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Have you board &om Vermunt? .1. A. (i. i :i vory bad jagfor the democracy. The cclcbrated trotter, Sam Patch, dicd on Saturday, the 2d, at St. John?. II ui. Iluraoe Maynard, the ncw postmaster general, entered apon the duties of his office a few days since. The 29lh annnal sessioüofthe Michigan arañil lodge of Guod Templars is to be held at Allegan, eoinniencing Oet . llth. Gov. iJlair says he always told the demócrata that he was DOt one of theui. But it ia retty hard f'or thein tu give liim up just the same. The republicana have finally abandonad thu oanvasa in South Carolina, leaving the n ¦! -Uirt;i militia aud bull-dozers to run tliinus iheir own way. "How are the mighty fallen?" James 11. McGowao, ex-regent and xin ihIht ofoongreu ftom Brsoob eounty, is suliciting bis oeighbofs' volos f'or the office of circuit court coiumissioncr. The Arkansas election last Monday resultiil in the triutu ph of the entire deiuooratic ticket by about the usual 80,000 mij.rity. The democrats wcre too modest tu take any gruater majurity. Bnfluh olla Indiana "the post of dangi r. " You are right, old boy, it's migfaty dangcruus for the demoerats. Hxcellent advies pot tl.e rcpubli'-aii riuijniiiy at not - tlun 5,000, and pmbalily 10,000. Thu Aejñiocmt of the 3d oongreseioDáJ district met al JsekeOD, rO( nüy, and nouiiostad J.-itiio W. StwMoO, af Altiion, for representativa in congres. Mr. Beldon i a wcalthy baukcrand aseCMagfal business man. Witli all the hard ÚtUO in Kngland, it is estimatedthat tbere are tli00Q,P00,00OH of employment there. The writer cmld fiud Ufl lor -i million or so of' the amount, if our linglish cousius would care to asnd it !i) U". By uuthority of the church, Methodist ladies can now be exhorters, local preachers, trastees, atewwda, akafleadan, Sunday school superintCDdentf, and members of' tho (juartorly conference. Everything but ordained preaclurs. Hev. T. Dewitt Talrnago has been to Sak Luke City with a vi w of .-tudyiriR up what tould be done to wipe out of existence tho curse of' polygamy. He has come to tliis conclusión: " Nothins butgunsoan uproot the vile weed of Mormonism. " In the 2d congressional district of Weef Virginia, tho republiean candidato is named Hoke, tb demooratio Boge, and the greenbakr Hog. By plkyiox the Hog(e) ebe greenbaoken and demoorati will gel lef't, whilo the republicana will come out all Hokc. Chas. lí. Pock, of Port Hurón, and II. C. Wisner, of Detroit, succecd John J. Hagh-y and M. W. Hrewer as niciiibers of the board of managers of the Michigan military acadomy. la there a democrat, no matter how bitterly partisan he niay lio, who really belicves that his party carried the state of Alabatna by 75,000 wnjority in tho recent state election? And recognizini; this farce and fraod, can they eonscientiously still ding to tliat iiarly? An itom il going the rounds of the pNM tatiiiK that Kcrn.-in, tho fire eating, ranting rebel who foruiorly publishcd that infaninus sheet, ths Okolona States, at Okolooa, Miss., is now eniployed upon the Chicago Tribune. Which doesn't speak well lor tlie Tribune, if truc. Tlie Port Hurón Times mao is aecused by tbe Eveniag Newa stato items man, of "resoiting to the trundle-bcd and eradle for personal" Such base uncharitableness diaplayad by ono items man toward another items man is rank heresy and calis for pools, upon pools - of' splood. 1 1 is ptMoaiihifef the number of ghost atónos which come pouring in from various quarters. It. must bo the distillers are putting soinc peculiar drug in their whisky u, iw, which acts upon tho iuiagination to a wooderful degrae. We know of no other way of accounting for the phenomena. A. Suiith Bagg, of Detroit, at one time m of the proprietors of the Detroit Frec l'ros, and lor years a prominent business man of that city, died very suddenly at his hotuc, last Monday, at about 9 o'clock. It is supposed his death resulted from hcart di.-ease. His age was 09 years. Tho returns from the state election held in Vennoot last Tuesday are of the most flattering nature for rcpublicans. The little Green Mountaln state rolls up over 26,000 mnjority, and that too with no frauds, no bulldozing, no tissue ballots. The firstgun booms lofloualy. Now for Maine, next Monday. About the biggest fraud ever imposed upou a roading public are tbc interviews of public men, or women, or scoundrels, or rascáis, or anybody else who may for the momeDt be prominently brought beforc the public. Tbcy gcnerally rehearse a conversation between some individuiil and a reporter which could be all sininiered down into tou line.s for each i olunin so occupied. They are devoid'ofsenscor interest, generally. A daily paper that will " set down " on