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T TNSKY & SEABOLT'S BAKER Y,GROCERY AD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. W keep constHully on hand, BREAD, UKACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WH0LK8ALK AND KKTAIL TRADK. We staall alrfo keep a nnpply of 8WIFT ft DEÜBEIS BEST WHITE WHEA1 FLOUR. DKLHI FLOUH, KYE FLOUK, BUCKWHBAT FLOUU, CORN MKAL, FBED, (.,. At wholcsaie and relail. a general stock ol CROCF,RIESAD PROVIMOKS coustantly on band, whlch wlll bc BOM on a rcason ableterma aa at any other honte In the city. Oan pald for Butter, Rgx, and Conntry Produci goneralfy. IVtíoods delivored to any part of tho city with eat eitrn charge. jr KINBEY SBABOLT. AMERICAN BALLBLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEING 113" TJSE! 1T IS NOT POISONOUS! HELI'S BLEAOIIINU and GIVES A BEAUTIFUL TINT! 8gFor Sale by all Grocers..ig3 American Ultramarine Works, .".." ilaidiii Lulu-, Jiew Vork. 982-lyr luK! RAD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS. Kladder and Crinar}' Orgaim by Alinurliiii{i ui! hnmore. erory tface of oftease, nnd iorcing Into thu ïystem through the pores of the skin, nonrinhinj; and strent'themng vegetable tonics, giving lt womlerful power toenreatonce, PAIN IN THE BACK, Hide or LoluHt Inflaimiiatlon and Brljctlt'S Di-iiiM. of the Kldncjn, liin beten, Orojmy. ravel, 'atarrli of tlie Kliialilcr. Iligti iiiloni!. cnii i j or l'ainful I ri nul ing. ItepoHltn. unin or Nlirrih in the Trine. Ol S A I'IIYSM l. lK.ltlL.ITV amt in fact any ditauu uf the-r ol great orgaos whother enntractud by over wcirk.ftraiü, cxceeelve drink, tfïo abuse of naturo, or oihcrwise. It sopercedes entirely the incuuvenieueed and troublea of taking uauscuus and poiaonons Intcroal medicines. It i worn exactly whcre needed, next to the body umi immcdiately over the kidneye. It is comfortablc to the patlunt. aafe. pli.ant and rellable in itn efl'ixts, but poworfcl ta it: jctlon, It can be worn at all limes, in any cumule, and is equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not bc prejudiccd. Oi?a it 1 trial and lie convlnccd that it is honcst, rclinblc, cflfctive and jflst what yonr feeblc and exhansted body reqalrda, Thoti-imd are daily addin their teitimony to tbe wonderful curative powers of this frt-at remedy, who are belnR restored to perfect health after all other treatments and remedies havo failcd. Ask yonr druggiet for it, and accept no iaititatíon or snbstlwta. If he has not pot it, send to na umi receive it by return mail. tnetifün Prico List.- Koeular Pad, $5; S(-cial Pad, lor Chronic, deep-teatt'd,or capes ot lonp ntandlng, $3; Childrcn's Pad. for eummcr roinplaint. wink kidneys and bid wettinsr, $1.50. Onr book, "How a Ufo was Saved," coutaiuing a bttspry .( rbls (Treat discovery, malled frec. Wrltu fur i; . BAY I I lM.i PAI ).. Toledo, O. 095-1007 ; DANDELION I Dr. Whitu's Dandcliou Altcralive, the Grcat Blood Puriflcr and Iienovator. A ppeclfic for Liver Oom[ plaint, Blltoiisiicsa, Chill and Parar, Dyepepcla, i Kidnev Dlsease, Khemnaiism and Cnnstlpallou of i the Bnw(;la. Rittow pimples and fDÜownees from i tho Bkin,producing a clear complexion. It ib purely vegetable, pcrfectly rmrmleas and ptoasanl to tke. Piot bottles only $1, and every bottle wurrauted. : PULMONARIA, Speldt r Inr C'ougliK, (Jollín, Aeibma, Bronchitis, C'roup, Whooplng Conxh and Inciplent Consumption. Fifty conu per bottle. Larjje bottles SI, and every bottle warrantcd. For salo ín Ann Arbor by Bberbach & Son, and druegiats everywherc. 950-1010 AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL For Iím-us- of the Tliroat and liiniK-. Huch as CoiiKhN. 4'u11h, WhooplnK Congh, Bronrh il -. stliniu mil 'ouHnniptiou. Ak The fcw cumpocUioii8 JH J which have won the con"TvTfÈ fldence of mnnklnd and Mt Aïjjrtj z becomc hoiifuhold words. flL JÍTK'c iíy nion not only uno lint I fwrA many natioiiK. mnst have JJtiyg txirnordlnjiry virtnes. jÊédLZ ía r Prhaps no one ever ¦jt aMSTvMÍ HCClire(l eo wide a reputar " MÉÊFmÊ % known to the public abont 1 JSfËnSfBi HK(f Iorty years, by a long conBtNigBBr tlnuodVenes of mftrTeloud cure, tlmt bavu won for it a confidence In lts virtues, nevcr ('(ualed by nny other medicine. It ntill raokefl the mo-t effectnal curea ol Cout'ht, Coldn, CuuBiimptlon, that can be madPbv medical nklll. Indeed, the ('herry Pectoral hus really robbcd thene danerous dlneasua ol their terrors to a grent extent, and glven a fvcllng of Immnnity from their piilnlnl i-IVecto, that 18 well fonuded, if the remedy he taken in seaaoo. Kvery tamily Bbould have It In their closet for the ready and prompt relief of lts members Sickncxs, sullerin);, and even life Is saved by thl timely irotection. The prudent Bhonld not netled It, aud the wie will not. Keep it by you for the protection It affords by its early use in sudden attacks. PKEPAUED BY DR. J. C AYER & CO., I'OwclI, Mass., Practical A Analyttcal Chcmislx. Bold by all Draist nnd Dealers in Medicine. 77-lU10-efiw M. S. Ml I I II A, t'O., eonur of Woodward and .lcircrsn Avc., Detroit, Invite the attention of lii)crto Ihclr lartfc nnd IIuc colIccliou of Sterling Silver Ware, Frenen Clockit, Wan-, BronxcN, Parlslajt Voveliicx, Iiaim.iiiN. Jewelry, Watche aiul Sllver Plated Ware, cinbracinf; artlelON moi appropriatc lor Wedding Aimivcrsary and H.iidaj Jirtft. Orders or tnqiiirieü b mail wlll reeeive onr prompt and carelul altcnlion. Jewelers and Importcrs, corner of Woodward and Jcffcraon AveiuiCN, Dctroll. 977-102'. m All about mVVAC JOHN ROSS i CO.. GENI A6ENTS, ST. LOUIS.MO


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