of the assignce, and will comïuonce work imiuediately. Mr. Evarts in company with Mr. Costello, formerly owned both this and the Dexter milis, and is no new hand at the business. The oíd Episcopal cliureh, which was left standing wbon the new stone structure was erected, for use as a chapel, has been razed to the ground. Maoy a pleasant recollection passed out of existence with the domolition of its walls. The greenback meeting last Saturday night at the court house, was a slim affair. Only about fifty persons wore in attendance, and the speaker, Prof. Kobeson, was suddenly attacked with sick headache and had to give up speech making. The rcsult of the first representativo convention held at Ypsilanti last Saturday, was the unanimous renomination of Capt. K. 1'. Allen. It is necdless to say that the work of the convention was done well. The people know and feel it. A young lad about 12 yeara old, named Kennedy, was run over by a wagon loaded with sand, on North Main Btreet, last Monday forenooD, and the wondorful part of the story is, not a bone was broken or other injury inflieted that ean be detected. The house of Jos. Audettc, about one mile west of the eily, was entered by burglars last Friday night. and a full suit of clothes, a pair of pants, watch, revolver, razor, and $1 in money taken therefrom. There is no clue to the mysterious visitors. Daniel B, Caaunao ws Lu Aun Arlior :i iow eveniugs ago, and wMSoandly Uok6d by a citiE6D. As lf this was not euoiiRti, lie wih arrtsilmI h hort time nfter ou the cEarge oi wblpplDg lils mother-in-law. A fretmuni luis no rihls In Aun Albor.- Adrián I This was always noted as a bad place lur trangressors of the law. Uomc over sotue time. _ Col. Crandall, of Dundee, will address the reform club on next Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, in the tent, if the weather will pormit, otherwise in tbc rooms o!' th; club, next to the opera house, whero a platform lias boen erected and everything made convenient. Hon. Edwin Willits, candidate for congress iu this district, was given a reception at'I51issfield, Leuaweu Co., recently by Mr. A. 1). Gilmore. The grounds and residenee wcre handsomely illuminated, and the occasion is said to have been a very pleasant one. _______ Stophen Mills saya he is not a democrat, nor does he ever expect to be one, notwithstanding his name appeared- or the name of S. Mills - as a delégate in the democratie eonvention from l'ittsfield. I '. E. Mills is the democratie man's name. We'll take it back. The immense bridge to be built by the Toledo and Ann Arbor road over the Huron ríver aod Michigan Central tracks, at this place, is now under way. It will be a remarkable structure of the kind for Michigan, as bridges are not generally extensive in this state. Competition is the life of trade, and the result of' competition has reduced the pricc of coal the past weck about Ou cents por ton, mueh to the satisfaetion of oonsumers. The latest quotations for nut and stovo is $6.50; cgg and grate $6.30. Htill far abovo laat year's prices. Manager VVhitncy has seleeted by lar tho bost class of actors for this place ever bofore presented in one season. Among them are Lawrenco Harrott, Frank Mayo, John A. Stevens, Mrs. Scott Siddons' company, lloberts' pantomine, the Alice Oatcs company, etc, all to appcar tliis i'all. iïeo. A. L'etcrs, of Scio, grew quite witty in the greenbaek convention the other day over the statement that the greenbackers wcro paid by the republicans to work in their interest. He said he tricd to get his dinncr at a restaurant eharged to the republican eounty cummittcc, but it wouldn't work, as they weren' t eonsidored a responsible body. It is to be hoped the council will wax indignant again ncxt Monday night over the sidewalks of this city, and in so doing, make some of the gritty ref'users to rebuiid. change thcir mind. The studonts' sidewalk committee ruay possibly be revived this year, it they have such bad walks to pass over. The local of' the Adrián Press has got 'cm so early ! They uiust have awful bad liquor down there, for he tells about a black snake which was seraped out of' the ground and got so ruad about, that it- the snake - bit a hole out of a man's boot ! Nothing but a liquid iuiagination of c.oursc, could produce sueti a 9tory. Atthe. annual meeting of the Zion's Lutheran ehuroh, held last Monday, the following officers were ehoBcn for the ensuing year : Dcacon- Andrew Burk ; trustees - Fredcrick Hutzel, Gregory Naegle; secretary- Gottlieb Kurz. Next Tuesday evening the board hold a meeting for the transaetion of business. J)ay before day-before-yestorday it was a crime to eat a of the genus ostrea, because it was then summer, aui the oousonant r didn't enter inw the spelling of the month to which that day