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Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. i (Fonncrly J)r. Craig's Kidney Curr.) A vegetable nreparation and the only urn rfindj in tbc world f-r Hi-iftt Iin, Ol&bote. anil ALL, I4ii!ii j , L,Wer, auid UrlBnry Diacawi. iWTestimonials of the hlghet order ia proof of these statements. tf-Fnr th" rure of Diahole, cail fttt Warnpr'i Mare lMabelr Cure OdFor the cure of lïrlftlit's and the other diseaaes, c.ill for Viuiui ¦ ftwXe Kitny and LiTcrCure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Itia the best Blood Iurlfler. and atimuJate every fuuction to moro healthftil actlon, aud isthus a benefit in all dtsennei. It cures St-rof uluut and other Skin Er n ptfona and Dlsennes, lncludicg tnucen, Vl wn, Mid other Morca. D.npfptia, Woaknou of the Stomnrh, roiulipalioii, Dizziui-ai, . miu! lebllIty, etc, are cured by tho Mafp Bitters. It is unfqualed as an appütlzerand regular tontc. llottleaoftwoslzesiprices, öOc. and 01.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qnickly pives Itet nnd Sleep to thesufTering, euros llcaclacbe and Neuralgia, provenía KilepllcFit,and relieves Nervoui Protmtion brouguton by exces.ive dnnk, ovtirwork, mental hocica, and other causes. Powerfiil 03 it is to stop pain and aoottae disturbed Nerves, ít never Injures the systum, wliother taken in smri.ll or larjíe doses. Bóteles of two alzes ; prices, 50c aud $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immediate and nctlre stlraulm for a Torpld Llver, and curo CoitlTenen, Dyipepila, BilI WTÏWV97I 0 loainen. Bilioat DiirI kZmJp9 IÍjU M rhceft, M&Iai i, Fever ¦ fffHvTaJfffT I BBft an Aguí, and shdiild IjImÉMíMihhI H be U3('U whfiiL'vur tho I VKY3?9H VS bowela do nut opérate TQÏÏïQlnB froi'ly and rvgularly. WFnJLl M WTW oIÍkt lili rt-quir mrli ¦ PftnTtïïTH Pl lli:i11 Ulxr% f"r Hiorongh ¦ iJTiáAilllttllfl M wUrk. 2:, t-t. liui. I Wfï'ffWWfl 14 Warner'. Safr Krn,c(ll r ¦ MéIUMUmI E oW h7 lniifslli k IK-alsn m &aa ju M-d icinc t'ttrjwberr. ILZL KlH.H. Warner &,Co.. HTTTiB HPbJJH I'roprlctor, I lJ7M J R0CHE8TEB. N. Y, ¦a&KLSaJSJV C '"Srnd for Tmiiulilrt ¦ I MMÍB y nd TfHtiiowtiili. 966 lOlfl i The Oniy Remedy t Bthat acts at mt: sajik tiuk onh JTHE LIVER, H 3 THE BOWELS, ¦ ¦ andthoKIDNEYS.b i i 77iü cornbirud actiongioa itwon-ff líífí mirif to cure aü di-eases. BWhy Are We Sick?jj ¦ Decaus, iceaüoio these great orgaittsL Jío become clijged. or torpid, andM mpoisoiiouahumorsare iherefore fmccd, ,iinto the blood (kat should be expeüedp Mnaturaüy. k. ¦ ItIMOrSNKSS, I'II.KS, ('O.NSTIl'ATION, L j kidm:y coWPLAirrs. ubinabi m DISEÁ8K8, FKMAl.K WKAKT, NK8SES, AMD KKUVOL'S ¦ DISOKDKUS, '¦ by cmiainrjfree aclion of these errgans M J a?d restoring their pover to throw oj'f} dixetuse. ka Wliy Snffpr Ilil Ion pntiui and achm I P W Why tarini'iiii'ii rlth Pilen, Conatipat ion ! H i Wh friirhtcncdOTerdisordered Kidmys ! P I Vliy c-niluro nerrous or Rlrk hofttlaclisl t Mhy havo rlitpl -.