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Wamer's Safe Kidney and LIvar Gure. C ( Fbrmertv Dr. Craio't Kidncv Cure.) A vegetable prepararían and tbe only inn ranrdjr In the world fr Brlcbt'a DÍHoav. IMxlMla. nnd AIJL lildnc., later, and Urtauur of the hlghest order In proof of tbeae statements. acaFor tbn cure of Dlabeten, cali fur Ww ner Safe Dtabotea Care. tf'For the curu of nrlirbt'a and tho nthor disposes, cnll for Warner' tafe Kldney and IjlTer Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It 15 thebost Blood PurlUcr. and tlinulates Gvery functlon to moro healthful actlou, un4 Isthusa bennflt n all dlseasea. It curen ScrofUlons and other ftkln Erav Mona and Iiucmm, Includlua laucón, LIeerit and otber Sonv. Dyepepelo. WeakneM ofthfi tlomwh, Conatlpation, Dtezlucas, i nr-rul UebllIty, etc., are cured Ijy the Safe Bitters. It la unvqnaled Man appctlxer and regular tonic. liottles of two slios ; prlcos, 00c. and 01.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qulckly glves Rmt and Sleep to the eufferlnc , cures Ucndnrtic and Neuralsla, prevent Kplleptle Fit, and relieves Herrón Pro tmtlon brouglu on by excesalve drink, overwork, mental shocks, and otber causes. Powerfal aa It la to stop pain and soothe dliturbed Nervoe, It never Injurea tbe systein, whwther taken In small or larga dosea. Boules of two nlzes ; prices, 90e. and tl. 00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ar? an Immedlate and active stimulus for a Torpla LlTW. apd cnre Cottlvene- . DyipeptU. BH - B W9fTÊÊÊÊ9ltfH È loainMt, Bllloai DlfcrB XïUmIV UjU Lw rh. K&Urlk, Fvtr ¦ fifufiBismfffi flBl and Agnt, and shuuld I lAUaMKuiUlBiHB l used whenever tbe I PmiXS39HBáfB bowels do not opérate [Q332HVÏrB irttly unl rtKilurly. ¦ MHrJTTTjMBM M So othrr F11U rqulrn .urh iPVQnfïfEnRni ¦.!¦ emiill dwi tor thoraugh ¦ iJSUUdE QfS ork. l'rirv 8& ft, ft box. H WjfSpnjli V'i ttirnrr', Sfr Kcnifdir re EIAUS LHHb t'l'l br itniKtUI A Dtslfl ¦ udwuH Rj h. H .Warner & Co ., ml IPfeBrB l'roiHetrc. I Mi 'iWfïQ&bm ROCH ESTER, N. T. ILldiLaBAV 0 "biij for Funpblcl mn tolt IpslIs! sy'SSSs ofT" torpid liver. Loss of Appotito. Nauiiea. bowolscoativo, ' !5acFpïlrt, JPttj"p3eïlio Hfaouldorplado. t'ullne83 afterBlügrmnaicusiip clQfluOQtOQXörtïOoiDooyorBiQrXriT" SStoí K T?nHÖlS7FluTTn ?êriowlciia5SSuhe, RogtleaHneaa at IFTHESEWAENniGSAEEUHEEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES W1LLS00N BEDEVELOPE& TtTTT'S PULS lPC csrxTlrtlly ulaptel (o 0urh riiHCH onodoNo e(lirtsHii(h urliimv of foelins; as t nwimtHli th; Miitffrcr. