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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Rev. S. Haskell, Pastor. Sibbath ¦ervicos, 10)4 a, - and 7K p. m. ganda School after inorning service. Priyer meeting Thursday evening at t% o'clock. Catholic Churt-h. Rev. Fathek Fíele, Paetor. Lmv KIM, I a. m. High Mas, 104 a. h. Veeper r. . Sunday School, i% p. x. Oongregrational Chnrch. Rbv. W. H. Hyder, 1'iKtor. Sdbbatti services, 10 A. M. and 74 p. m. Sonday School alter mornlng service. Pryor meeting Tharaday evenlng at 1% o'clock. Episcopal Chnrch. Rbv. Wyllxs IIall, Reotor. jabbath services, 104 a. x. and 7% r. h. Sanday School, 2% r. m. Kellgious services, Thuraday evenlng at 7 o'clock, (crman Methodist Church. Rïv. C. Helwio, Pastor. Sabbath services, 10V4 a. k. and l%r. u. Sanday School, at nine o'clock A. M. l'rayer meeting on Wednegdáy. m. - Lutheran Church. Kev. John Niukann, Pastor. SabbaUi services, 10tf a. v. and 7V4 p, m. Siindir School tfter mornlng service. Prayer meeting, Thnrsday eveningat 7V4 o'clock. Methodist Chnrch. Ksv. Joiin Ai.ABASTBii, Paetor. Silibith services, 104 a. m. and 7tf p. M, Saod&y School after morning serrice. Prayer rai-etlne.Thursday evenlng st 74 o'clock. Yoani,' Poople s Meeting, Saturday 7 p. x. Prwbyterian Chnrch. Rst. Prsd T. Bkowh, D. D., Pastor. Sibbilh erfices, 10! a. m. and 7tf p. ¦. s unday Scbool and Blble claas after morning service Prayer meetini , Thursday evenlng at 8 D'clock. Toaag Poople'ü Meeting, Sanday evening 6HCnitarian Chnrch. Kiv. J. T. Sl'ndkkland, Pastor. ir ti sorvlcen, 104 a. m. and 7V4 Saaday Scho! at 12 m. Students' Blble Class at 9:15 a. m. Ziou Lntheran Church. Rkv. H. F. Belsik, Pastor, gabbath Services at 10% a. m. and 7 f. m. Sunday School imiuedmtely after morning service. ReliRloüs services Wednesday evening at 7 o'clocb. BUSINESS CARDS. Latlies! Ladies! Cl) TO MISSES HAYLEYS ladies' store, No. 3 S. Main St., for Corsete, 'ery, Towelinff, Tflble Llnen, Von, Linen and Silk Handkerchief. XfiCktles, (Jarnet and Jet Sets, and Ltdios' Pana In L-rent Tttriety. XXa :i S. Main St. N'o. :; S. Matn St.V '.'Stiyr 0. C. JESKIXS, ü Wi W P 1? Si H I OFFICE : No. 32 East Washington Street. Formcrly occuplcd by Dr. ƒ Frotlilnuham. ƒ uM r 98otr HKXRT R. IIILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Broker, --j AND INSURANCE AGENT. offick : i. 1 Opera House Bloek Anm Ailbor. Mica. 7H5tf WILLIAM IIEBZ, housk. sion, ornamental & fkesco painter. Piocrme. lilazine, Gilding and Calcl- mlnlng.and work of every decriptlon done in the best Btyle, and warranted to ifivu iatiofaction. Shop No. 4 Wast Washington Strest. A nn Arbor.Mleh. ƒ 6S8tf ƒ WM. C. STEVENS, M.D., Pliysiciau anfl Sureeon 32 Washington Street. Office Hourt-7 to 9 i. x., 10:30 a. m. to 12 ., 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 r. h. KtHdênee-No. 10 Orove Street.X 13tf JF. S0R6, O08B, SlON AMD ObHAKBHTAL uhtib. Paporlnt!, Glazing, ding, and work of every ilion done In the best style. ti, Olie, and Varnlahes on and for sale. Shop, No. SS Washington Street, Ann ƒ . Mlch. 60tf W. H. JACKSOJÍ, dentist OIBoe over Bacil 4c Abel'n. Xsntrance by Piret National Bank.X 78tr KALAMAZOO BUSINESS COLLEGE offers superior adrantages to YOUNC MEN AND WOMEN no wih to qualify for buniuess. Over -i,(MM "' our Btudenig aru now fllünp responBibleuositlons in all pari. of the counuj. Seud fur Collecr Jonr'iU'1viugpartlculsr. u .. W' X' I'AKSOXS, PutBIDlUT, MÏ-IOll Kalamaroo, Mlch. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ana Arbor, Michigan, 1UN.AIT2 mm mmt mimi CAPITAL, 150,000. i?.riiï.ile(1 ""d(ir th() Ooneral Biinking Law of tbie laïul e,Mockh"lderar' ii'dlTldnallylUbleforan h. , nal am"int equal to the stock held by them, &xr r.? Fnn! r the $100,000.00. ,,oulLPer eent. Interest Is allowed on all „"'"f Dcposlts of on dollar and npwards, accordlem i .ïïf rn, e" iihe Bnfc.nd interest componndcd t,]1"11 Money to loan on anlncümbcrcd 11 Ute nd other gooi securlty. "ircior-Chritian Mack, W. W. Wlnes. R. A. Beal Wllliam,Deiibel, Wllliam D. Harriman Daniel Hiscock, and Wlllard B. Smith Offlrcrs: kuuah Mack. Pres. W. W. Wikm, Vlce-Pres. Cau. L. IIucock, C'ashler. ______,J 915-a QOTO WINANS & BERRY FOB- HBRCHANT TAILÜRING Kr the roll„„ njc i-.-hhoiih: m'' X'WIR'O n iivp v y i8 thc 0Ily cuttcr ln tnu st'e "ho M i S a 'f1-'01 Ut witlioul Iryino on. Wn oiï"Si,tl!,iillrRU8t ""ortment ln the SWte, "¦oti 2 , different etyles to select from ln 5th wí use?,ne o rst-class trtmmlnes. "¦ We are full BM cent, below Detroit prlccs. W1NANS BBRUY. .___ No. 11 Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor lona kt'nd8 f prlntln8 and Jb work wlll be oh Ooubieb office ln better tyle and eper ratea than at any other office.


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