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New York mcrcliants report an immense increase of western and southern trade ibis fall. Unusual for prcsidenlial eleotion years. An intelligent deuiocrat in Iowa writes to the Chicago Tiines to know "if it is a fact that Garfield received credit in Mobile for $3.29 and never paid it? " While the democrats at tbe north have been firing guns over a suppositious greenback victory, the democrats in the south are firing guns at greenbackers. Which the fusión wing in Maine must relish. Gen. Walker, superintendent of the census, has had his sword, lost at Ream's Station during the war, returncd to him by the confedérate General Anderson. The latter waa kindly thaoked for his gonorosity. They held a convention of self-styled "floppera," at Pittsburgh, Pa., reccntly. uen. Butler, formerly styled "thebeast," by democratie journals, made the principal speech. Quite appropriate, for be is a prince of floppers. The latest known foodadulteration isthat of soapstone, mixed in butter. Bonedust in sugiir I soapstone in butter I piaster of paris in flour, and the the Lord only knows whatin othernecessaricsof lifc. What rascality greed breeds. "The boys" of Meridian, Mississippi, have a job on hand. It is the running out of the country of the editor of the Merid ian Mercury, who has been caroless enough to say in his paper that " secession was fooi iIi and unnecessary. " A diapatch from Monticello, III., states that Mr's. M. Hazard, of that plaoe, gave birth to five well-developed babies, one girl and four boys, on the 20th inst. One boy and the girl are living, and the mother is doing well. I-aac P. Christiancy, of this state, mini-ter, to Peru, has beei conjuiiw-ioned by the U. S. government to secure if possible a trety of pcace beween Chili and Peru. It is to be hoped for thecau.-o of humanity i e HM) be suooeisful. Congres-man II rr coiumcnel the eanrsnsof hs disrict last Haiurday, t Kant Saginaw, onder favorable auwpices, and made (OM of the best efforts of liislifo. The bitter perwnal war being waged againsthim begins to react to his benefit. The fierL and pip-hcadcd outlierncr.i who mauipulati: tlie ballot boxes at aieoUoM t:aunot get ir thmui;h thiir erBMIUM f luit 3,CKK) mujority U as good in a tate as 9d, I. They will overdo the matter to the iir i iiioitification of thi'ir northern allius. The railruad engine will have to look ,-harp for her rec-ird, as the fast horse nf to-day is rapidly li-.sening the difference in speed bitwocii the two. At Chicago last Saturday Maud S. made the unparalleled time of 2:1 Oí. St. Julien is now distanced by a halfsccond. Qreat rcjoicing in Spain over an heil to the throDC. He is a female heir, however, which doesn't suit as well a a male would. Ono would think to rcad of the Toin-fool actions over the event, that the world had slid back to the middle ages, and that man wor-hip was again the order of the day. The greenbaskers met in Maine to nom inate an electoral ticket last Tuesday. The fusión ticket, containing the names üf' four greenbackers and threo democrats was ratified, but there were a large number of dissenters, and they withdrewand put an outand-out greenback ticket in the field. This action will at least prohibit any democrats from being chosen as electors, should the fusión succeed in November, which is not at all probable. The ppople will be left to vote au they please then, and the result will be a rcpublicun victory. Hou. John N. Ingcrsoll, of the Shiawas8co AmeriotD, bad a stroko of parnlysis last weck, froui which hc is slowly recoverin. One thing is eertain : the republicana of Mainc are honest. The vote in the state is vcry clo.-e, bot tha pcople may rely upon an boneat report i'roni the officials who count the votos. There will be no disgraccful "ooanting out" as therc was one ycar sgo. Republican officials are not tricky. They have dispensed with readers as textbokl in the Marshall schools, and substituted newqwpen and magazines. By so doing they :iUv:iys havesomething freshand inti ¦rt-stint; lor tho pupila, and the learning acquired ought to be of more practical valué. Thcy can learn the important events of the time while acquiring the art ofreading correctly. It looks sensible. The people of the Pacific slope have honored President Hayes and party the past week witli numerous grand receptions. The California people never do things'by halves, and they are as great in their fervor over a real president as they wero only a short time sinco over an ex-President. The democrats of Branch county have met with a loss of one of their old atand bys. M. A. Merrifield, always a democrat, except during the past four years, when he has been ono of the most active greenbackers in the state, has written a strong letter in favor of' Garfield and Arthur, declaring that tho repubiican party to 4ay, with all its faults, stands as the guardián of free speech, free discussion, a free ballot and an honest count, without which the repubüc is one simply in name. James Caird writes to the London Times on the wheat question that the needs of Great Britain the coming ycar will be 119,500,000 bushels, and that all of thatamount but 25,000,000 bushels must come froni America. Besides this there is a deficiency in Brazil, and other South American states, and all taken togetber the future looks favorable to a rise in this cereal. Still the market at present is weak, with notendencies