-i nights f (1 O BJUNEY WORT and rejoice in I J hcalth. It is a dnj, vegetable compoundand II ¦ Ono piwkafO wlll mnto Klx uta oí' -Me Jlclnc L 3 Oet it oftn;r Drugrjitf, he iclll orohr UM J'or you. Pdc, ti ffX,. - t WZLL3, Ei:Zü3:oa & C3., Propriíícrt ,H (WUlOTdportpaid.) Murllngtmi, Vt. P S.54-1006- ch h w $100 REWARD ! Fl)R ASY CASE Or CATARRH TIIAT CANNOT BB CUIiKD WITH HAT .IVfi 6ATHBBH GURB. Thls is no humhusr. No hawl dondie. No ennff. Nothinií t irrítale thO Nnwil cavitv, r destroy the -ni-, ol nmll. it is tu in'I'EK.nai. kbméüy, ACTINO Veo TJIK BLUO1), cleaiisíntc it f rom its impnrltiut caaslnf thu puriíorm nmttvrtobccarriud ofl' throuch the uaturul channulo. It is n scicntiflc ;rep:ir;iti(ni, psod and preacribed tbr y6an ty onc of Lhe abiete pnctttlonera in tlii .'.inntry.and has never htled to cuio wlion uáed accordin;; to directinn. Il nny person. nl'tcr t:klnu' nnc SoieD ol IIull's (.'ütarrh Sara i nol curta or b n, iiei mor tlmu iour tiinep coít, we will p-rund tho money pala. If it doee yon go k!, yon ure wilUng to piiy forlt. Uit does do rood, It costí you notUaff. l'rice 75 cents per bottlo. 3old by all Unifjíjists. Miimifactured by P. ,1. ('HKNBYACO., Dni)fgits Toledo, Ohio. If your droglal dota pot keep it in ptock, ask him o í;'t il for yon, or send direct to proprii'tors, and it will be prunfptly forwardeii. Se in Aun Arbor by H. J. mtOWN & CO., 9S7-1001. Cor. or Main and Hurón St. iiiillifi ÍW8-1U09 Send Tor dirrcHotiB fnr Self-Mo ijurcmeiit. "5 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, DETROIT, til II. ! lilis STÊPHEIT I3H.a?T, HI5H LDW AÜD PRESSÜRE BOILERS of all MMa, SMOKE HPES. nnd ti! Sioot trsa Work SU, 218, ÜI8 Coni;reFs St. Wi, BFTWKyN Tifttrnit Mi Mi Tlllllli ANO FOI'UTII Te., iJtJUlUltj lU.lLilii 2po!riaE lose. Sivcti í:l Eeilor Piste for Salo. 1U0T Health Is Wealth. Dít. E. Ci WMT'a NeIIYK ANI" liltAINTniEATMKNT; a epecifle lor Hjsteriftf nizineHo.í.'onvubiun-. UI Hi'adache, Hcutul Depresslon, Losaol Memory, Spcmirttnrrhu-it, linpot'ury. Premature Oíd Age, cauBcd by over-uxurtiou, aelí-ubiuie, or over-induU:ix'i ¦, hír!: ;ail t mitvry, deeny nnd death. One box u-ill curo recent caeea." Kuch box couttiins OM nonth's treatiui-iit. One dollar a box, or alXDoxea or live dollars ; Sent by nniil prepald 011 nieiiit ci! rici'. We narantee bIi boxea to cure any case. Vith cftch order nreiv il by na forgix hoxp?, accomlanlid Ui live dollars, we wlU aend the pnxchuai nr ritten Rnamotee to return the mosey lf the re t in .m doea aoi cffeol a cure. Giutantow lsiied by Hrown &, Co., Hole Authorlzed A'-entê for Ann frbot, Mich. .1O1IN O. WEST t I O.,8ol Propriitara, Uhlcaso, 111. Kri.ollc &. Co., Wholesale Agenta, Detroit, MJch. 98-l(M9


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