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WASTINÖ DISEASK. ncrii ia -IlllllU, litiilK lllll, olKUIIipÜoii, llrulll Rxlmunlloll, 4 tironU' 'iiinIÍpntion, lironti IHarrlio'ii, l) Kr]ln or lio of' HSrEKVOTTS FOKWEE., Are poeitively and speedily enrtd 'y Fellows' Compound Syrupof Hypophosphites The merit of tuis rcuiarkahle rcmedy is due to itn pecallftr propertl ol rettorliiK Um wiatad tiweuue )i thi; badv to thelr oripiim! ilrnuies? nud vigor. It in wi-11 knowu tbat lur evury tliouht umi action tlicro i- ii-;i11i or dccay of an ainoiiiu of nmti-ri! pmpor lloaate t the münltudc of the thout'ht sricaoDi Thin wuntc ie supplloO hy thu unvnpatrftl Lutrltivc runctloiu. Tbs ]in-ciciuus activity oí yoiilhs, the tntbulatic linearla tur woalth and fanic lu the muhtlfiiKed, tina oM aLü itsell diueeuu uudue decay of material nurvone forco. PROSTKATIOX. Edwin Clay of PuRwiu-h, Non Scotlu, writt-s iia Io i ou : Mu. Jahks I. Fellows, Sirt - lluviiic, whllc at your u-tabllHlimeiit, CJircfully exiim nvd your precrij'tlons, aul !hi' nicUmd of pruIarm your Cumpouml Syrap of QypopbOBphttei, 1 lelt anxlous to gtve U tfw trial lo rny practico. For thfl lajt twolvc inontht l bftT done o, and Jtnd that In incipient couuuinption, and othrr dis-aH of tho throHt mul Unies, It Ïihö dunc wtnultr-. In rentoriny perBoiis tuÉmxLE trom tlit effect of dlptberU, and the eoutib following typlund levor, prrvaient in ihi rofioui it in tin; beet remedia] aent I have e Hut íor perauns ullriu Iront cxhauntion ot thtimwt-rs uf tlie brain and uervouw systcm, from ontccontíoned stndy or toachlngi or in c- .- of bxhiuiniioQ from whlch so many youu niun biiüer, I kimw of no butter meLicinc tor reatorauou t Loulth tbau your Oompouud Syrnp of Hypuphofpbitu. II. (i. Addy, M. D., St. John, N. U.r writer ae rollom ¦ Mr. Jamea I. Fellows, Vhtmitt ', Jt (ir .Vt-,- Iluviin; uftid your Compound ciyru oí 1I pophosphitot lor sonie time in my prtictice, I bavfl no luitntion in recummondiiiK it tiny patienU wbo are suirerinc from ponera] dobiliiy, or uny dioMe or the longs, knowiuy UiAt eren in cusoc utterly hopM, it aflorde relief. SOLD BY ALL DKCüOUJTS. l'uirB [ 50 Vr.n Boirttri IOQB Brown A. Co., Agenis, Ann Arbor. Castoria Mllllons orMotliers cxirpss tlipir delight over ('istoria. It is uaturc's remcdy for assiiiiiluiing the food. Unlikc Castor Oil, it is ple;is;int totiikt', and iinlikcMorphlne Sj rups, il Isiiarmless. Castoria rehuíales Um Uowels, dcstroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and ailays Fcverishucss. What gives healtli to the Child promotes rest for the Mol lier. CliIIdren cry tor Pitcher! Casloria. Il isthenioKt reliahlc, ettert irc anti popular artli-lc dispensed by Druirists. UEVER Slnce hcalins remedies hnvc Iwcn nse! Ny surrsRiNa man has therc been known such abeolntc Pain-rolioving- agente as the CENTAUR LINIMENTS. Thoy sootho, heal and cure. ï"hej 1IKAL- Cute, Wound, (ialis, 01 Son-e, Broken Breaste and Soro ; CIJRK- Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Earache, Tetter, IMniploe, Itch, Salt ltheum, and all ïlesh, bone and ni -iscle aumente of Animáis ; SIIIIDIK Inflnmiaatlon nnd Swellings ; Bolla, Felona, Ulccrs, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Qninsy ; KXTRAOT-Pain from Burns, Scalds, Stlngs, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruise. The experience of centuriee ha maile thu