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T) INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKKRY.GROCERY ANU - FLOUR AND FEED STORE. W Uci'p pmuUnllj ra imnd, BRKAD, 0BACKJSR8, 0AKK8, ETC, KOK VIKI.RSALK ANI KKTAII, TKADB. Wu Hhall kUu '¦'¦;¦ i lapply ol BW1FT DBUBKl.'S BKHT VVIIITK WIIÜAI iLUUlt, UKI.IIi b'I.Ol'K, KYK VlMl R, UI'CKWUKAT VUXHt, CUH.N MKAI,, FEBl), Ac, Ar. At wholcaale and retnil. a general ulock ol GROC'EKIKS ANO ritOVIMS constantly on hand, which will be :olil on as reaaon nlilr turma nu atany other house in the city. Casn t)ftl(l for Butter, Ko(S, and Country ProduCi generally. '"Uoods dollvored to any art of tbc -lty frltfa ont extra charge. yr KINHKY .t SïtAUOLT. AMERICAN balCblüe THIS IS THE BEST BLUEIE IT IS NOT POISONOUS! I1ELPS BLEACIIINO and GIVE8 A BEAUTIFUL TINT! L6S-For Sale by nll Groccrs._jg3 American Ultramarine Works, 53 lailcii Iane, Scw Vork. 821yr W PAD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS. lt I ii ild p p uu d I'rinnry OrgaiiH by Almorltincalí humor, every trace of uisease, and forcing Into the system tliroiiL'h the pores of the skin, nourishing and strcngthenlng vegetable tonica, giving it woiiilcrlul power to cure at once, PAIN IN THE BACK, SIlll' Or I.llillx, I M llMIII MIMI I..II Illll iinsiic iiiuki or Ikc KicliioyN. liaIifteH, I ? i l ¦ . (iravpl. 'atarrh of thp Ithiililir. II Lli Colorea, Smul) or l'ain Tul I i mu . l. axlHor Hhn Iin tke Irino, M'.lUol S A lll S14 l, OKIIILITV and in fact auy itlinm of ttaate ol great organe whethercontractcd by over work.train, excasuive drink, the abuse of nature, or otlierwtaa, It upcrecdes entlrely the lnconvcnienccs and trouhieB of taking uaupcous and poiiiououB iiitrniuï mcdiciiK'H. It U worn cxactly whore iiccded, next to the body and immedinte!y over the kidneys. It íb comfortable to tho patiënt, safe, picasant and rcliablu in it cffecte, bilt powortsl io lts aetlon. It can be worn at all times, in auy cliinate, :ui(t i? equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not be prejndiced. Oivo it 1 trial and bo convinced that it is houcat, rcliable, efïective and juat what yonr feeblc and exhausted body roqnlre. ThoiiMands are dally adding their testimony to the wouderful curative powerö of thi great remedy, who are bclng reetored to perfect health after all other treatments and remedies have fallcd. Aak your draggist for tt, and accept no lmmltition or alütituto. If he ha not got it, suud to us and receive it by return mail. Bojcripüyo Price Litt.- Regular Pad, $2; Special Pad, lor Chronic, dcepsented.or cases oriong standIng, $8; Children's Pad, for summcr complaint, wenk kidneva and bid wettini'. 41.50. Our book. "ilow a Ufe was Saved," containinu'a hislory of thie Breat discovery, malled free. Write for lt. AÏ mim:i IA1) CO., Toledo, O. 995-1007 DANDELION Dr. White' Dandclion Alteratlve, the Great lilood Pnrifler and Kenovator. A specilic for Liver Complaint, Biltoinneí, Chilla and Kever, Dyipepato, Kidney Diseue, Kheuniatism and CoQStlpaUon of the llowels. Heinoveti pimples and sallowness frora the skin, prodoctag i clear complexión. It i parel; vegetable. perfecUr harmless and plmunt to táke. Pint bottles only 1, and every bottle warranted. PULMÓN AKIApcXer for Coughs, Colda, Asthma, lironchitits, Croup, Whooplng Cough and Inciplent Coneumption. Firty cents pernottle. Largc bottles $1, and every botlle warranted. For sale in Ann Arbor by Kbcrhach A 8on, and drussists everywhere. 959-1010 Ayer's Agüe Cure, FOK THE SPEKDY REUEF OF Tover ud Apio, Intoralttont Tovor, Chili Fovor, Eomittoat Tem, Dumï Aguo, Periodicil or Bilious Foror, ote., ud hdcod all ::: afectiois which ni:o (ron ailarious, aartb or mbsci'.i: p::::;:, ""¦ Has been widely u?ed during the last m twi-ntv-flve years, in the treatment of frL thfne tllstreesing dlseases, jind with i Jf iinvarvini; lieww that it has Kalned the reputation or being inralW lible. The shakes, or chills, once broken by it, do not rcliiru, until the fltHMB is contracted again. This bas made it an accepted remedy, and trusted specific, for the Fever and Ague of the West, and the Chills and Fcver of the South. Ayer's A i;ue ('uro erad-ientes the noxtous poison from the systi'in, and leaves the pativnl as well as before the attack. It thoronghly expels the dlscaic, so that no Llver Complaints, Kheuniatism, Nonralgia, Dysentery, or Debility follow the cure. Indied, where Disorder ol the Liver and Bowel have occurrcd from Miasmatic Poison, It remove the cause of them, and they dimppear. Not only 1 it an ell'ectual cure, but, ir taken occaeionally by patiënt exposed to malaria, it will expel the polson and protect them from attack-. Tnvelen and tomporary resident in Fcver and Airue loealitiis are thus enabled to defy the disease. Tlie Oeneral Debillty, whicli is ip apt to ensuc from contiinnd exnsurc to Malaria and Miasm, lias no speedier remedy. For Liver Oomplalns, it is an excellent remedy. PKEPAliKD BY Dr. J C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Practical and Amilytlcal Chcmist. Sold by II DraflriMi nmt Dttltn in MtdMÉH 976-UHOeiiw THE MICHIGAN STATE FAIR WILI, BK HELI) IN DETROIT SKPTKWBKK l.ith. Uth, Uft, t1 l?th. M. S. SMITH & CO., Diamond Merqfaants and Jewelers, invite Visilois to Ilie City ut that ttmfl to their Kshihlihluni'iil, Cor. of Woodward and Jefferson Aves. ALL ARE WELCOME. ÜTT-lULt) All about IfiVVAC JOHN ROSS i CO.. BEN'L A6ENTS, ST. LOUIS.MO


Ann Arbor Courier
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