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RK1ISTKHKD I1TD. S. .p--, j ¦ FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlgluator of Dr. Chage's Family Medleines U tho author oí I)r. Iiuhc „ BeclpeHor, Information for Kverj body, and other Itecipe Books hearing hls name, and wore brought aboat tbrough the inquirios of mny of the purchasers of hls Books for something to meet their Ilngerlng and compllcatod afc. eased condltlons, whlch they dld not flnd deKoribcd in hls Dooks. The proprletorshlp of the Medicines, and the business management of the same, havlng passed lnto the hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITH HEADQUARTERS AT DR. OHSE'S SIEN FIDR1 HOUSE ANK ARBOR, MICH., We would say to the public, tlmt they can rest nsimred that lr. C'haac'g Family Medielnea will glve them a grcater salUfactlon than any otherR, for the Blsease for whlch - their ñames Indícate them to have been preparcd-oqual to that of hls Books overall other book of a similar character, as shown by Ihetr sales, which have exoeeded the shIch of any other, reachlng over onc million roilcH. Qlve them a trial, thereforo, and know for yoursclves, Is all we ask. DR. CHASE'S BoughandWoundBalsam Has been fonnd the qulckest and most certaln euro of Coughs of any preparation In use; also quickly relieving Hoarseness, Soreness of tho Throat or Lnngs, Pain or Tightness across tho Chest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, and Consumptlon in all lts earllor stages, Whooplng Cough, Croup, etc. Price $1 per ISottlc, or t; BoUles for 5 DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevents and cures the Pain and Distress of the Dyspeptic after meals, and for Purlfylng and Uenewing the Blood, quickly toning up the Stomaeh, and invigorating the whole System. Trice $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis Kor curlng the Dlseases of the Liver, and correctlng BUious condltlons of the System, as well as for all Cathartic parposes. Sugar coated; Belling for ií5 oents per Box, or 5 Hom-. IIONtpaid, for &1. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN UNIMENT AND-PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength Llnlmeut, eradicatlng lnternal or esternal Pain qulckerand more permanently thau any other In use. Two M.r-, 5O oenlH aud 1,- or O large Bottles for 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLAST ER Is put up In Roll or Stick Form, which wlll spread a dozen Piasters, glvlng a rtrengtbnlng aud heallng Piaster for two centa not equaled by those for whlch you pay two shilling ; selling for5 cents per roll ; nve rolls, po$tpail, l. Dr. CHÁSE'S CAÜREH SNUFF Is for the qulck cure of " Colds in the Head," and doing all for old Chronic Catarrh thnt medicine can do. Solling for 50 ets. por bottlp. IK ORDER1NG Any ol these Medicines, (lf your Drueglst luis not got them,)or for any furtlier Information In relaUoo to theiu, atldress the Dr. A.TV. CUASE MEDICINE COMPANY, Ann Arbor. Mich. Wtitf W. TREMAIN G-B1TERAL Imite lm OFFICK AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Nordi RrltlHli Insiiruiu-o mi') (of Ijondon and Kdinburgli,) Capital (13,HUO,0OU, Qold. Detroit Flrc iuuI Iiih. 'o. Caen AsseU ftiOO.OOU. Sprlngflcld Ijis. Coiti]'}. ofltlnwt., Cash Assets (1,8iki,uini. Ifomiril In-. Co., of ci York, Cash AbucU ll,ü(Xi,i)W). ri ïiiiin ;ii iniurance Comp') WATKUTOWN, - NEW YORK, Cash Anacto f 1,200,UUÜ. liberally adjustod and promptlj paid. yr 11 Í lITrn ACENTS TO SELL TEA, ¦Af 11 U I UI I I ¦ ¦!, o. an.l liki..tlVu ltrt. hmili. 1 Uil I II I'HOKITS HUM KATE. ilullit fríe. "' - !¦ .¦.¦!¦.. i-.. i..i.ii.i !„.... ... 9TÍ-1013


Ann Arbor Courier
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