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Ed. Worden was in the city this week. Fred Schairer has pone east on businesF. Miss Tillie Hangsterfcr has boon fisittng in Detroit this weck. It. A. Beal left yestDrday moruing for Medina, ühio, to attend the funeral of an uuclo, Clark Kice. Mr.-. Adeline Kelley, of Mt. demons, is visit ing friends in the city. Sne is a fonner resident of this city. .1. 11. Hicks, of Lodi, returnud a few days sinco trom a visit to his son Charlus, who is in business at Oscoda. Kev. Wyllys Hal!, rector of St. Andrew's church, has been passing a short vacation in the upper lake región. C. A. Lewis and lumily, who havo been spendinK the past uionth at J'lyuiouth, Mass., returned home yestcrday. Mr. F. Sehmid - of' Mack & Sohniid - is enjoying an eastcrn trip, taking ia Montreal and the White Mountains. Prof. O. C. .Johnson and wife- nee. Kate Crane- have returned from an extended trip to the northern part of the state. Chas. Ilutchin. who is in bil brother's law office at Mt. Clenions, was viftiting his parents, iu this city, the early part of the weck. Donald Molntyre, oí Johnstown, N. Y., formerly a resident of tbis city, sailed for Kurope on the 19th uit., on the steamship Adriatic. Eugene B. Abol left last Monday for a visit to his old home in New York. lic will also transact some business for his firnj before returning. Mr, and Mrs. Stanton and family, of Grand Kapids, are visitins at the homo of J. 15. Saundors, of this city. Mrs. Stanton is a daugliter of M. H. Clark, the veteran n#wspapor publisher, who once resided in this city. Dr. (i. L. Stone of the firm of Stone t l'arsons, contémplate leaving tho city next week, and taking up his residenoe at Keokuk, lowa. The Dr. is well liked here, han a luorative practice, and many ot' our citizeos will regret his daparture. Prof. Henry B. Robeson and wife- formerly Miss Aggio Moore- havo been spending a few weeks with thcir parents, Mr. ainl Mrs. John Moore, in this city, leaving for home last Tuesday. Prof. Itobcson is superintendent of schools at Port lluron. Miss Addie II. Morey, who has taught continuously in our schools for the past twenty years luis rosigned her position on awount of ill health. Shc has been a faithf'ul teacher and for her many ycars' service deservcs at least a word of praiso. Thero ought to bc soinothing better for onc who lias given the best portion of a lite for the public good, and only ccases trom tho labor becauae brokon down in health. Miss Morcy is at present in Toledo, unable to return to this city. Her presence is missed from its aocustomed place by teachers and pupils alike, who express a hope that she may bc spocdily restored to hoalth.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News