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Worthless Stuff. Not so fast my fricnd ; if you oould seö tho stroni?, healthy, blooming inen, womon and children that havo been raised from beds of sickness, suffering and aluiost doatb, by the use of' Hop Bitters, you would say "glorious and invaluablc remedy." Sec other ooIuuid. - Philadelphia Press. Nokth Acton, Me., March 5th, 1879. MES3KS. Wells, Richakdson & Co., Dtar S'iV.s. - We have used KidneyWort in our family with very satisfactory results. I have taken it mysolf for gravel and find that it bas benefitted uie more than anything I have ever taken. I recommend it to all. james f. iieed. Salem, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1879. Wells, Uiciiaudson & Co., Your "KidneyWort" acts likc acharm. Pleáse aend me two packages on reeeipt of this and obligc. l. fraser. It is a fact well established by unquestionablo testimony tbat Hall's Hair Renewer rencws, cleanses, brightens, invigoratcs and restores to it original color and lustre, faded, gray, or discolored hair; cheaply, quickly and surely. The poorest pcople prefer to buy it and use it, rather than to proclaiin in a mannor more forcible than wordscan delinéate, through blanched locks or grizzly board, that tbey are aged and passing to decay. A very short trial will convinco the most skeptical that it does eradicate the scalp diseases which rob the hair of its color and lifo. - Fort Scott (Kan.) Daily Jlonitor. Arinoil to the Tcetli Is a very common expression, hut we think that armed to embelluh and preserve tliem to a ripo oíd age ia dccidedly more appropriatc. This can be done by keeping yoursell' suppliod with a bottle of that splendid dentifrioe, Fragrant SOZODONT, which will lieautify the tecth and preserve thera from the ravages of decay. SOZODONT contains no acids or gritty substances which injure tho cnamel, hut is composed of rare and antiseptic horbs, which have a beneficial effect on the wliole economy of the mouth. Sold by druggists. 1002-1005 Agcnts and Canrassers Make froni $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. 0. RlDE0UT& Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 10001052. Wash-Blues aro oí'ten poisonous. American Ball-BlüI is warranted pure, harinless and efficiënt. ïry it and you will want no other. Uucklcn's Árnica Salve. Tjio Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, SaltRheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras and all kinds of Skin Kruptions. This Salvo is warranted to give perfect satisfaction in ovcry caso or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor. 1002-1034 TUTTS PILLS! SYMPTOMnñT" TORPID LIVER. Loseppotit2Naugcabowol3cogtivet puit. PÍ i undertlT thouldurblade1 rullnesa alter eiitmi;, with a dia örmind' rTi.'.liity v..-nnn I 'i . ¦ . I i :'.¦:' "i U. ir', I i..i ..T7' Ui. ¦¦:¦, Skin, II. i.l. i. ),. , H.-dUi-.mi. hm at SgEtTEígoycolored UnñcT""""" IFTHESE WAKNINGS ARE TJNHEEDED SERIOUS DISEASES VILL SOON BE DEVEIOPEB TUTT'S PILLS nrc 'xi--ially ndaptnl ta Hiich riiHts oiioloe cfltTtM nurh i rliunye of tecliriK un lo iiMtoniwh thr Niiiferer. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTT- DoarSir: For ton yoars I haw Hn niartyr to Dyfipepeia,OonHtipation acdl'iiwe. Last Spnnyour Pilla wcrortiomracnded; I uatd tin 1:1 I am nowa wullman.hayo fjood appotite, ditffiHtion imrii'rt, rríiilíir M'ís, piles gone, and liavfKiiiin-i lortyiHmndHnttrtli.Tbfyiinnvnrthtlii'irwfiulitiniiold Tht-y InrrpHotIiAppriT!ïnfl caunc tbo body to Tnko on FIi-hIi, thus the pyrtiin is iin urislirdf and by tlioir Ton ir Aci ion oa 1 1 Ii(IHtivt' OrRaiiH, IC i-Kulur siooIh n:r proönva] Priro 2r cnil 3."i ]Iurrnv Sr., N. V. TUTT'S HAIR DYEi Gray Haik OU Wiiibkerh chttocod in a flllTr Üt.A. k by a Hiniílp upplii-atiun of uiíh Hyk 11 imparts a Natural Oolor. in-ts IoMtantanfouK]y. BbU by DniaiULOl Bt'nt ly cipn-sHon r.-4-iptof $1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. 954-1005 r If von are a manf If you are a H HM r of Iju -.. ,ik m mim of B V enod by tho stmin of V tTstoilinjf ovormidI dutiti V niirht work, to rpfiH tt üimliiiii and uu ü V twaia am vtiiud ¦ Hop Bitters. ¦waU um Hop B. I If you aro younjc and I gufferinsr f rom any lnH .¦turn; if yun are raar¦ ried or Hintfli'. old urByüunp.KUfri'riiih' f rom ¦ i i liritlih i.r lunuiliBin on a bod of sick¦ tmm, i ¦ iv on H o p Bittors. Whoov.r you are. pfb Thmisunii rtlo an¦ wlitiuv.r you fi 1 ,1 nualljfrum some tiiuc yoar syst. m IMia foni of K Idney , . iiisiiik', 4BEtlist-as tliat inicia without in t ojrinitinff't IMM by a ti in cl y (.r talto Hop MBs. HopBltters TIavo you agfi_ VV pepsia, kut". iBcj-o--, D. I C ííoIí7"rlKwH Ifl an abHoluto , , , uso of opium, ¦ ou vill l" m niTTmn tobáceo, or ¦ ,,.,.,1 .f y.m.K-v ¦ n lyn Darcotic,' I Hop B.tters IK [ft '¦ Uil l LMU ¦ ply wout and ¦' .,rwrri Uts, Stntlfor ¦ towanlriWd.try ¦ nLYLn Circular. I Ifo. ft has I A I L wru msaved M i ---- Roehtr, H. T. ¦ dreds. mr ' A, Oot. I 998-1049 c e m STEFHEIT PBATT, nsiLOwüiiisnu of all kinds, SMOÏE PIPLS, nnd all Sfcoot lm Work 211, UB, i;i8 Cuuj;r.'s Bt Wenl, sanma Dfitrnit Minh Tlllltl) AM) rOUHTH 3T!., l-'ütlUlU) ITllUXlty Eop lirisg deso. Eirots asi Boihr Flito for Salo. M-IUOT $500 REWARD ! WK will pay h utrove i.uur.l for Hny cae of Llver Complalnt, DTsptpab, Sick Ileadachc, IndlKction, Coofttlpatloo er 'o-tivrm-fH wc caiinot euro icii Vvut'i TaffaUbe Uvar Pilla, whea the diraemu!" Htriclly compilad wlth. 'Ihey uru purely Vegetabl.] i&d Doverful toivüsatUfactioD. tiuar Coatcd. Ijr(;c ixixi-H, contdinlng 'M l'illt, 25 canto, for Ie by uil drnfgUt. Beware of coantorfaiti mul Imltntlo!'. Thu l'CiiiiIiic niiiiiiifncturud only by JOHN 0. WE8T i ÜO.,"Tho l-ill Maker," 181 ft 188 W. MndiHoii st.. OhlOLgo. Free irinl putkauc sent by muil pruiniicl on rc-cul[t of il 8 cent htiiiiili. M-1M


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