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lonia coinplain- of mildcw and ruin ol hur grape erop. The Eaton county jaii was dclivcrcd ol priaonera last week. It is iaid a few flakes of snow feil in Lansing, Sept. 8th. Edmorc has 43 business houses and six hotels, and ia booming. Two colored boys were found drowned in Spring Lake, Sept. lOtli. The Universalista aro building a new chuieh editice at Marshall. Tlie Caro coinuion couueil have established fire limit. Cityficd. A now $2,500 M. E. churoh at Lakeview was dedicated recently. Ciicboygau had a new $2,500 M. E. church dedicated on the 9th inst. $2,000 worth of pepperuiiut waa raisod by Josiah Godschalk, of Park, St. Jo. Co. The Adrián Presbyterian churcu has reeeived a legacy of $500, left by Mrs. Ann Sinclair. The Jackson wagon firui have turned out 10,000 wagons the past year, ending ootober let, Kov. II. ü. L;idd, of the llonieo Congrcgational church, has gone to New Mexico to ïneach. The 7th Michigan volunteer infantryare to rc-uiiite and re-fight the old battles, at f daast, Oct. Vth. They charge jurymen $1.20 for every livi' minutes they are late at court in the Hillsdale circuit. The new Luthcran church at Fraukenmeutli, Saginaw county, has received its new $2,800 organ. The Cincinnati, Vabash & L. M. 11. R. are extending their line from Goshen, Ind., to LSenton Harbor. $1,500 is what the Detroit M. E. confureuce will have to pay for the support o( the bishops hereafter. At lleed City, Burr Kobbins' circus had four cainels, that had straycd away, run over and killed by the cars. The Germán workingmen's society, of I j-.ininv, bas bought a lot and is to erect a building for public meetings. The Clinton reform club eclebrated its one hundredth meeting last Monday evening by appropriate ceremonies. llov. Ira C. Billnian, of Jackson, prays for a divorce from his wife on the ground of incompatibility of temper on her part. The Bcnton Harbor Palladium saya that the Alden factory is running night and day, packing upwards of 20,000 cansdaily. The northern pleasure resorts are completely deserted, and the camp-meeting grounds are given up to a fearful stillness. On Sept. 27th, there is to bc a celebration oí tüe 25th anniversary of the Germán workingmeu's benevoleut association, at Adrián. The Berrien Springs red ribbon club advertises a business meeting for the purpose of closing up business, la there no more work to do. Three ltivers claims to be the "city ol bridges," having 22 within her corporate limits. Yes, but none of them are "bridges of sighs." The Lansing Ilepublican insinuates that they have handsomer demoorata in that city than Hancock - at least than his picture represents him. Dr. Manly Miles, formerly of the agricultural college, Lansing, has gone to Europe to purchase stock for an Orange county, N. Y., farm. D. Henning, who has a farm between Bellevue and Battle Creek, expects to have 14,000 bushels of wheat, and that it will tako him a week to thresh it. W. E. Edsell, of Otsego, Allegan county, an 1844 pioneer of Olivct, has pledged $1,000 toward tho new hall of Ülivet college. Ho' s a gentleman and a acholar. Prof. Dickie, of Albion college, declined to accept tho prohibition nomination for governor, and Prof. I. W. McKeever, of Adrián, has been substituted in his place. If the editor of the Grass Lake News attends all of tho fairs for which no returns tliunks lor tickets, he ought to bc a pretty fair sort of a fellow by the time he gets through. At the M. E. Church extensión anniversary, held in the opera house, at Bay City, $2,000 was raised "to assist in planting a Methodist church in every county seat in northern Michigan." In the 4th congressional district the greenbackers have nominated Henry Chamberlin for congress. Chamberlain bas been nominated a great many times, but never gets elected to an office. A rich farmer, of Moreuci, who languished for a now kind of business, signed a note iór $150 which was represented to bc a commissiou for a wasbing machine, lle had better subscribo for his couuty paper, if he knows how to read. A meeting ot nine of the ten Grow brothers, took place in Pontiac recently. The oldest was past 70, the youngest 53. There wero originally 17 children, 10 sons and sevcn daughters ; all of the former and two of tho lattcr are now living, and all republicana An exchange announces the opening of school as follows: "The majority of youngsters are havintf their unmentionables double-dccked in the rear, in anticipation of a livcly campaign for the uext nine niunths. Active operations commence at nine o'clock a. m. on Monday, next. The question naturally suggosts itself : Where Uid the two Grand Kapids papers, the Times and the Leader, get so much money? Here they are betting $10 each on clection ! And then, too, the winpcr is to give his ll8wag" away to some foreign inisionary society after he gets it. How reckless I Ex-sberiff Avery, of Midland, died Sept. lOth, from a wound received a few days bef'ore while coming to tho rescue of Sherill' Kyan, who had been attacked by a desperate prisutier attemptiog to break out of jail. The shot was üred by at the priaoner and accidentally hit Avery. The prisoner was securcd slightly wounded. The new school for tho blind will open at Lansing, in the old Odd Fellows' Öolgege building, which bas been ronted for the purpose, on the 26th inst All the books, uiaps, pianos and othcr apparatus belonging to them have been moved from tin1 Flint institution, preparatory to business, over which the blind and their friends ought to, :iud undoubtcdly do, rejoice with exceeding great joy. The blind cliildron should have been in a separate school ygara ago. Even the elements recognize tho peculiar fitness of political points, according to a Pentwater paper : "Just before the storm one evening last weck a few persons in Pentwater witnessed a strange sight. At one time the streamer on the democratie polo was flying south, on the republican pole north, whilo tho streamer on the Kicenbuck pole huug limp, straight down. The phenoincnon was probably occasioned by tho democratie and republican streamers being in different curreuts of air, while about the greonback streamer was a perfect oalm."


Ann Arbor Courier
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