üiom will dfisetse the iilaudits of a na tiin. At the proliibition stato convontion, held at Jackson, VVoduesday, Prof. Dickie, of Albion colloge, was uotuinated for governor ; D. H. Stone, of Holly, for lieutenant governor ; John Evans, of Bellevue, for secretary of state ; M. M. Burnham, of lldlly, fur atturney general; Arthur D. Power, of Livonia, for state treaeurer ; Wntson SnydiT, of Ypsilanti, for auditor general ; Porter Beal, of Lenawee, for eotnmisaioner of the land office ; Prof'. I. W. McKcever, of Adrain, for superinti'ii lont of public instruetioD. " Danm the Lish ! This country wmdd lhu been better off without them. Look here once more, Iicill settle with you, ltt notfor a tkóuêamd dollars. Yousel toa high apricc on puur danuted young one, and l can l'iiii' icitmxsis toprtmi that thenever mude nu n dollar." Such were tho words spoken by Win. II. Knglish, democratie candidato for vice president, as sworn toby John Suiith whoso little girl had been killed by a street car and for wbose life, English, pfeakfent of the company, refused to pay until compelled by the courts. Now will our Irish friends turn around and help lift such i man into power? A few republicans of tlie 8th congressional district refusing to support Hon. R. G. Horr for reelcction, he wrotc a manly, honorable, upright letter to the committee, withdrawing his name from the canvass, stating that the district i.ssurely republican if the party is united, and that the success of Ma party is f'ar preferablc to personal advancement, with him. At a meeting of the committee and the prominent rcpublicans of the district to consider the doclination, it was unanimously resolved not to accept the withdrawal. It was further agrecd to elect Mr. Horr, which will b done. Ho bas made a splcndid record for a new moniber, aud the ropublicans can not afford to dispense with his services. Ha ! ha ! Well ! well ! If the demócrata haven't gone and assessed the bone aud sinuw of their party fifty dollars apiece I Kaeh ono of tlio uien who noiuiüated Hancock and Hnglish are asked to contributed " not loss than $50," for the distinguished lionor they conferred upon the party in making such excellent nominations ! This is terrible ! Has the great democratie party cometo this ? Assessmentst Shades of the Sly Samuel, what has become of the democratie civi! service reform cry? Asstwing dülegatBsl What will they do if they get officers to issess? The thoughts of the thing even, is freczing, congealing to tlie blood, andcalculated to make " each individual ha:r stand on end." It is very evident that English doesn't open his "barr'l" same as Sammy used to. And the dclegates are asked to contribute because they noniinated a man who hadn't a barrel- not a money barrel. Herc is the way that plain, out-spoken, truitor, tli u wi-ll known Bob. Toombs, of Ueorgia, talkn for Hancock : "We cannot put in one of our men this time, and have to take a "Yank." TIiíh being the case, let us take une who isleos "blue-bellied" than the most of them. You may depend on it, sir, that "Yank" or no "Yank," if elected the old boys of the south will seo that Hancock does the fair thing by them. In other words, he will run the machine to suit them or they will run the thing to suit thcuitelves. Thuy are not Loing to be played with any longer. If you hear any man say that Hancock cannot carry all of the south, you may lut hiui down as a d looi." Now, Toombs is the first democrat that bas had the honesty to teil jut what the democratie leaders intend to do when they secure full control of this government. Say, mister, how do you like the plan? The south will run the Union if Hancock is elected. It lias been quietly remarked that there would bo no danger but that the democrats would hang themselves if the republieans would only give them sufficient rope before election day. And now it leaks out iliat learful and terrific interna! dissensions are consumlng that party. The prospect of the loaves and fishes have set them all insane, and they are pulling, hauling, quarreling and fighting over them just as earnestly as if thoy had already obtained them. Tilden and Tammany in New York are bound to kill each other even thougli republican suocess be the result of their fieroe fight. It is also asserted by one of Tilden's bosom friends, that Barnum was appointed chairman of the democratie national committee for the expres purpose of killing off Hancock, who wanted Senator Wallace appointed. And takiug all thiügs into consideration, the prospect for republiobd victory next November nevcr looked better. James A. Oarficld will be the next president of the United States, just as sure as tUo sun rises and sets.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News