beloncd. But day-bcfore yesterday one oould devour the luscious bivalvos regardless of the thermometer at 90 in the 9hade. Kxaminations ofapplieants for the vacant I 'lint cadetship from this congression:il distriot, will be held at Monroe, Tliursday, Sept. ytli. Judge Kufus E. Phinney, and Congressman Willits uf Monroe, will assist in oonducting the cxaiuinatiorj, and Dr. W. J. llerdman, of this city, wiil examine thcir physieal cendition. The regular election of school offioen will take place nest Monday, at the court house, probably, and the annual roports of officers are due at that time. We trustees whose time expires are Messrs. C. Mack, Israel Hall, and W. W. Whedon. Aoy tax payer, uiale or female, is eligible to the ofBoo of trustee in this state now, we bolieve. To show Bomethiog of the i cach business of our ynung orchards, Ames says that laat week there was ghipped by express an average of tive tons a day, and six or seven tons per day this week. Shipments by freight have been from ten to fiftcen tons a day. When the orchards pet a little older it will take a regular train each day ti) Ikui away the product. IIow bcautiful is night 1 IIow siloutly she tiptoes across the meadows of yonder peaeeful vale. I hear, in fancy, the soft rustlc of her shadowy garments as they tra il above the - m-c-o-w ! blank, the blankety oata ' There they go again ! When a fcllow does fcel a littlo touch of' sentiment, there's always somctliing to startle him back to thu stern rcalities of lif'u. Une of the most efficiënt, gcntlemanly, accoinmodating, obliging - and we might go on with a string of similar words till we reached tlie end of Wcbster's vocabulary, without overdoing llie matter - county clerks wlio ever held the office, is Everett I!. Clark, of Saline, the present incumbent. It would not be wise for the people (o make a change. His excellent record entitles him to a re election. It is our purpose to show up the good qualitics of' the nominees on the republican county ticket froui time to time, and give the reasons why the people of Washtenaw will show good sensj and good judgment in Dg them to office. They are all capable, efficiënt, honorable, up'right men, and representiug as they do the better element of the oommuaity, deaerve tho vote of every republwtn, and about half the deuioorats. There was a gathering of the children of John C. Smith, an old pioneer of Saline, now deceased, at the residence of John Tate in PittsBeld, August 27th, Mrs. Tate being their sister. The names of tho children were Ilallut Smith, of Sharon ; Sylvester Smitb, of Tecumseh ; Abram Smith, of Bath, Clinton Co. Mrs. Margaret Brown, a sister, of Bridgewater, being too old and feeble to meet with them. They are all quite aged. A parent who had just expended some $4 or $5 for school books for his ohildreo, last Tuesdfiy expressed a desire to have the Evening .News move to this city and open up on the school book question, and havo this agency and commission business investigated. He asserted that it took more money to furnish books one year for one of his children thaa was ever expended íor himself' in a lifetime, and he is a well educated man, too. Fall iü here. She came day-before yesterday. Old Sol was exceedingly genial upon her advent, and did his best to give her a warm reception. All nature seems prepared for the event, a thing unasnal, as such preparations are geuerally two or thrue weeks later. But this season the crickets, katydids, ripeninfr leaves, and a fall-y aspect upon the face of the earih, proclaim the autumn upon us in truth as well as in the almanac. There are no stone masons idle in our city at present, or in fact, builden of any tradc. Our carpenters and joinors, and masons, and plasterers, and so-forth, are and have been busy the ontire season. Ann Arbor has been growing tincly this year, and although maDy new residences have been erected, none are vaoant, and more could be readily rented were they built. This city is once again on the high road to prosperity. A certain young gentleman of quiet demeanor, who is in the habit of driving out on the liodi gravel road after church, must either take a lantern with him or tend a little closer to the reius. Last Sunday night ho allowed the horse to get way out to one side of the road, into a deep gulley, and the consequonce was both his girl and himseir were thrown out and the carriage tipped over. No groat dam age but an awful seare and some terrific screaming. Dr. P. B. llose was re-elected treasurer at the reunión of' his old regiment, the 5th Michigan, held at Saginaw City last reek. This is very complimentary to the doctor, as it makes ten that he has held that office, und shows what conüdenee his comrades repose in him. There wore about ninety of the old " boys " together, and one of the best times they ever had is reported. The next reunión will bo held at Mt. Ciernen--, on the last Wednesday in August, 1881. The changes in our schools, so far as we have been infonued, are: Miss Ida F. llull the position made vacant by the ro.