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-i... .rmvmm ¦ i ... ¦¦- ¦!¦¦!¦ ¦ ¦'¦nu TUTT'S HLLS! SYMPTOMS 0F A TORPID LIVER. liosa of Appoüto, NauaoüjJjowolcosüTej PS7ü7Tio7TêiüT!w7nrHüull ncti:ü ion in taö'back part, f aiu undur tlio ahouldercTTrm!iorH7öTcrtiörn:I body cu' íninn, tTTTT lm rThTnory.wi'h:'. i.--lmi K -u i' -.¦ u"''l eomocluty, wcurmcss. D pona, FluttoríñgatTTv; Ui.'nrt, Dols boiurothroyesj 7ëTTöwS1i UendacrT t.lesano8.i at S5gEtJniKE!ycolorecilTr!no7 IFTHESEWAKNINGSAKEUNHEEDED, SERIOUSDISEASES WILLSOON BEDEVELOPE& TtJTT'S PILLS uro rupectally ndnptnl to flurli cnm-H fnwloHC oflrrlMaiirli 11 rliiuitfe of ÍVelinK n lo nwloniMli tli HiillVrcr. A Noted Divine says. Ir. TUTT :- Doar Sir ¦ For tn ynara I havo boon a mitrtyr to Dyspoiwía, Constipation imd Fila. Lt SpnDKjrmr Pilla wtirorecommendfd; I uaed theni. I uní nnwaTtollman, haw kk1 apetito, dijiwtion Ímrfftet, rotrular loo, piles cnn nuil haTesained urty nituDílBllcli l'tn'yitri) wiirlhthcir wl]t incoi-l Rr.v. R. SIMSDN, U -áville, Ky. Thcy Inrrc'tt!luApiniie uud cauw thbody to TnUo on FIcmH, tliua tho pyntcm 1h iiouriHhctl, aud by t la-ir Tonic Acción ou lbo Iiu -ii ¦ OrffniíM, Roffiilur Stoolworo proilnccd. Prire 25 (vnU 35 Iiirrny St., Nj Y. TUTT'S HAIRDYf. GnAY Haiu or Whirkkhs cliuDfodto a GutlIX iii.ACK bv ii ninlpplïoAtioivof ttiin 1yk. It iniparts a Naturel Oolor acte InHtantantM.usly. Sold by ]niHjriBt , rr snt by i-xpr-i on rpript of si. Office, 35 Murray St., New York, .9&4-10O5 TO AGRICULTURISTS Tile underalgnod are now manufacturlug a a salt for ferUlIzlng purposes that is peculhirly aciupIiHl to tho use for whlch lt Ís deslgned. It is (Mllroly free from dfrt, or hard hiraps, and Is made by a process wliirh le.vvcs incorporatcd 1 ii 1 1,,' salt all tUc valuablu plunt fuod, as well as Ingredlenta oalculated to íree and render soluble tho Aminoula already contalned Ín th Sílil. We propose to placo the price so low that none shall be detcrred from givlng it a falr trlul. TliB use of salt for fertlllzlne purposes is no longer an experiment, but has been fully proven, not ouly sclentiflcally and theoretlrally, but praclically, by scores of our must successful iigrlculturlsts. We herewith present the experlence and oplulons of some of tbe leadlng Farmers and BoÉ6ntiSti of IhU anil other countri(?s, hnping that tho perusal of the Bame raay be mutimlly tieiullcial. We shall continue to gather such statistics as "ve can on thls subject, and hope eaoh and evcry one will ald us in tliis by glvlog us the benelH OÍ iiis oxpflieuce. (tidors and Communications may 1)0 uddresééd 10 either of thp undersigned, wlio will furulsh all ncossary Information as to ]rires, transportatlon, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kast Saglnaw, Mlcli. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT C0., (Limited) Hyracuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT C0., Cinclnnati. ühlo. Mr. Jame Tolbcrt, per K. Q. Brown, has thls salt for x:ile at the Perdón Lnmber Yard in this city. B8-yr FERDONIíUMBEnYABD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactnrer and Dealer In SACINAW GANG-8AWBD LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We iLvito uil to give us a cali, and examine oai stock before purchasini? eisewhere, ALSO AGENT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLS FIRB BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEKCH, Hupt. feb.12,'79 ITANGSTERFER'S OYSTETzl AND ICE CREAM PAELOES, 0 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A SPECIALTY. WedAtag QAcm, Orsaa, MaotfooM indUNia MADL TO ultDKIt OH BUOKT NOTICE. WhMman'a Freucli Candi. -s. Pretil Wgi Mulada Grapes, Florida Oranccs, Ac, Ac, KEPT CONBTANTLY ON HAN AT HANGSTERFERTS :{) AM) 32 MAIN STUKKT. BOATS TO KENT AND FOR 8ALE. 95Ü-1010 ANTON EISELE, DKAI.KIi IN MAEBLE GRANITE MON'JMENTS 7 'lul - hL!i The public Is iuvitcd to cali and examine specliuene of the celehrated KNOXVILLE, TENN.,MARBLE Uf whlcll we have a supply of now cl.!l;ní. It is upcrior to any marble In beauty and dnrabllity, and liet tile place of Scotch liraiiiie. ICI i:s i.ow i:ic i ii w i;i:ic. WIIUi; AI.L WAKBiNTKn. Shop- Cor. or Detroit and Cfttherlne Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 915U BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO $10 PER ACRE! Slronff Kotln! Surc (ri)])! Kailrorul thrmiKli 'in-r of Landt, lloalth.r llmnlc. ScIi.m.U ainl i huirhci. Inlt'Illg-4 ui Ioiulutiun. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Ttico lnnda nro n Ion Ilütanco Kiut of th MIs.sinsi[iiI River. Larye umount savt-tl In travfl nml triiii8")rliitiiii ofcrom. DcscrfpUve pmmpblet in Eoglüih umi Qennui. Addreu . o. ii i .ii rt. C'oimnitwiniior, Qrand Rap4dB, Michigan JtSMiHi:t All KIikIn of Hook-BlndinK lone nt The Coprlor offleo on short notie e.


Ann Arbor Courier
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