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MRS. CHARLES EAST0N. The following notice of Mrs. Charles Easton, of Lima, is taken from .1 recent issue of the Morning Star, publishod at Dover, New Hampshirc, a paper which has been taken by tho family over 50 years : Mrs. Rachel B. Easton, nee Phillips, wife of Charles Easton, of Lima, Woshteuaw couuty, Mlch., dledJune7lh.l8S0, m thoSOthyear of her age 8he wan a nativo of Uhodo Island, married In l'arma, N. Y., April lOth, Utt, to Mr. Easton, with whom she llved 5S years. Thoy removed to Michigan and sottled In the town of l.lma In lbM. Of nlne chlldren, slx are living Mrs. Kaaton was converted and unltisl wlth tho F. B. church In 1827, and was a reader and adralrer of tho Morulng Star full flfty years, lt belng her chlof advlscrand lnHtruc-ior durlng her olu age, though, slnee her removal to Michigan, she has been a mcinbor of the Cougregallonal church. Mrs. Kanton was 11 woman of great onorgy and decisión of character strong In her convlctlous of truth, nud strona lu her faith In a crucltled and rilen Havlour. Brother Kanton has the sympathy of hls many, long-Unie frlends and nelgtahorH, whlle ho walts In grief aud lonelluosH the welcome momont thut shall unllo tbem whero slckness and sorrow, pain and death are feit and feared no more. CHARLES C. COLLINS. From the California Christian Advocate we take the fullowing notiee of the life of a gentleman who passed his boyhood in this city, and will be remembered by many of our citizens : "Charles C. CoHIns was bom January oth, 1850 at Muscogee, Creek Nutlon, Indian Terlrltory wueie lils father, llev. W. l), Uolllus, was lalHirlng at that tlmeiw a mlHslonary iif the Methodist Episcopal church. In hls ilfth year hls father dled whlle 011 a vlslt to IiIh :iíents ln Michigan. The same year IiIh mother went to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and there made her home, In order to glvu her two sous a good educatlon. Charles was a splrlted, lioivlthy, active boy. uulck toacqulro, hut not vcry fond of montal appllcatlon. Hls vacations were UHiially spent wlth hlsgrandpari-nts un a luriii. llore lio oarly evlnced a taste for that purault, and lmproved evory opportunlty to pOo knowledgeof lt. When about twelve yoars of age, during a rovlval of religión at Ann Arbor, hc I uur convlnced of slu. and uulted wlth tho clmrrli 011 probatlon, but, os ho oftcn sald, ho did uot reoeivo au evldence of hls accoptanco wlth C'hrlst In hls twenty-ftrxt year he went wlth hls mother to Texas, where his latliri huil purchased a tract of land prevlous to hls di-uili. Here moHtly by hlsown labor, lio Improved a be was a stroug, hculthy man ln hls vocatlon, but not belng content to cmploy hls tima la Uil slow way of toqolrtn g ! 1'. ' engasad Id merchandising, and Ín uddltiou to lili i othiT dntles, waa post-inaster, and trom un active out-door Ufa, ho chaugod to ln-door work, and liero soon began the ravages of that ln,ldúoiu dlsease, consumptlon wbloh baffi the iklll of physlci.m and Wend, termtnaUng hla .¦irllily oareei on tli" Ib of July, insu. ",, i mvlllu, Texas, whlch bearj h sfan.lly ñame. is lndebted largely to hlm íor IU ex st. " and ,..ospr.lty. Hls record tbarela ,f i,i honeKt in.lustrloiis, uprlght OlUaen as all who lmve dealt wltli htm wllítesUfy. While lntent upon ooqalrlng w.-altli, he neïleoted hl eteraal lutorests. and iiot uiitll dial-aso bad showu hlm the frallty of earllily m,,'s was he lnduoed to e-k for peac-am! " i,,',, througb tl.o l.lood of Chrlst. Varlous bSaltn looatloiuwere .-.sonó,! to te -ure,.iml ü a laat rcsort he oame to Los Angelen lant (Jctober, n"l for a sliort time Memed tolm prove, hm soon it beoame evident tohlrruelf and hli anxloiu mother that thoir hopes wcro without toTne flrílulnie i visitod hlm to converso with hlm on tho Rubjoct of lila lODl'l wclfijro, I (bund hin. til as completo darkoess ns I rvr found uiy .mo; unbellef had Uiken posseslon of hls soul. Hut tho ever active Spirit of God wis knooUng at 1 ¦ Ik poor hcart und would not 1,1 blm i't I 8.1W I had a peculiar case and was L'ivutly lntcrostrcl In hlin btunedlately. I ave hlm the Gospul of Chrlst as the power of Bod unto Hiilvatlon. I road tlm wonl to liim ¦ad tacoinmended hlm to read lt .ik mui-ii as poeslble, und to bellev lt. Ho wa a moralist in all hl views. ltut are lont! I saw the manlfestatlon of tho wonderlul power of the word as appllcd by tho Holy Spirit, und ho was the happlest mau I ever huw. Then I fiaw acaln how, when a man nas iieislectpil tn niltivato hls spiritual nature In hls youth, he must bo hut a chlld in spiritual tliliiíís, und I had reat fear less ho would row weary mul f.ill away, but I saw, as never befor, the kinclnesHof our heavenly Father, how " he remembereth our framo that we aro dust," and ".is ii father pltleth hls chlldren, so tho I,ori pltleth them that fear hlm." And so throiiKh all loults and dangers tho Lord led hlm. until scveral days before hls death he was In the ¦njoyment of perfect peace, and only deslred to ilopart and be wlth Chrlst, and walted wlth patlenco for tho Master's volee. Such Is the power of tho Gospel of Jesus."