CENTAUR Linimonts the most epeedy and cffective curativo iiijeiitB for MAN and BEAST the world hüa ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have rellovod more lind-rlddcn Crlpplc ; h. n lid more rrllitlul wouudi, and navcd more valuable anímala than all othcr linlmcnts, ohitmi'nls, oil.j, extractp, piasters and so-cullcd "pain killers" and "skin cures" combined. lli)KlclauH and Veterinary Snrgeons endorse the Centaur Llulinciitx ; mllllons uf men, wnmiMi and children In all countrie une Ihem, and llousekecperrt, Farmera, Plantere, Travelers, Llverymcn, Tcamsters and Stock-crowers, are their patrone. They are rlcaiit they are handy, they are clieap, and they m rcllablo. There Ib no arlir, alu, or welllnK which they will uot iilleviatu, eabduc, or care. Bold throughout THE IUBITAHI GLOBE lor M ceutM iirjd jil.00 a bottle. Trial bottles, 15 tellta. Gatarrhal FOXSOXT Wel Dr Hi'jcr' TrcatlKe on ntiirrli 6xptalni tlio DnUowÜlg important facls : 1. 'liiat Catarrhal VoUls become a poiiovous infectlott, at llrnt local, and flnully cmistitulioncU. i. Tliat, bclng Unnvtltntional, the laftction ia 6eyond the rtach. of mere local remedies. 3. 'l'hat Impwitie in the nostrlla are neccp-firily ifwallowed lnto the slonuki and iiihaUd into the l'wtjM, thuH poiêoning the Uigeetive, Kcapiratory and Oenito-Unuary organs, 4. 'Umi Cutnrrhal virus followe the mucous memhranc and canses Veafnets, Uyspeppin, Chronic Dlarrhcea, Bronchitis, Leucorrhii'a, and Consumption. 5. 'Mat. üinokfi. Douches, Inhalatiuns, and Insolnble SunllV, carmot potsMy remuve loftettODI Inflanmatton from the orgaos namcd. (i. That an antidote for Catarrh must possess an .m irUMiila'ive amnlty for, nnd the quality Of heiucr (tblorbed byt the purnkMit nmcoii! vh rêvtr located. ISased upon these plitin thcorlcs, Dr. Wei De Meycr's Catarrii (Iiirc lias provod to be iiliillllilr. It uot only relieves, It tmnt Catarrli at any stage. Home testiïnony : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! W. 1). Woods, 7 Broadway, N'. Y., Cured of Chrontc l'atarrh. F. .1, llaslutt, S59 Uroadway, N. Y., 4 ycars Catarrh. O. L. Brush, 44.'j Uroadway, N. Y., 10 year Cntarrh. S. lienedict, Jr., hwalar, K'7 Uroadway, N. V., U'dy frlend), cured of C'hrouic Hay Fi'ver. Mr, tmnn (,'. llmra, 3 W. Washington Sijuun-, N. Y., curod of 30 years Chronic Catarrh. Rev. Oeo. A. Hels, li9 Jay St., Brooklyn. " It rcstored me to my ministerial laliorp." Hev. Uhas. J. Jonen, New Brt'hton, 8. I. " Wortü ten times the cost.M Rot. Alex. Frees, Cairo, N. Y. " It bil wortod wondfln In six cases in my parish." L. F. Newman, 9V5 Fulton St., Brooklyn, cured of 1 yeurs Chronic Catarrh. Mrs.J. Swartz.Jr., 20(1 Warren St., Jersey City, cnrrd of 18 yeara Chronic Caturrh. c. &c. &c. &c. &c. A real cnre for this terrible malatly is the most important discovory for the relief of limnan eulTurins since viu-ciiiation. !¦ IIi'jit'k Catarrh Curo is sold by all Drugiete, or tl, by D. B. Dxwxt & Co., 40 Diy St., N. Y., for 1.ISO a package. To Clubs, six packapos for W7.SO. lr. Wel Ie Mcjer'n TrrftlTi. with full eiplanatlons and overwhelming prooi?, ie ]OHt-iail and sent free to anybody. Wi-vm- eow AMERICAN FLAUS OF ALL SIZE8 At ixtrcmely low prices thiw moiitb. hentl lor our flguree. NOBLE & COSS, Faat tnd Klay Makeri-, In AImhIit bt., Delrull.Mich. HKW1UÜ3 I


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