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"POR SALE. TWO COLTS, Four and Six Years Old, Ono Cow and One Llght Buggy. MRS. BKA1IAN, 1003-4 No. 14 North SUtc Btrcot. "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-ouc acres, with a good dwclllng house on it, onc mllo from city city limita. Enqulre 965tf At TUK COÜRIEK OFFICE. "OOR SALE. I have a good FLOUHING MILL of four run of itonc, Uut I wlll sell or exebange for property in Washtenaw C'ountj . &MÍ RICE A. BEAL. JPOR SALE. T I havo a good, well liuilt house aud lot, nituated on Ellzabcth atreet, No. 15. Tberc is a good baru and wood-shed on tbc place. The property Is nw and in good repair. Terms very liberal. Apply to 993-1001 MRS. E. E. WINSLOW. TTOUSES AND LÜTS FOR SALE. Several good brick dwelllng h oases, and a number of framed dwellinge, dealrably sftuated, wlth one or more lot for each, for ule, on fair term and reasonablc credit. Also. flfly city lots. well located, with good title, and on long credit. Aleo, farms and mort gages for sale. Money safely inveetod for londere, at ten per cent. Inquíre of fofo! K. W. MORGAN pERSONS destrona of renting The Mammoth Tent of the Ann Arbor Reform Club, for afternoon or veiling meetings, can make arrangement with the committee, Mesers. B. F. Watts, C. M. Jones and John Schumacher. 9J9tf WILLIAM W. NICHOLS, 3DEISTTIST 1 L5? SacceBBorto G. W. North. Office, 13 Soath Main Street, opposito National Bank. Kestdcnce, 27 Li!) erty Street. Nltrous oxide gas adminlstered who r&quostad. eest Estáte of Edwin Vandewarkcr. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the sixth day of Scptem in theyear one thousand eight hundred and elghty. Present, William D. Harriman Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the catate of Edwin Vandewarker, deceased. On reading and flling the petitton, duly verifled, of Herman Krapf praying that tbc administratorB may be licensed to bcII the real estáte whereof Baid deceased died selzed. Therenpon lt is ordered, that Saturday, Ihe second day of Octobcr next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc assigned for the hearing of sald petltion, and that the heirs at law of sald deceased and all other persons interested in Baid estáte, are rcqulred to appcar at a sesMon of Baid court, then to be holden at tne Probate Office, In tho city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grantcd. And ït is further ordered, that said petitioner gtve notlce to the persons interegtcd In Baid catate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thercof, by causing a copy of this order to bc publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newflpaper printed and circulating in said county, threesncccsslve weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A truc copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Jndge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Register. 1001 t Notlce to Crcdltors. QTATE OF MICniGAN, County or Waahtcnaw, bs. O Notice is hereby givcn, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnaw. made on the thlrty-flrst day of AuguBt, A. D. 1880, six months from that date wcre allowed for creditors to present thcir claims agalust tbe eBtate of Ilinim Thompson, late of said county, decoased, and that all creditore of said deceased are required to preseut their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon and allowaucc, on or before the firet day ol March nal, and that snch claims wlll be hcard bcforc sald coart, on Wednesday, the flrat day of December and on Tneeday, the flrst day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of Baid days. Datcd Ann Arbor, August 31st, A. D. 188). WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 1002-1005 Judire of Probate. Clianccry Notlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Court for the Connty of Washtenaw. In Chancery. Twcnty second Judicial District.- William I Calvert, complainant, vu. Charles Gatchell,defcndant. Upon due proof by allulavlt that Charles Uatchell, the defendant in the abovc entltled cause pending in this court, resides out of the Baid state oí Michigan, and that ne does reside in the statu of Colorado, upon motion of A. & C. A. Blair, solldtora for complulnant, lt is ordered that the said defendant, Gatchell, do appear and answer the bill of complaint flied in this cause within three months from the date of this order, else the Baid blll of complaint shall be taken as confessed by sald defendant ; and, further, that this order be published within twcnty day iroin this date in the Ann Arbor Conricr, a ncwspapur printed in said county of Waabtenaw, and that tho same bc publlshed Ihercin once in each week for six weeks in succespiou. Such pablication, however, shall not be necessary In case a copy of this order be sorved on the said defendant personally ut least twenty days bcforc the time prescribed herein for hls appuarancc. Dated, August 25th, A. D. 1880. JAMKS McMAHON, Circuit Court Commlssiouer iu and for Washtenaw County, Mich. A. V. A. BI.AIH, Solicitors for Complainant. 1001.1006 Chancery Sale. STATB OF MICHIGAN. Tbc Circuit Court lor the County of Washtenaw. In Chiinccry. Albcrt M. Clark and Loring C. Bdmonds, Complainantg, vs. Uarvcy M. Whcclcr and So)ihronla Wheelcr, Defeudants. In pursuance and by virtuc of a deerce of Baid cuuit, mnde and entered ou tho icventcenth day of April, A. V. 1S80, in the above cntitled cause: Notice is hi.Ti-by glveu.lhat 1 shall sell at public auction, tothe hlghcst bidder, on Monday, the thlrteenth day of September A.ü. 1880, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at the caet front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washteuaw, and State ol Michigan, the lolluwing descrlbed real estáte, being the same muntioned and descrlbed in said decrec, to-wit: The cast half of the nortbeast uuarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty, townchip four south of range neven east, containiug twcnty acres of land. more or less. Datcd July '24tb, A. D. 1880. JAMKS McMAnoN, Circuit Court Commlssloner In and for the County of Wanhtuuaw. State of Michigan. 8AWYKR i KNOWLTON, Sollcitors ror Couiplalnantfl. 997-1009 DlMIH CÜTTING aud FIT1INU AT REASONABLE PRICES. Priccg of Cutting aud Fitting : Whole Sult $2.00 Basque T5 Polnalse 1.00 Saque or Cloak 75 Itistructions liow to make sucli aml .lraiing when finislicil frec of charge. MISS C. BRUCKER, ST ml HTKKKT. 10030


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News