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TO AGRICULTURISTS Tlie umlerslgned nro now inaiiufacturlnB a :i Muit tor ferullslng purpoaea tiiat is ycnlliirly uihii'i'ii to the me tot whlcta il íh dealgned. U II ntlrely ffeei trota dlrt, or ii:ini lamM, nd is iikuIc by a M 1UIWM rhii-h Iruvi's ini'orporHted 111 tlll' HU Hl ÜM Vlllllill'lf plUTlt fCKKl, 1US WCll uk liiKrvdlonls calculntul lo froe and rander uolable llm Aiiiiiioiiiaalivudy contuliied In the Stlll. Wc iro]oso to place the prlce so low that in. ni' .símil i' datemd nroa ivinu ït a fair trial. Tl' nM "f Halt for CorUlislng parpose Is no loiiRfr an exprrinunt, bnl lias !n'in fully piiivin, BO( uiily Hclwitilluilly and theorclli-ally, I1 praollcally, by scores of oiir most Hiiccessful asrlciilturisis. We herewlth present the axpertenoe iad ojiiniuns of aome of tho laading Kunners and aölentUti "f tlils and olhor countrloH, hnplpg that tbr pi'msal of i-ln khiui' inny l)u mutually Ixlli'lli-iul. We shall contlnui' lo guther sueh statlstlcs as t oan in tlils subject, and lmpc ciieh and svery ono will Aid u in thls by glving us the benefll "i lus expermta Orders and comniunlcjitious may be ndilri'.ssi'il 10 eiihcr of tin' undtTsigniHl, who will fiirlilsli uil ni'i'i'.s-iiry inlornmtlon as to prlces, transporta! ion, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kast Sagluaw, Mlcli. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syraouse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Cluclnnatl. Ohlo. Mr. .Inmcí Tolhcrt, por K. (. Iirown, hil" this ïiilt for é:iIc at tho Fcrrlon Liimher Yard In thl city. FERDON LUMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mauufactnrcr and Dealer In SACINAW GANG-SAWID LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We ii.vito al! to glve ub a cali, nd examino oni Kturk bufore parchasing elscwhere. ALSO AGKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKECH, Supt. feb.lS,'79 TANGSTERFER'S OYSTEB AND ICE CREAM 8é AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A Sl'KCIALTY. Wedding Cukea, Ico Creara, Macaroons and Crcam Kies Pyramids HADE TO OIIDKR ON 0UOUT NOTICB. Wliitman'8 French ('mulii's, Kresh Figs, Malaga ürapes, Florida Orauccs, Sc, &c, KKIT CONSTANTLT ON AND AT HANGSTERFER'S O AND 32 MAIN STKEET. BOATS TO RENT AND FOR SALE. 959-1010 ANTÓN EISELE, DBALKK IN IUS1LE i GBUIE MDK1TS The public is luvitcd to cali and cxamluc specimens ef the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE Of whlch w have a aupply of new designa. It Ís (superior to any In beatity and durabiüty, and takca thc place of Scotch Urunlte. PBICBi 1 o l i; e II EVER. WOBS ALL WAURANTED. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Cathcrlna Sts. ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. 915tf in i i.i:iir GAFF, FLEISCHMÁNN & QO'S COMPRESSED YEAST. Highest Award Centennial Exhibition, 1876, First Promium ClicinaaU, 1872 atd 1873 ; 3t. tmlt, Ko., ind Esffal:. l. 7., 1873 ; and lïrrt Promism Vionts, Amstordam ud rripio. The mcriU of the Oenilinc Compresei'd Yea-t are undcniablí', hh pronf (if it 'c rcfer to Ihe hoít of Iffimitation! which have been offered to ÜU pnblie. lhipln' the name of Cíomprcused Yast (which ll 10csrol to lis aleño ly letters patent of U. 8., datud l)coamber IWh, lsTi;,.Taiiunry iiiih, ls77,Murch nth, 1877,) ronM daeahra tho public and ell thoir ,'oodí. (íail, PleUcbmano A ' Yeost ie maimfíiotnr.d Irom Toro Sxtraet of Onin, whlch le a natural Lcavi-n fir a counterfeit article, (ir a ch. iiiical coiupound Imth of which are to be nvolded If ood health Ís lili' ürft consult ralum of the consunier. tDOO Eoward lo any peraon llndini; any injurlous injtredtenti Id ihe máiinfhetore of our Vi-ant. ücliverid Daily to all tlrnt class Orocere and linker. (Iaff, Fi.HiyoHJiANN & Co. üri(;inal Maniiractnrn- ud ilrst Introdoeeri In Amorirnof Comproned teuL .IO1I v. iioumi rint s,,i,A)í'nt fui' Iiiii Irlmr. lUO.'t-llKMi THE NEW TABLEBEVERAGE lli place of Tea or Colín', COROCCO IIhii Ihese AdvantaKCK : lsl. More Healthlul. -' 1. Finei' Flavor. 3d. Mneh Oheaper. THE EEST PBÏSIC1AN5 &ECOKKENS IT ! Ualf-Ponnd Tackages 10 cU. Ask your groccr for It. TIRÏF IT. For Sale at Wholoaale and ReUil by . R. HALL. NO. 23 NORTH MAIN STREET. 10M1005 BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO CÍO PER ACRE! SI u.iii; .Sollo! ropa.' Uallrond IIiioiikIi onlrr of l.nn.l. II. ulllij 'llmnto. SrhooU imd Jliurchc. intt'llliroiit Iopulullun. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. TfaeM iitiilM ari' jv lonií tllstiuioe Eajtt ti UnIppl Rlver. Largo iminunt aavwl ni travel ana transportatlon of crups. DMCripAdoran i .unir. ('niiiiuisMoiier, ( iriuul Uüplils, Mlclilgaa. 981-100S All kinds of Book-Hlndln done at The Conricr office on ahort notiee.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News