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Hew to (iet Sick. Exposé yourself day and aigbt, uut tot uiuch without exorcizo ; work too hard without rest; doctor all tho timo; taku ui! the vilo nostrums advertised ; and then you will want to know How to (Jet 'Woll. Whioh is answisred in threc worda - Takc Hop Bitters. Seo another column.- Express. round nt nicht, when the farmer is asloop - And the birds, t ; - and the inseots are suppoacd to Ijo havinf? their own way. French farmerB uuderstand thoso facts 80 wdl that tbej parchase toada, at o nnich a dozen, and turn tlieru loose. Intonso Suíl'cring trom KIdneys ('iircil. fONTQOMERY CeHTKR, Vt., Kil. J.rit: Gentlemni - I feel it i duty and n pleasurc not only to acknowledtfé my gratitude to you pcrsonally, but Imj to lirin my caso before the publió, and testify after oi'lit yoar.s intcuse suffering, what your Kidncy-Wort has done í'or mu. For tlio past year havo boen takiug different remedies for Kidnoy I'iseasc, but derived no benefit, llave had trouble with my Kidncys for eiglit yoars very bad by Rpells, and for sevcral months, ablo to do hut vcry little work, at times pai-sing blood from the bladder, and ezperienoed a prickly Benta tiou all over. I was fearful of paralyaia, and waa dizzy, fraid to stoop over from fear of falling. At last in January commencod takin your Kidney-Wort and found almost imiuediate reliei'. Ono boxmade a new man of me. I feel almost as well as ever in my lif'e, and I sineerely beliove it will restore to health all who may be similarly afflicted. MICHAEL COÏO. Messrs. Wells, Kichardson k Co.: Gentlemen- The above nained person has been in our employ the past tliree years, aud we know him to be a man of truth and honor ; we believe and know his condition and statements to be true. Wc know of othera in this vieinity equally as thankful for tlie benefits derived from the ue of this medicine. Respectfully your?, 8HEHMAN, BRADISII & (O. JtheonBmedÍcB ¦ That Acts et the Same Time on . L 3 THt LIVER, I 1 THE BOWELS, & I and the KIDNEYS. F I Tbrse mreat organ re the natural ij J en of tbc ystera. Ilthey worltwcll, hcalth W ¦ wlll bu perfect : lf they become cloutcd, M I drcsdfuldlDCHMBaretnrrtoIcüuwwnii J TERRIBLE SUFFERINQ f I Blllouness, Headachr, Dyspenala, Ii illcc, Constlpation and l'Ucs, or KldM noy CompUiints, Grarel, Di&bctea, Sediment In the Urine, HUkj or Bopy Crine ; or Itheumailc Palns and Arhos, ii ¦ &re derelopcd because the blood Is po!aone4 m m wlth tho hamora tliat ahuuld üavu beon bj 1 expelled naturally. f: I KIDIMEY-WORT t wlll rostoro the heilth actlon and all these Bj ¦ destroylng evllg wlll he banlshcd ; ceglect M ¦ tbem and yon wlll llvo but to ucrer. h 1 TbouRands havo been curod. Tryltandyou ¦ I wlll add odc more to tbe nnmber. Takfl It ¦ 1 M andhealtü wlllouccmorcKluddcnyourlieart. I ] Why euffor longorfrom the torr. lont T of f.n achina bacH ? K il Why bear cuoh dlstress f rom Q f stipatlon and Pifos ? Why b o 'oarful becauoe of BI 1 ordered urfno ? i Kidxïy-Woht wlll cure you. Trypact jU S iiRC at onre ainl bc atlsllcd. Bj HU a dry vegetable cotnpounc! and L I OnePachofrdinr.ïdFilxqniiriaof JJrdlcine. P )'Or D)"W'lisl !"" I'. or 'ri.'í (7.V or ' g pon. hixil i;.o;i has.n? ¦¦ ƒ¦'.¦. Í 1.03. 1 WELLS, BICHA'O:: CO., Tr:p !'.:% fc # ( . . ' Jvr'l"[ o. Vt. 954-KW5- ch e w r lf yuu aro a mnnH m If yoa are a H F of m inwii of VH ¦ onod hy tho stnün of V ¦ your dutles avold V nlgbt Work, to rr.stlmlautfl añil use ¦ toiTbrftintu'rv.-ana Hop Bitters. wast.-, uso Hop B. Tf you are younp and I snlfertni? f rom any Indlacreaon or dissipaBtion ; if you aromarrtod or idngrlo, old orHyoung, sufffriiiR from poorhoaltli or UuifuiUHtnK on a bed of itokii. -w, i -iy on H o p ¦ Bitters. Whorvcr y ou are. jB% Thouannilii dli' anwhcnr-nr yu teel W II rmully f r _o in boiuo tliat your Hvrt.'in (MJJ f orm of K I d n e y iuviIh .'i'i.ii!ln(r, tou-Evdbt'aw tliat mitrlit lntf or KtimuliitiiiK, ¦ ri li1'ï"l1l"I)litiil itboutiiit"Ji.'il'"i ¦It;' tliucly uüc.f tak e Hop Hl HopBltters Bitter. JfljÊ m you rf K kv rurcillfyouuBulB III LUI' BarootU-H. HopBltters K f KN a Ifyouar-i.lni. U" ' LIIU Soldbyriru. n!y wi-ak uiiclIM! ',,rrrn ?."'" :lll"J'"r Ioimilrtt.-J.try ¦ NEVER Circular. mí?í;ífail saved hun-lBJ 4AAJk Rohrtfr, k. y. ¦ dreds 5 ¦ " ATttroajo, om, 996-1049 c e m 85ÖÖREWARD ! WE will pay the above reward for any capt of I.lvor (.'omplaint, Dyspepsia, aick HcaducLf, Indi gestión, Con!-ii)ation or ('oftivenegg wc cannot me wlth Wt'B Veeetable Livcr I'tll?, wlien the dlrectlotu ure Btrlotly complli'd wltli. Tliey are pnrtly VoffetAblej and neverfal] toptvcaütiafactjon. öuar Ooatcd. Larpc hoxen, contuiniu' SQ I'iüi, 25 ct-nii. Foï huIu hy all dniL'(.'ii"ti. llew.irc of conrterfciis and hniTatiüi!-. The n-Tiuinc munufttcturcd oiilv by .IOHN C. wkst CO., "The Pil! Maken," IÍ1 A 1X1 W. Mndluon St., Chicago. Krcu 'rial paolcaae ¦ent by mnll prepakl on receiut of n 3 cenl stamp, KB-lMt BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO 10 PER ACRE! Mirona: Solía! Mure Crop! Itiilli-onrt Clirouirh i 'ii(-r of liiimlii. ll'iil(li ninmiv. Nrbools and l'liiirt'tie, Iu t'lll(fiiii Populatlon. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Tties4 ' i rng dtstavoe Kni ilpul R ¦ v. Largtí amount &a i tiavfi una tranaportatlou of erom. in tu i' iiamnliU'l iu l'.ülïsli i;nl ïi rnuiii. A-i.lrr t. 4. Hl JH ART, ('ominls.sfonfr. (irnml ltajllH, Michigan. &81-100S QOAL! CO ALT O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlncrund wholcualc dealer ol the Qsldbratod BRIAR RIDGE COAL. ieo- Dealor In Hard Coal and Plglnim. UrdiTK promptly ttlkd. Offlco, IK) QrlHW.,1!) streét, Detroit, room S, 1004 All UlinU of KooU HiiKlinK ut The Cuurlnr on nliort notlec.


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