toward an immediate risc. But .fheat bolow 90 cents per bushel is always ( good investmcnt. It certainly can never 50 ïnuch lower, and is more apt to go ibove. At tho state greenbaok convention held in Lunsing some weeks since, a letter was read from M. W. Field, of Detroit regretting his absence, but that he had been called to the death bed of that grand old man, Peter Cooper. If we remember aright obituary resolutions looking to his speedy demise were also passed by the convention. But they must have been rather premature - something like the democratie jubilee over Maine - for we read in the telegraph dispatches a fow days ago of this same Peter Cooper ' presiding over a greenback meeting in New York. It is seldombest to be in a hurry. The battle isbein? meed fieroelv in Ohio uuu inaiana. From trustworlhy reports one would think that the people must becoiuetired ofso muchspeakingand talking, but they are fully aroused, and the excitement is intense. In Ohio there is no doubt of the result. QurGeld will sweep the state by a largo uiajurity. In Iudiana the democratie eamlidates are not popular, but everything that moncy and trickery can do to carry the election for them is being done, and the re.sult is doubtful, though not by any means hopeless. The cause of honesty, jtit-tice and right may triumph against the cause of tho oliil snuth, yet. The state board of cducation recom iniMni-i that applicants for teachers' cetificates be examined upon school law, in addition to other subjects. The following are the questions furnishcd for the examinations held last spring : 1. Wliyslioald a teacher have certifícate? 2 What Is the law in regard to the Instituto fee? 3. Who Isa (iiuilifled teacher? 4. What form of contract Is required by law ? By whom should It be slgned 1 ? 5. Whiu is the law In regard to teaching on legnl liolidays? 6. What Is the length of a school month ? 7. Who has the rlgut to expel or suspond 1 m pi Is from school 1 8. What are the minimum qnaliflcatlons uDon wliu-h n laperlntandent has a rlght to grimt rorttlleaUiS? 8. What is ft teacher's duty In regard to keeping a register ? 10. Kor what reasons eau a certlflcate be revoked ? It isn't generally good policy for a party to count their chickens before they are hatched, but the reports from some sections are so gratifying that we oan't suppress them. For instance the feeling in Wisconsin is prime, and the state will give the largest republican majority she ever did, and it is believed the democrats will lose two of the three congressional districts they now control. From Florida too, comes tidings of joy tothe republicans; Pennsylvania republicans are all alive and hopeful ; Ohio is just booming for her favorite son ; in West Virginia it looks like democratie defeat, while the democratie split u Virginia will not heal up, and that means republican success. Let the good work go on. Will mulé buyer Barnum please teil the people about those 400,000 counterfeit tickets which were printed and circulated throughout Vermont two or three days provious to the late election? They were an eiact imitation of the republican state ticket, except the name of the candidate for governor was mis-spelled. And 400,000 of them were put in circulation in all parts of the state. This was democratie honesty. Burnuni raised the cry of fraud when it looked as if Davis, the reiiublican candidato was eleeted in Maine. Will he teil the people whether this atti'iupted villainy in Vermont can bc traced to his door? Was it not the invention of the democratie national committee? A riscal is alway.s lookitig for and bowling abaut raseality in others. The fbllowing are :-oine of the pet names which have been applied to Gen. Butler by his former enemies and present associaties : "Butler the Beaat," "Spoous," "Yankee Thiel', ' " Skunk ot Podunk," " Unrighteous Man," tliis was a name ued by the clergy : "Son of the I)vil," this was an utlur evangelical criticism : " Betrayor of his Friunds and the South," "Old CockEyc," " Uock-Kycd C'hristian-from Yankee Doodle Doo," " Ohieken Thief," "Half Beart and Half Nigger," "The Old Liar who Stole Pianos," '" The Gcntlemad who Insults Ladies," " The Buzzard with the (íoo.-e-Eye," "Old Saaiot," " Lipeoln'a Lord and lliioling," given by the ladies of New Iberia; "The Murat of the North," by the recent Gilmore Simms, of South Carolina ; "The Cursed Doodle," " Doublé Breasted Blackguard," "Old Abo's Pop-gun." The Chicago Inter-Ocean says : "The growth of the connty nornial institute work of Michigan is very observable this year. It has been systematised to a remarkable degree, and the character of the instruction given is already in advance, in the ruain, of institute work in many. states which made provtMons for sueh training years earlier. This observation is founded on an inspection of the plan of conducting institutes rccomnicndcd by the superintendent and his adviers, the manner in which thee recommendations have been carried out, for the most part, by experienced conductors, and the most satisfaction expressed by the great body of teachers who show most ooncern for tho improvement of the schools. There is little time allowed to run to waste. And, indeed, there is lesa to be spared than in most other statcs, for one of the chief eoniplaiuts justly brought again.-t the Michigan system is the shortness of instituto sessions."


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