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Would "repugiate."

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Souie time agp Niok Woods, the colored man who took tho premium at a colored fair for being the blackcst man iu Arkansas, borrowed $10 frotn a prominent Littlo Rock politician. Yesterday Niok came to town and was approached by the gentleman. " Look here, Nick, I wantthatflO. You've had it long enough." "Boss," replied Nick, " hit 'peers ter me dat I heard yer niake a speech t'other day in f'aber ob repugiatin' de State dobt. ' Gordin' ter de gogafy yer bil out dat day I oughtenter pay yerde $10." " Phere is no siinilarity in the two propositions." "Nowhat? Similarity, ur-he-hel Ef I stays roun' dis man long I'll be toachin' ob a school, 'l'ordin' ter yer own gogafy I ain't gwino tor pay de debt" "Look here, man you are dropping into an error. You are not a gtate. The state of Arkansas can not be sued." " Yes I'se a state. Hain't I dun reached man's state? Any man what's 21 years ole is a state. Course yer ean sue me, but jorcan 't git nothin'. Is yer in faber ob payin' de state debt? " "No; because the state never derived nmch benefit from the money borrowed." " Den I'se got yer agio. I neber gainod no benefit from the money what I borrowed fruni yer. I got drunk and got on de rock pile. No, colonel, I cant pay yer. l'd like mighty well ter do hit, but she's agin my principum." " If'you dou't pay me, you black ecoundrel, l'U thrash you riaht bere." " Ig dat what yer cali demociat doctrine ? Teil a man not ter pay ono debt an' whale him 'case he won't pay anudder ? Dats a ouris way ob doin business, 'cordiu' to my notion. No, boss, 1 can' t pay yer. I'se in fabor ob repugiation from de word wolf, an' wolf U do fust word. Jes gib a njgger a cbanoe ter be dishones', an' he kin mighty nigh toto his end wid de white folks. l)isbonesty wid s nigger iueans dishonesty. He ain't a gwinc ter steal a chicken from ooe uian au' gib it to anudder man. He's a gwine ter steal a chicken from bof de men. Does yer heah my hom ? Does yer ;urable ter de situation ? Sorry, boss, but Vb got de heels on yer. I'se got de advantajjes, and I'se gwine tar war 'em like a par ob socks. I repugiate de debt. (lood day, boss."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News