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Buried Treasures

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The following article froui the Daily Golden Gate, publishod at Albuquerque, New Mexico, will bo of interest to sonie of our Adü Arbor readers, as Messrs. Sharplesa, Swygart, Doano and Dale are well known here. We hope they may find fortunes fabuloua uuderneath the mountains, and furthermore may suocced in setting tliciii out, too : "Mr. Jno. K. Frlend, of Albu qoerqne, tbe wi-11-knowii nilncr and assnycr, lunt weck nade a valuable salo of 11 mimber of zilver minus whlcti he located last Kebruary In the Magdalena rimge west of Socorro. The pur ohaatBg partles were Mesara. U. W.BharplesB, terminal station agent of the N. W. S. 1'. Ry ; W. H.Swygart, tloket clerk ut thu Bocorro Shdlc.ii ; I). E. Doane and J. I'. Dala, business men from Ann Arbor, Mlch., and Wm. Knllcld, an okl mlner from tho lllnck Hllls and GunnlMon counlries. Tho mines are neven In all, of whlcli live ure in tbc aantal of Che maln beltor mineral dlscovercd in the Magdalana's last winter. One of the flve- tho l'hlliniiliua. sbows a leiul four hundred feet In widtb, and wltb Ihe Halylon,thetioodiHugli,andot.!icrs, ¦¦oiitaiiiü (In the estlinatloi of tbe buyer) enouKh silvcr to pay off tbe nnttonal debt. Prof. Howo, tbo nssayer, was wltb the party on thelr tour of lnspectlon, and was blichly lli iisil wlth the mines- they belng mucb bettcr in every respect tban he had auticipatud. Mr. Knfleld also says that lu all bis twenty yeare of experlAice as a mlner, he hns never böheld any such body of ore as lies exposed to view In the Chihuahua. The nve mines are well located for worklng, belng near a lanjo spring of everfiowlng. pure water and have the advnntage of a good sit uut Ion for a dump. Tlif mines are in no case dlfUcult of necess a wagon road of easy grade running from Woeorro almost to the mout ti of the shaft. The same partles also purchascd two nne mines In Water Canon , obout flfleen miles from Socorro. None of these mines are for sale, the buyers making tho purchase as permanent lnvestments. Uperatlons wlll begin Immedlatcly ; and tho mines wlll be opened and worked lor all thoy are worth. Th Golden üate hopes to record In a few months, as tbe Nhafts slnk deuper lnto the bowels of the mn h. that theso leaas lncrease In rlchness and net each one of the onterprlslng gentlemon a handsome fortuno.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News