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HANGSTEEFER'S ÓY TER AND ICE GBEAH PAELOES, 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS SPBCIALTY. Wedding Cokes, Ice Crcam, Mncaroons and Cream Kiss Pj-r:inil(ls MADE TO OUDER O SHORT KOTICE. Whltman' Frcnch Candios, Frcsh Fig, Malaga Grapes, Florida Oranees, c, ., KKPT CON8TANTLT ON HAKD AT HANGSTERFER'S 30 AND 32 MAIN STREET. BOATS TO RENT AND FOR 8ALK. 959-1010 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. t (fbrtnerly Dr. Crnig't Kldney Ctire.) A vegetable preparatinn iuil the onW iare remedy ín the worlil for IlrlKlit'a iMkut. Diabetes, nnd ALL Hl.lut ,, LI, er, and Crlaary DIhihi. ot, ana "Teatlnionials of tho algheat order In oroof of these sutemehta. üTFor tho euro of niatxttcs, cali for War. nrr'i Safe Dlabctca 'ure. "For the cure of Itright' and the other diseaaes, cali for Warner' SuTe Kldney and iarer Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the beat Blond Partner, and atlm ulatea every function to more healthful action and Is thus a benefit In all diseases. It cures Scrornions and other Skin Ernntiona and Oseases, includlng Cuucer. 171. cers, and otlier Sorel. Dyspopsia, WeaUnou of (In, Vioranrh, Conatipal ion, nizzlneaa, Oenenü UebllIty, etc., are cured by the Safe Bitter. It la uneqmiled as an appetlzerand regular tonie. Bottles of two slzes ; prices, 5Oc. and 810O. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly gives Rest and Kleep to the sufferlnr, cures lloadarlie and Neuralgia, prevenía EpilepticFiu.and relieves IferrotuPro(ration brooght on by excessive drink, overworlc, mental ahocka, and other causea. PowerAil as it is to stup pain aud Bootbe dtsturbed Nerves, It never Injures the aystem, wliether taken ín smal! or larg e doses. Bottles of two sizes; prices, 50c. and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are Rn ímmediate and active stimulus for % Torpid LiTtr, and cure Coitlventii, Dripepii, Bil¦ KVnHHHP!1!! fi louinesi, Btlloua DUrI LliMfn liiU rhoi. Malaria, Ftrar ¦ PTTÏÏj3vfTr73 LaBft nd ailtl should luUP9lniii3 HIH bo used whenevor the I PKLSjHiHivH bowels do not opérate I I f.1 ;JAB TW frilt''y and regularly. ¦ VTV Ko Ibrr Pilb rrgulr o'h I V7Tf7EI g# unxll dMf for thuroagh I LJcdlAlaaUÉèLa ftl rrk. Prlrt S5 et. box. I PHiBMH [" W rnfr'i Sfp RBidlp ar lir-tZ M H.H. Warner & Co., I t-flaFVJ ROCHESTEB. N. Y. aad TwUmmiIiI.. 9fi?i_iniK I PERfMANENTLY CURES VIKIDNEY DISTASES, fc LIVER COMPLAINTS,k ¦ Constipation and Piles. 8 I DE. K. II. I.AItK.SocttilIcro.Vt.. rjm, J "ín muh of KIDXET TKOCIÍI-ia 11 luí la H BOted llke o eharm. It huxi-urcj mcnj tcit S ¦ bad cnnci o i' PILES and bu n-vtr fallid to M I nasos r.vincnrLD, r st. ai:h, vu, n H T'S 'H U of prlcc-lcw mino. Aficr alxti-cn l.T yeurs ol tzreat ftu"crlg from I'llo und Coa t" I tlvenost lt eomplcícly ourcd me," I C. B. HOOABOX, Sfüort 'ilr,', kuj-, "oncL 1 pai-kitfr1' m.:iúri fjr me l:i fT Hplctvly curlntf u OTCVfl I.lver and KlUney b H Oomplalnt.' P i IT HAS 1ITHVÍ) I POWER. iMH f J BECAÜSB IT ACT.S ON TI1KH ¦ LIVHR,TIIE BOWCI.S AND KID.I ¦ M.'i s AT TIIKS.ÍIK TI.1IE. F J Bocausa lt cleanoco tho eystemofHj ¦ thepoloon&uo 1, .:;¦.. ore thnt dcvolopo M ¦ InKIdncyand Urlnary dlooaaes, ¦ lousnesc, J;iundlco, Constipation, ¦ Plloo, orín Rhoumatlsm, Uouralglal J and Femalerilcorders. k I KIDN l'.V.WOUT U edry vcrcí.Mo com. I ¦ pound and con be aent b uuUl prepald. J One mrki-p 111 mmkonli cit of medicine. ¦ J TRY IT I I Buy lt ..( I)ruL-,;i. Prhsr, (11.00. I WILLS, EICHASD301T 1 CO., Proprirton, J 3 Burlington, Vt. L 954-1005- cli e w . 9H6-I009 Health Is WealthT Dr K. ('. ii' NKiivEANn BrainThkitmentaspecifle fcir Hytorla,ÜÍ7..lnc68,Convulíioní, Nervouk Hcadache, Mental UeprcsBlon, Ijss ol Memory hpcrmatorrhua, Inipotcncy. Premature Oíd Aire caused by over exmlon, self-abnse, or ovor-lndnl"ence, which lcads to mlscry, decay and duath. One lox will curo recent cases. Kach box contains one month'8 tnatment. One dol lar a box, or aix boxea ior Uve dollars; Sent by mal) nrenald on recelpt oí &,.L l' f,""ra"='L í !os to cure any case. With eacb urd.-r reíelti rt by usforsix boxen, iccompanled with ave dollars, wo wlll send the purchaner onr wrnti-u gntrantea to return the monuy if the treatment does not effect a enro. Ouarantecs issued l.y llrowp & Co Solé Amhorlzed Ageuls for Ann . OT' J0"N WEST t'O.TSolc l'roprietor8, Chlcasro, 111. Frlzelle & Co., Wholesale Agenta, Detroit, Mich. 998-IW9 QOAJLVOAI.r O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlncr and Wholesale dealer of the eelebrated BRIAR RIDGE COAL. ALBO - Dealer In Hard Coa] and Plg Iron. Orden promptly filled. Office, 90 Grlswold itreot, Detroit, room 8. , 953-1004 All kind of JBook-Hlnding done at The Courier office on short natlce.


Ann Arbor Courier
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