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTT ¦ -Doar Sir For ten yoam I have b-n a niortjTtonpepBiaConstlpationiuidl'ilftJ. m Rfirincyour Pilla wrerocommeoiíNÍ ; I ufd thetn. I am nowH wel 1 man, havo good ofrpètito, digestión iMrfect, resular BtcioKt, piles ííOoü, and havKained iortypouncUlltí8b.Tb-ynr'UV(rtiitictrwuÍKhtlnuM Rev. R L.S1MPSON, LoiBvilre. Ky. Thcy IncroaHtnii?tiTriinl chufo tinbidy to Tulio on Flesh, thue thn pystm ld nourlhrd aud by thcirTonic Artion oa tlic DiffeHiivo OrntiN, Rejtulnr Stoola are pro ducod . Price 2r ccnlB. 3ó iMurruy Hl., N Y. TUTT'S HAIOYE. Gray lLun on Whibkkhh chuiutwl tn n Qu Hi.ack bv a niat,-lo iiitpii' il lun of Üiiw 1VK. It im parte a Natural Oolor. acts lutei Bold by Irutïriist8. or snt ny tsprM on rtHiit oí (L Office, 35 Murray St., New York. 954-1005 $ÏÖÖRËWARD ! roa any cask or CATARRH T1IAT CAKNOT BE CÜKED WIT11 HALL's BATAHBH GURE. Thifl is no hunibn. doaM No snuit. Nothing to irrüatc the Nasal c.ivitv, or Aestrov tho fCiiKO ol cmell. It ir an INTRIiNAL K15MK1Y AlTINU ri'uN Tiuc BLOOD, cleanalng it Irom itB mpniitiea. Mudos the purUbrm matter to ho carricd ui throain the imttmil chaiincln. It in a ucientiüc trepantton, naad and praacribed lor junr? by onc of he a)th'i practtttonerH in tíi i country, aun hl 'aili'd tocurewhen uöefl accordiun to directton. Il my penon. liter tak [Iair CaUrrh 'nnisnotcto 'l jiuoro than IViur timca t oost, we wlll rolund tne monerpald. It it doen yon ei !, jron are rilling to pay for it. lf it does no rood, It roíis yon nothfne. :t.- per bottle. so!tl l)y all drULElstB. M ihulucturotl by 1'. J. C'IIKNKV.V CO., DrugRist-, Toledo, Ohlo. Ifyoordnuj keep It In stock, uk Mm o get it lor jron, or send direct to proprietora, aud It will lic jiroinptly forwarded. Pot H'ttc in Anti Arbor by ir. j. BMWi a cu., 987-1001, Cor. "f Main anrt Iluron st. Wö-iüOO Scnd for directions for Self-Moaaursment. 5 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Bloei, MKTUOIT, tl UU. STEPHEN PBATT,"" Mnnufacturer of SILIilPEraESilLl of all kimiK, C110SS riPï:, and all Ohoa: Iroa Work 114,21 reta'St. Weel, TllIICli A.M) irtlVKTII fTfc, jJÖtrOlti IVilCll., Eopiirlng Ioes. EIto4. lod Bc'.!:r P'.a'.o fo: Silo. Health Is Wealth. Du. B. C, W'' Nekvk and HiíainTuktmknt: "1" ':.:li '." ' . .Cunvnlalona, Nenraa Ueadache, atenta] DeprewUni, Lou :t Memory, permatorrbasa, Impotency. Premature oi: ftnted hy ovcr-exon . e, or over-tndnTfnce, which lcails to miry, ilocav and deatb. One ox will euro recent rat-oe. Kach box i tmatmont i dollar a box. oi lz boxea i'r ilv, ; ¦ by mail prepatd on recelpl ol !iii. ',' iroarantoe r-iv: boxes to cure jmy raHc'ttli oach orU;r il ly iih !n hí x boxos, aCoomlenied wtth flve donan, we wlll nend the pari )nr wiitt.Ti fruarnntvc ti retaru the monoy ii the i ,ii eflocl a line. Ciiiai ¦y Hrown a Co.. Hoto Hnthorl.oil :-.-iits lor Aiiii rDor.Mich, JOIIN C. WK8T CO., Sok Proprl tors, Chlcavo, 11!. In. .ril.' t Co., Wholeaalo Aconta. Detroit, Míen 9M low


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