ÍKnatiun of Miss Addie H. Morey, in the grammar department of tho high school, and Miss Ora Koyce as assistant to Prof. Nichols in the commercial eoursc. At the Int ward school MLm Mary Douglass takes Miss IIuU'h place, and Miss Estella Mozart the place of Miss Matie Beal, who resigned to finish her educatiun. In tho 4th ward school Miss Lizzie Cooper takes Miss Hattie Taylor's place, and in the öth ward Miss Emma Banfield is made principal. The funeral services of Rev. Father Schalken, of Bay City, were held on tho day hc was to have sailed for Holland to attend the goldon wedding of his parents. Ae arrangements were in charge of B. F. Martin, and his father, ü. M. Martin, of this city, was present to assist him. It was the largest funeral ver witnessed in Hay City. Ciimplaints are being made by some of our business men about the irregularity of lighting the gas lamps of the city. Our attention was called to several lamps upon Main street which were not lighted at a quarter to eight last Monday cvening. It is asserted that about tho time the lamplighter completes hifi circuit, lie has to start out again to extinguish them, whioh gives a mighty short pcriod of light to certain localities. Hadn't the council botter hire a few more lighters? Any man who will commTt a deed in violation of tli e law ought not to bc furnisbed witli i'very delicaey of tho season, at the expense of the county. It is our opinión the food of' prisoners is ofteuer botter than they deserve, than the reverse. The food and easy times at niany of our jails is a temptation for a large class of idlers and lazy people to commit some crime for the sake of getting sent to jail for several days or weeks. Every jail ought to have a stone yard, and very prisoner should be compelled to earn his food. He would appreciate it better then. Some of the 6th ward democrats assert that there is a sufficient number of their party in that ward to act as delegates to a convention without importing from the lst, although the last conclave thought difforently, and gave a lst ward delégate a rth ward proxy, so that a prominent judge, whom the "boys" had oleaned out at tho primarios, niight make a speeoh as a membet of the convention. " For wnys that are dark And ti-ii'k that are valn," democratie politicians are peouliar, eh? In the greenback convention the other d.iy one of the delegates remarked that this movement was a ncw one, and Ihe party yot in its inliinoy, in fact it had not learned to run alone ; while the Scio granger asserted that he was an "old war horse" in the party, who had stood by it through dark days ;ind brifht ones. Still anothcr referred to it as a party that was "feeble, very fceble, and growing beautifully moro so. " Anothcr said "of course none of us oxpect to be cleetud. ' ' "Bark! from the tombs adoleful sound." Through the kindness of A. L. Noble and his fast horse, the writer took a brief peop at Dr. W. W. Nichols' fruit farm about two miles cast of the city, last Saturday. At, that time over 600 bushels of peaches had been shipped, and it didn't seern a.s if a third had been picked. We saw some pean and plums, that gave a watery foeling to one's mouth. All of the trees are young, this being tho first season of hearing. The Dr. expects to market over 1,000 bushels - not baskets- as the first year's product of peaches alone. The resignation of Chas. II. Manly, as captain of Co. A., has been refused, and he has concluded to serve out his time, which will continue two years yet. The captain tells us that it is the intention of the oouipany to recruit the ranks, weed out the non-attending members, and put the standing of the organization in the front rank. Twenty-five good-principled, ürst-class citizens are wanted as new members of the company ; and if they will come forward and join the boys he promises that Ann Arbor shall have the 'crack' military company of the state. There are two men upon the republican ticket who risked their lives when tho country called for defenders. Joe T. Jacobs, the candidate for state senator, was an adjutant in the 178th Ohio, serving with credit to himself and honor to his regiment. Erastus N. Gilbert, the candidate for register of doods, as is well known, served three years as a soldier, faithfully and well. Does not this service entitle him to the vote of every good citizen who believea in recompensing our soldiers tbr their noble deeds 1 It may be urged in his behalf also, that he needs the office. Will you not vote for these two brave soldiers ?